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Chapter 78

"Well we won't be long. We're just flying out for the two nights and then we'll be back." I said to my mom as she walked me to the door.

"Will you stop worrying so much? Max will be fine." She said smiling and shaking her head at me.

"I know, I just really hate leaving him." I said letting out a sigh. You see it was time for the VMA's and Marshall wanted me to go with him. I've been to award shows with him before, but that was as his best friend. I've never been to one as his wife.

"I know sweety. But go and support your husband and have a good time." My mom said putting her one arm around me for a hug. I smiled and nodded, giving her a hug back. I then turned to Max in her arms.

"You must be good and listen to grandma Max. Mommy loves you." I aid kissing the top of his head. He gave me a toothy grin and then I turned to return back to the awaiting car. I got in and buckled in then looked back at the porch to wave at Max and my mom.

"Lighten up Ky. He'll be fine." Denaun said as he started driving. I glanced at him and gave a small smile.

"I know. I'm just gonna really miss him." I said sighing yet again. Since I've been home, I've been with Max pretty much every day the whole day long, so being away from him was not nice at all.

"Well you won't have time to miss him once we get to New York." Denaun said with a smirk.

"I'm a little nervous for it Denaun." I said frowning down at my knotted fingers in my lap.

"Don't be. We're all gonna be there Ky. You'll be just fine." He said shrugging.

"Yeah but all the press and people and well crowds." I said letting out a shaky breath.

"It aint that bad." He said turning towards the airport.

"Yeah, says the little attention whore." I scoffed and Denaun came to an abrupt halt. He turned to look at me and the look on his face was priceless.

"I aint no fucking attention whore." He said wide eyed. I giggled and patted his shoulder.

"Sure you't not D." I winked and got out of the car. Denaun let out a scoff and followed suit. Our baggage and things were already loaded so we just had to board the plane.

"Yo Em? You gotta check yo girl man." Denaun said as we stepped onto the plane. Marshall looked up from his note pad in his lap and frowned while glancing between Denaun and me.

"Why?" He asked putting his pad down. I smiled at him and saw the corners of his mouth wanted to lift into a smile of his own.

"She be calling me a damn attention whore." Denaun said glaring at me and gave me a soft shove. I giggled and Marshall bit his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing. Kuniva was bent over on the seat laughing at us.

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