Happy New Years

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Chapter 38

This year was nearing an end and I couldn't be happier. Lets just hope 1997 was going to better than this year. I mean I almost lost the person most important to me and that would have totally sucked. Marshall can be glad he was ok, because I swear I would have brought him back to life and then killed him myself.

At least this year wasn't completely terrible. I mean I got to move back to Detroit and got a job here, which I'm super excited to start soon. I made a new friend and Proof became a dad too. He had a baby boy named Naeem with Kerry, they however weren't together anymore.

My mom got engaged and she was very happy. I was glad that she found someone that actually appreciated her for her and not just for sex. That's the only reason why my dad stuck around and that was because my mom would always distract him with sex just so that he wont hurt us.

Speaking of him, I know I saw him the other day and I ended up talking to Marshall about it the other day and he made me swear to him that I won't go anywhere alone. I was a little on edge but then again I was happy that he didn't know where I lived. I wonder if my mom knew that he was still here in Detroit.

Today was Monday and in the last four days after Christmas Todd and I hung out a little. But that was only when Marshall and Proof weren't here and the odd times Denaun too. If Marshall didn't come to me, he would make me go to him always using the girls as his excuse. I mean how can I say no to him when he let them talk to me over the phone and begged me to come over. I loved those two girls so much.

My mom Craig were coming back today and they want me to go past there tomorrow before our party. Yeah like we would not party on New Years Eve. Todd was coming too which I'm not sure if I was excited about or not. I mean he was sweet and all and he did drop a hint here and there but I was just not sure yet. I didn't know him well enough. Marshall I think wasn't too fond of him and Todd seemed like he didn't like Marshall much either, well more like he didn't us spending so much time together. I have no idea why though.

I had just gotten home from Marshall's and was dead because I was crawling around the floor with the girls and playing games with them while Marshall and proof just made fun of me. I was not funny at all. I swear I'm going to have bruised knees tomorrow. I sighed once I made it back into my apartment and went straight to bed. I needed as much sleep as possible since I wont be getting much tomorrow night.

"Are you still coming?" My mom asked into the phone. She sounded a little nervous and I just shrugged it off.

"Yes Mom, I'm on my way out the door right now." I said locking up my door.

"Ok baby. I'll see you in a bit." And with that she hung up the phone. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I mumbled a few curse words under my breath.

"Well someone is in a good mood." I looked to my left and smiled at Todd. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and smiled at me too. "How are you this fine afternoon?"

"Fine? It's fucking cold and you think its fine?" I ask shaking my head as I chuckled at him. "I'm ok I guess. You?"

"Me? I'm ok. I happen to like the cold Kylie." Todd said making me scrunch up my face at him.

"I hate it. I'm more of a summer and spring kind of girl." I said pursing my lips and nodding. He smiled at me and that smile was gorgeous.

"Well I could see you on the beach in a bikini." He said with a wink making me blush deep red.

"Yeah uh maybe not, but I need to go. I have to see my mom before tonight." I sighed and put my keys in my coat pocket. Todd nodded and stood up straight again.

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