Chilling with Proof

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Chapter 30

The next morning I woke up from my slumber and found that my body was sore. I stretched and turned over to see Marshall slowly waking too.

"Morning Ky." He smiled as soon as his eyes opened and saw me. I smiled back and felt my heart speed up as he pulled me closer to him so he could hug me.

"Morning Marshmallow." I giggled and closed my eyes as he tucked my head under his chin. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah and you?" He asked and I sat up to look at him as I cracked my back.

"I guess it was ok. My body just hurts." I said chuckling as he shook hie head at me. "What?"

"You could have slept on the couch you know." He said sitting up too and stretching his arms above his head.

"True, but it was so nice and warm in front of the fire." I said wrapping my arms around me, rubbing my arms to create some warmth. It was quite cold and the fire was dead so we didn't get much heat.

"Yeah. Uh whats the time?" He asked looking down at his wrist watch. I smiled at that and then reached out and took his hand in mine as I rubbed my thumb over the glass.

"I can't believe you still have it." I mumbled with a small smile as he laced his fingers through mine and gave my hand a squeeze. I looked up at him surprised by his actions and saw him smiling. He reached forward and took my necklace between his fingers.

"I can't believe you still have this too." He said back also in a hushed tone. I looked down at the heart in that was between his fingers and smiled. When I looked up I found that our faces were mere inches away from each other. I swallowed hard and blinked as Marshall gazed at me. His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips and back. I found myself doing the same and we both started to slowly lean in. Oh god what am I doing?

"Kylie sweety?" We both jumped back from my moms voice coming from the passage. I blushed madly and cleared my throat.

"We're uh in here!" I called back and then had to take a deep breath to calm down my heart and rough breathing. Marshall took a deep breath too and frowned but smiled as his eyes met mine again. He winked and I giggled.

"Oh there you are. Morning you two." My mom said smiling as she came into the lounge fully dressed. It was Tuesday and she had work.

"Morning." We both mumbled and then my mom walked into the kitchen. I glanced at Marshall and saw he was looking at me too. I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh and congratulations on the birth of you baby Marshall." My mom said walking past us back to her and Craig's room with two mugs of coffee.

"Thank you Michelle. She's my everything." He said smiling. I jumped a little when I felt his thumb rub over the back up of my hand back and forth. I kind of forgot that we had our fingers laced.

"Oh it's a girl?" My mom asked and he nodded. "What's her name?"

"Hailie Jade." Marshall said proudly and I smiled at him. He was so happy that he couldn't wipe the smile off his face and that doens't happen to often. My mom left after that and then Marshall sighed. "Hey Ky?"

"Yeah Marshall?" I asked looking at him.

"Do you think you can take me to the hospital? I want to see Hailie and check on Kim before I have to go to work." He asked with a frown on his face.

"Sure. Let's have something to eat first?" I asked and he nodded. I took my hand from his and it felt so empty and cold. I shrugged off the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach and then poured us each a bowl of cereal.

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