Too much awkwardness

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Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning and sat up and stretched. I got up and glanced around for the time. My eyes finally landed on a clock and I saw that it was already passed noon. I strolled into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge. I frowned and then walked to it to read it.

Marshall and Kylie.

I'm going out for the day. I didn't want to wake you guys, you seemed so tired and went to bed so late last night so I let you sleep. I'll be back later. Please be good and don't get into trouble.


I smiled as I tapped my finger on the note then went to go wake up Marshall. I was hungry and a guest in his house so the lazy ass had to feed me. I opened his door to find him still passed out with his mouth hanging open. I smiled and jumped on him as I sat on his stomach. He grunted and let out a weird noise.

"Wakey, wkaey Marshall." I said bouncing up and down on him.

"Fucking hell Kylie. Did you seriously have to wake up like that?" He asked rubbing his hands over his face.

"I'm hungry." I said shrugging and then I went flying to the other side of him ad he sat on my stomach now.

"Then go eat something." He said bouncing on me.

"You know you're a lot heavier than me Marshall." I said strained and he stopped bouncing and collapsed on me. His head was rested on my chest and he held me in place, trapped under him.

"You're so damn comfortable Kylie." He mumbled and I tried to move from under him but he was too heavy for me even though her was skinny as hell.

"Yeah but Marshall I'm hungry." I whined and he sighed.

"Let me just enjoy this for a few minutes please. I'm still waking up." He said and I huffed and then frowned.

"Fine." I mumbled and just laid there. He was actually getting heave and started to mess with my oxygen intake. "Ok Marshall. I can't breath."

"Urgh! Fine." He said and got off me. I sat up and smiled at him as he stretched. As he lifted his arms above his head his shirt lifted a little and yes I looked ok. Sue me. "Come on whiney." He said as he walked out of his room.

"I'm not whiney." I complained and he turned to give me a 'are you kidding' look. I shrugged and then carried on walking.

"Oh yeah, you're mom left. She said she didn't want to wake us because we looked too peaceful and what not." I said following him into the kitchen.

"Good. I didn't feel like doing shit today. I'm staying right on that couch." He said pointing to the couch. I giggled and he got out two bowls and the cereal. He poured us both a bowl of cereal and then handed me mine.

"Thanks Marshmallow." I smiled and he rose both eyebrows at me.

"Never call me that again please Ky." He said making me giggle as we sat down on the couch. He turned on the TV and LL Cool J was on. We sat in silence and ate as we watched the video. Marshall seemed intrigued and so into it. I watched him as he mouthed the entire song to himself.

After we finished our cereals I grabbed both our bowls and went to rinse them out and then went to go brush my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and then back to the lounge. Marshall was still on the couch but this time he had a sketch pad in front of him and a pencil in his hands. The pad was resting on the arm of the couch so I plopped down on the couch and rested my head in his lap and looked up at him as he concentrated.

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