He's gone

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Chapter 59

"So remember to give your parent your forms for them to sign." I reminded my class before they all scrambled out to go home. They all said a quick ok and then ran out, shoving and pushing. I smiled at them and waved at them before packing my things away. After all these years I still loved teaching so much.

Mom - Are we still on for today?

Me - Yeah Mom. Just need to go change then I'll see you in an hour.

I put my phone away and then made my way to the car. My mom and I were going to have super since Craig was out of town and well my life was just fucking boring. Once I got home I pulled on a jean and crewneck with my converse than made my way to my mom's.

"So you don't mind me calling Debbie up?" My mom asked as we drove to the steakhouse we were going to eat at.

"Not at all Mom. I haven't seen her in a while. Will be good to see her again." I smiled as I parked the car. We got out and walked up to the podium. My mom talked to the guy since she was the one who made the booking and he led us to our table. Debbie was already seated at the table.

"Hi Debbie." I smiled and she pulled me into a hug nearly bursting out in tears. After our hug she let go and sniffled a little.

"I'm sorry Kylie. It's just so good to see you. I miss you guys." She said referring to me and both her son's. We sat down and our waiter came to take our drink order. "So how is he?" She asked and I sighed.

"To be honest?" I asked her and she nodded. I put my menu down and took a sip of my coke before continuing. "I have no idea. I mean we have the odd text of just saying hi, but I haven't really talked to him or seen him since the wedding so I wouldn't know."

"Oh I see. And you? How have you been?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"I've been good. Busy with school but I love it." I said with a smile and she nodded.

"I think I'm having the steak roll." My mom said out of the blue and I chuckled at her. Give it to her to be totally random.

"Yeah me too." I nodded and then put my menu down again. "So ma, hows Craig?"

"He's good. He's been talking about us going away for a while." My mom said beaming at us.

"I'm so glad you finally found a man who appreciates you." Debbie said reaching over the table to pat my moms arm. "Now it's just you left Kylie." Debbie smiled and my mom nodded.

"I want grand kids before I die you know." My mom said making me roll my eyes.

"Mom, you're not that old yet." I said shaking my head. "And I just haven't found the guy yet." I shrugged and my mom gasped and put her hand over her chest.

"Are you lesbian baby?" She asked me and I choked on my own spit. Debbie covered her mouth with her napkin and my mom bit her lip to stop her from laughing.

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