New House

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Chapter 65

Silence. That's what filled the room. Complete silence. It was almost loud, if that makes any sense. I had my finger nails in my mouth as I waited for Marshall to say something. He was frozen in place, just staring at my stomach in I don't even know what.

 "Marshall?" I asked softly and his head snapped up to me. He had something between a scowl and frown on his face. "Say something." I urged him on but he just returned his gaze to my stomach.

"You're, pregnant?" He asked after yet another while of deafening silence. He looked back up to me and his eyes had hardened. I bit my nails as I slowly nodded my head. Marshall narrowed his eye at me and then sprung to his feet. "Fuck!" He yelled out as he started to pace the room.

"Marshall?" I asked in a soft voice and he glared at me.

"I don't have time for this right now Kylie. How the fuck did you get pregnant?!" He demanded and I wanted to roll my eyes at him but that would be a bad idea right now.

"Well it happened when you stuck your dick in me. It was not just me that got me pregnant Marshall." I said backing up a little. Mad Marshall was really scary. Really, really scary.

"How can you be so irresponsible Kylie?" He asked me as he run his fingers through his short hair, all the while still pacing. I just gaped at him. Was he seriously trying to make it my fault that I was pregnant. "How did this happen?" He asked me.

"Well remember about a month or so ago I told you I wasn't feeling well?" I asked him and he shook his head. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Of course you won't remember. You never listen anymore anyway."

"Don't start with that fucking shit now Kylie. Tell me how that" he said pointing at my stomach and glaring at it "Happened." I swallowed past the lump in my throat and carried on.

"I stopped using the pill for a month. I was feeling ill and hormones where all over the place. It didn't help much that my own husband didn't give much of a fuck, so I stopped. Then that night at Denaun's, I was fucked out of my mind." I said looking down at my hands. He was really making me feel guilty about me being pregnant.

"So you think that this happened because you were fucked out of your mind?" He asked me with a frown.

"Yes Marshall, because I wasn't on the pill and you never used a condom." I stated getting pissed at him. He was treating me like a fucking child when he was being the fucking childish one here.

"We never need to use a condom, because you were on the pill!" He snapped throwing his arms in the air. "Didn't you once stop to think and tell me that I needed to wear a condom?!" By now I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"No, because sue me and hate me for being so happy in that moment that my fucking husband actually cared enough to show me some affection!" I snapped back at him and Marshall flinched back. He stopped pacing and we glared at each other. The occasional tear slipping out of my eyes.

"I don't have fucking time for this." He said in a low and menacing tone. He looked me over with disgust and turned on his heel. I heard him grabbing keys and then the front door was slammed shut. I broke down in that moment, falling to my knees and putting my face in my hands as I started to sob.

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