We Made You Part 1

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Chapter 72

Things were going great, to say the least. Marshall has recorded a new album and called it Relapse. He said he had so many songs still and wanted to make a second CD. I was glad that he was finally back in the game, it was only good for him.

He wrote a book too and boy did the fans love that. I even loved it. Of course I went out and bought myself a copy. Marshall thought it was funny since he could have just given me one, but I refused. I even made him sign it and he wrote a cute little note for me. The note read:

To my dearest Ky-bear (see what I did there).

My love for you has just grown and keeps growing everyday. Even when you can be a total bitch and complete pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass and I love you. I cant even begin to describe how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I love you my absolutely gorgeous wife.

Yours truly...

Marshmallow xox

I swear that note has been engraved to my memory I love it that much.

"Are we all packed and ready to go?" Marshall asked me as he walked into the room with Max in his arms.

"Uh yeah, or at least I hope." I set blowing out some air. I have been packing the whole morning for our flight to Las Vegas. We were flying to Las Vegas for Marshall's one video shoot. It was for his song, We Made You, I think.

"Come here baby." Marshall chuckled as he put one arm around me and pulled me to him. I smiled and closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. Max put his arm that wasn't around Marshall, around me.

"Momma tied?" Max tried asking me if I was tired. I smiled at him and kissed his head.

"Yes baby, Momma's tired." I said letting out a yawn. Max yawned too and that eventually made Marshall yawn. We all ended up laughing at that.

"So Nate and the girls are staying?" I asked, tilting my head up so that I can look at Marshall.

"Yeah, but Denaun is coming with." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes at that. Of course Denaun was coming with. He basically went everywhere with Marshall lately.

"Yo Em?" Speak of the devil. Max sat up straight in Marshall's arms and beamed from ear to ear.

"Naun!" He said squirming to get free of Marshall's grasp. Marshall put him down and followed him, afraid that he'd fall down the stairs or something. I smiled and shook my head at them. Marshall was a really great dad, and Max adored his dad. Sometimes I felt like Max loved Marshall more than he loved me.

I walked back to the bags and made sure we had everything and closed the bags up. I was about to make my way down the stairs when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I called and Quenten, Marshall's body guard, walked in with a smile. He was a huge guy and in the beginning I was shit scared of him, I mean he's a big dude with huge muscles. I still get a little uneasy around him, but he always tries to make me feel comfortable.

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