Las Vegas

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Chapter 55

"Are you packed?" Denaun asked me since I was yet again the last one on the bus.

"Yup. I'm packed." I said with a smile as he took my bags. "I still can't believe that no one mentioned that we will be flying to Las Vegas today." I said frowning at Denaun's back as he walked off the bus and chuckled.

"Yeah. We all forgot. Don't worry though Ky. It's gonna be fun." He said making me laugh. I got off the bus and spotted the guys playing some basketball. I walked to them as Denaun went to the limo that was taking us to the airport. Kuniva saw me walking to them but the rest had their backs to me.

I motioned for him to throw me the ball and he smiled and threw the ball over all the others heads. They jumped and tried to reach for it but failed. I caught the ball and everyone spun around. I smiled as I started to bounce the ball and made my way to the hoop. Marshall and Proof approached me and I was on the three pointer now. I got ready then did the little jump as I threw the ball through the air.

"Marshall!" I squealed when he picked me up. I heard the guys cheer and when I looked up I saw the ball go through the hoop. "Yeah!" I cheered too and Marshall slapped my ass making me yelp. He stopped walking and let me slide down his body slowly until he was looking down at me again.

"You have no idea, how fucking sexy you fucking look when you play baby." He said bending his head down to place his soft lips on mine. Every single time he does this everything flies out of my head and I become this hot mess.

"Really now?" I asked with a small smile with my hands flat on his chest and he nodded with his hands on my hips under my shirt. He came closer and pressed his lips to my exposed clavicle making my breathing speed up a little. The smallest of touch from him and I'm turned on. "Well as much as I would love to carry on with this." I said giving him a chaste kiss. "We need to get going."

"Why you got to spoil my fun?" He asked in an almost whiny tone making me giggle.

"Because everyone is already in the limo and waiting on us." I said with a small smile. He groaned and grabbed my hand and walked me to the limo. I had to sit on his lap to the limo but I didn't mind much.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy Ky-bear." Proof said smiling as he poked my leg. I flushed and smiled at him too.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy." I said pack to him as I looked down at Marshall laughing with Swifty. We got to the airport and I got a little nervous. I knew for a fact that we were going to be charged and there could possibly be a crowd and shit so yeah, I was scared.

"Stay between us the whole time Ky. Nothing will go wrong. I promise." Marshall whispered in my ear then kissed my cheek. I nodded and then took Proof's hand as he helped me out the limo. As I stepped out there were no people yet thankfully and Denaun came to me.

"Here. Put this on Ky." He said with a small smile as he handed me his huge ass hoodie.

"Thanks Denaun." I said and slipped it on. Now I'm small and Denaun is huge so his hoodie looked like a dress on me. It stopped at my knees and I was going to have to roll the sleeves up. I sighed and they all laughed at me and even took a picture.

"That look suits you Ky." Kuniva said patting my back. I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him.

"I bet you'll look just as great in a dress Kuniva." I winked at him and he stopped laughing and mumbled something under his breath. That got all the guys cracking up again just as Marshall got out of the limo. He frowned at me and I shrugged. "Denaun gave me his hoodie to wear."

"You look sexier in my clothes." He said with a smirk making me blush. He came closer and put his mouth right by my ear. His breath tickling me gave me goosebumps and made me shiver. "Or with no clothes on at all." I shoved him and put the hood of the hoodie up and walked away so that they can't see my super red face.

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