Last Goodbye

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Chapter 60

Today was such an overwhelming day. I swear that if I ever have to have a day like this again in my life, I would not survive it. It was the day that we said bye to Proof. Never in a million years did I think that I would be standing at his grave just after his funeral.

Countless tears rolled down my cheeks as we just stood there and looked down at his grave. I sniffled and rested my head on Marshall's shoulder and he tightened his arm that was around my waist. He sniffled every now and then too and pressed his lips to my head and let it linger there for a while.

"The industry lost a great fucking man." Marshall and I both looked to our right to see a very sad Dre approaching us. Instead of shaking hands, Marshall and Dre embraced, slapping each others backs for comfort. Dre gave me a quick hug next and then stood with us.

I had no idea today would be such a huge thing. I can't believe how many people showed up to his funeral. But that was Proof for you, he always knew a lot of people. He always somehow brought people together, I mean look and Marshall and me. Engaged to be married. Can you believe that. Even though I don't have the ring to show for it. But that doesn't bother me.

"Thank you." I swear my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw Sharonda actually talking to Marshall. She's never been a great fan of his. "You really meant a lot to him."

"He meant everything to me." Marshall said with his voice breaking a bit. I have never seen a man cry so much in my whole life. Sharonda held a small, used tissue in her hand and brought it up to her mouth as she started to tear up again. I can't imagine what she must be going through and the kids.

Marshall grabbed her and hugged her to him as the both of them cried over one of the men in their life that meant the most to them. I blinked back tears and felt a hand at my back. I looked up at Dre and gave him a small thank you smile. He nodded and then lead me away so that Marshall and Sharonda could have that moment.

"Kylie." Hailie said with tears in her eyes once we reached them. Lanie and Hailie were sitting with Denaun and the guys.

"Oh come here babies." I said holding my arms open for them. They both came and hugged me and I kissed both their heads before rubbing their backs. "I'm so sorry you girls had to go through this."

"It's ok Ky. We're just really going to miss him." Lainie sniffled a little and I kissed her head again.

"I know sweety, I know. We all are going to miss him." I said biting back the tears. My eyes hurt so bad from all the crying recently and they were tired from the lack of sleep too.

I walked over to a bench in the church hall where they were serving refreshments for the guests and sat down with the girls on either side of me. I felt so sorry for them, because they were quite upset about Marshall and Kim's divorce, that thankfully didn't drag out or end in a fight this time.

I tried to zone the guys out that were sat around us as they all shared stories of DeShaun. They talked about what a great man he was and all the funny shit he got up to. It was really heart wrenching listening to them.

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