Making amends

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Chapter 50

Marshall has given me mixed signals ever since that day I got so sick, well weekend. I spent most of my weekend in his bed, feeling like I was dying. I swear I almost did. But Marshall and the girls doctored me to health. At least the girls had a minor flu and it went away as soon as it came. Mine stuck though.

Anyway, its been a few months and Marshall will act like he's interested and then the next moment he's being my best friend again and I'm so confused I don't know which way is up anymore.

He's currently in the studio, working with the rest of D12 working on their album that's supposed to drop sometime this year. I was excited for it, because I've heard some of their stuff and it sounds so good. The guys had to beg Marshall just to let me hear, but he eventually let me hear one song.

Today was Saturday and I had nothing to do or no one to talk to because Becky was at her parents and I didn't want to disturb her. There's one person that got stuck in the back of my mind and I had to admit that I really did miss her. I sighed and grabbed my keys and slipped my coat on as I made my way down to my car.

I drove over to my destination but before I got out of my car I just sat in it, watching the house. What if she's not home or she is and wants absolutely nothing to do with me? What do I do then? Like I will never forgive myself if that is the case.

I decided to man the hell up and take a deep breath before I got out of my car. I slowly made my way up the steps and knocked on the door three times. I turned my back to the door and started biting on my lip as my nerves set in. The door opened and I heard a gasp behind me.

"Kylie?" I had a small smile on my face when I turned around. "Is that really you?"

"Hey Ma." I said in a soft whisper but I guess she heard because she let out a soft chuckle as the tears spilled over her cheek. My eyes teared up too and I was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh Kylie. I thought I would never see you again. After you left last time, you were so mad." She said sniffling and I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that Ma, I was just really upset and hurt and I was being a real bitch." I said wiping at my eyes with my sleeve. My mom rolled her eyes at me playfully and put a hand on her hip.

"When are you not?" I rose my eyebrows at that then started to laugh with her.

"True." I nodded and my mom smiled at me as she gave me another quick hug.

"Come in sweety. We have so much to talk about." My mom gushed and practically dragged me to the lounge area and made me sit down.

"Who are you talking to honey?" Craig called from somewhere in the house but it sounded like his voice was getting closer. My mom just sat there smiling at me as Craig walked in. His eyes widened and I gave him a small smile and wave. "Oh Kylie. It's nice to see you again."

"Yeah, it's been a while hay?" I asked as I got up to give him a hug. Craig has tried to stay in contact with me, well I'd get a simple text every now and then asking if I won't just come by and see my mom. He also let me know that they ended up going to court to get married.

"Yeah. Well I'm heading out. I'll let you girls catch up. And don't take so long before you come again Kylie." He said slipping his coat on.

"I won't. Bye." I smiled and waved as he left blowing my mom a kiss. She smiled and then offered me something to drink. "Hot chocolate please Mom."

"Ok. Come on" She smiled and gestured for me to follow her. "So how's everything been?"

"Uh ok I guess." I said with a sigh and my mom frowned at me.

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