Come on let me ride

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Chapter 82

"Why are you up so early?" I glanced over my shoulder at Marshall walking up slowly. He stretched and got up to walk over to me with a lazy and sexy smile spreading over his face.

"I have a meeting with the lawyer. I told you." I said putting in my other diamond earring that Marshall got me the Christmas before. "Why are you up?" I asked him turning around to face him.

"Got my video shoot with Holly today." He said placing his hands on hips and drawing me closer to him to kiss me. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. My phone went off and I broke the kiss to glance at it on the bedside table.

"I need to go or I'll be late baby." I said kissing him one last time. Marshall sighed and let me go.

"What about Max?" He asked as I checked my phone.

"He's uh staying with Megan, I'll only be like two hours at most." I said typing a text out to Mindie telling her that I was leaving soon and will meet her at the lawyers offices.

"You should swing by the set when you done." Marshall said walking past me to the bathroom.

"I'll let you know baby. I love you!" I called as I heard him turn on the shower.

"I love you too baby. Text me when you get there." He made me roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, ok dad." I said making him chuckle. I made my way down the stairs and grabbed my car keys. I made my way to the office building where I would meet up with Mindie. We have decided to buy a small school building and start with our program to help the less fortunate. I was really excited for it and hoped it all worked out for us.

I pulled my coat tighter around me as I stepped out into the cold and windy Detroit air. I made my way inside the building and spotted Mindie at the front desk. I walked up to her just as she turned around.

"Mr Collins will see us shortly." She said in a posh voice. I giggled and shook my head as I gave her a quick hug. "How are you on this fine morning?"

"Fine morning? I'm damn near freezing to death. But other than that, I'm pretty good and you?" I asked her as we took a seat on the white leather couch.

"I'm great, a little nervous though." She said placing her hands in her lap.

"Don't be. I know this is going to work out." I said smiling at her. She smiled back and nodded.

"So you guys haven't answered me yet?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh shit I forgot. But yeah we'll be there. I really cant' believe you getting married." I said getting excited for her.

"Yeah, Mathew is great." She said smiling down at her lap shyly. We both looked up when someone cleared their throat. It was the receptionist smiling down at us.

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