Home sweet home

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Chapter 32

The next morning I woke up with something small and warm landing on my cheek. I frowned but kept my eyes closed. I was not ready to wake up just yet. I felt the same thing again and this time I groaned.

"Come on Marshmallow, it's too early." I complained and then I heard Marshall snicker but that's not all I heard. It sounded like there was someone else in the room too. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep when I felt a small warm spot on my cheek and then my mouth was covered in spit. My eyes shot open and I looked into gorgeous blue ones. My disgusted face was replaced by a smile as I quickly sat up.

"Hailie. Hey baby." I smiled and picked her up. I held her to my chest as I gave her a hug. I looked up to see Marshall with Lainie in his arms, smiling at us. Lainie wiggled in his arms and he put her down.

"Ky!" She smiled and ran to me. I put Hailie down on my one leg and picked Lainie up to sit on my other leg.

"Hey Lainie. Wow, you guys are getting so big now." I said giving them each a kiss on the cheek. Lainie giggled and Hailie smiled her cute baby smile. I can't believe she was turning one soon. "When did they get here?" I asked Marshall as he came to sit with us.

"Kim dropped them off a few minutes ago. She has a few things to do and her mom wasn't home." Marshall said taking Hailie of my lap. She giggled as her dad held her above her head. Lainie had her hands in my hair and played with a few strands.

"Oh. So they staying with you for the day?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah. But I was meaning to ask you before you fell asleep last night Ky." Marshall said putting Hailie in his lap as he turned to face me. "Don't you have work today?"

"Yeah, I do." I said and his eyes widened.

"Then what you doing here?" He asked and I gave him a look that said 'Are you serious?'

"I'm here because I got a phone call from our dear friend and I was worried sick about you Marshall." I said and he frowned then nodded.

"But won't you be in trouble?" He asked concerned and I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"No, I called in yesterday on my way over here and said I had a family emergency so I won't be coming in for work till after the holidays." I said and glanced at Lainie then back at Marshall.

"You did that? For me?" He asked surprised.

"Of course I did Marshall. You're my best friend and when I heard what you did, my first reaction was to come home to you. I was scared of you doing something stupid after that so I came." I shrugged and a small smile tugged at his lips.

"You're the best Ky." Marshall said kissing my cheek before he got up with Hailie in his arms. "Come on Lainie, let's go have some breakfast." He said holding out his free hand for her to take.

"Hey? What about me?" I asked with a pout as I crossed my arms. Lainie giggled as she held out her free hand for me to take. I smiled and got up to take her small little hand in mine. Marshall handed Hailie to me as he got the cereal ready for Lainie and Hailie her own.

"So does your mom know you're back?" Marshall asked me and I shook my head.

"The only people know that I'm here is Becky, Archie and you." I said sitting down with Hailie in my lap.

"Oh yeah. How those two doing?" Marshall asked referring to Archie and Becky. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Oh they're just great. They're so in love and happy together. Looks like they meant to be." I said with a sigh as I looked at Marshall and wished we could be like that.

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