How will he react?

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Chapter 64

Today was Christmas and also Hailie's 11th birthday. I can't believe how big and absolutely gorgeous she was getting. She was really getting so big now, all of them were. They were spending the day with us and I was a little skeptical about that.

"You ok Ky?" Lainie asked as she walked to the fridge. I was standing in the kitchen with my back leaned against the counter, having a glass of water. I gave her a small smile and nod.

"Yeah. Just a little tired." I've been feeling so drained lately. I wonder if it was all the arguing or what.

"I'm worried about dad." She said after coming to stand next to me. I looked down at her with a frown.

"I know sweety. I am too. I'm so sorry you guys have to see him go through this." I said putting my arm around her and bringing her closer to me. They knew Marshall was depressed, they just didn't know about the pills and drinking much. Well they saw him have a drink every now and then, but never pop a pill.

"Will he get through this?" She asked looking up at me with hope filled eyes. I tucked some hair behind her ear and gave her a small smile.

"I'm sure he will. He just really misses Proof, but we just need to be there for him right now. He'll come around Lainie, I promise." I said then gave her another hug. She closed her eyes and nodded her head. "Is Hailie up yet?"

"No. I just couldn't sleep so I came to have some juice. And dad?" She asked as she stepped away from me to pour herself a glass of juice.

"No, he was still asleep when I left the room. But I've been up for a while now." I said and she nodded. I've been finding it really difficult to sleep lately. I would wake up at odd times at night and during the day I would be so tired. Lainie smiled and gave a small wave as she left the kitchen. I smiled and waved back but then let my face fall as soon as she was out of sight.

I hated the fact that the girls had to see their dad like that. It was terrible for me seeing him like that, so I don't even want to know how it felt for them. He had put on more weight and was just not himself. Since that night at Denaun's, we've only had sex maybe twice and that was over a month ago. I just didn't know how much more of this I could take.

"You're up." I looked up and saw Marshall open the fridge.

"I couldn't sleep." I said shrugging. He closed the fridge and frowned at me.

"You should have woken me." He said and I sighed.

"I didn't want to. You barely sleep enough as it is Marshall." I said rubbing a hand over my face. I was really not feeling all myself. I felt arms around me and when I opened my eyes Marshall was frowning down at me.

"Are you ok baby? You've seemed off lately." I raised both my eyebrows at his words. He's actually noticed that I haven't been feeling like myself lately. I was gonna retort back with a sarcastic remark, but decided against it.

"Yeah. I've just been tired and drained lately." I said leaning my head against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes, enjoying the comfort from him.

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