We Made You Part 3

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Chapter 74

Today was the last day of shooting for Marshall's video, We Made You. I was happy that it was finally over, because as much as I love watching him doing what he does, I miss spending some time with him. And I miss my bed and the girls.

"Are you ok baby?" Marshall asked from behind the couch. I looked up and over the couch at him and gave him a small smile.

"I'm fine baby." He smiled and leaned down to give me an upside down kiss. Max groaned in my lap and I frowned down at him as I ran my fingers through his hair. "But Max has a slight fever." Marshall walked around the couch and came to sit next to us. He took Max from my lap and kissed his head.

"Is Daddy's big boy not feeling well?" Marshall asked Max as he looked down at him. I was a little worried about Max, he's been off the past few days and this morning when he woke up he had fever.

Max snuggled up to his dad and I could see the worry in Marshall's eyes. He sighed and rubbed Max's back. I leaned my head on Marshall's shoulder and put my hand on Max's head to feel his temperature. We both looked up and to the door when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Marshall called and Megan stepped in.

"Morning guys." She said with a small smile as she closed the door.

"Morning." Marshall and I both said to her. She frowned and walked closer to us.

"What's up with Max?" She asked and I sighed.

"He's got a fever and not feeling well." I said and Megan sighed. Just then Denaun walked out of the bathroom after his shower and Paul walked in the door with Quenten behind him.

"Well it would seem it's time to go then." Denaun said walking to the door. Marshall nodded then got up with Max still in his arms. Paul was rambling on and on, on the phone and he seemed annoyed. I thought it was funny so I let out a few chuckles.

"Let me take him." Megan said as she held her arms out for Max once we got to the studio.

"Please let me know if he gets worse?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded.

"I will, but go. He'll be fine with me." I frowned at her and she waved me off. I chuckled at her and shook my head as I walked off the bus. I walked into the warehouse and Marshall was already getting ready for the first shot of the day.

"Why don't you look handsome." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around my husbands waist. He smirked down at me and pressed his lips to mine.

"Uh guys?" Paul cleared his throat, making Marshall and I pull away from the small kiss we shared. Marshall didn't let go of me though as we turned to look at Paul. He looked nervous, yet pissed at the same time.

"What's up Paul?" Marshall asked with a frown and Paul rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. He looked tired and I frowned at that.

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