Spilled tears

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Chapter 45

A few tears slipped over my cheek as poor Rose called out for Jack. I still don't get it, I mean there was space for him on the damn door. I guess Rose was just a selfish bitch maybe didn't love Jack as much as she claimed to have loved him. I mean didn't they know that they could have cuddled and kept each other warm, then lived happily ever after?

I sniffled and wiped at my nose and eyes with a tissue as I the stupid ass movie. I loved this movie so much but it got me in tears every damn time. I mean if it was me and there was space on the door for the one I love, I would drag his ass on there and make him hold me till death do us part.

I jumped a little when there was a knock at the door. I frowned and wondered who it could be. Marshall was in Europe and Todd was in New York for the week. I wiped my eyes again and got up to go answer the door. I wish it had a peep hole in it but it doesn't. I opened the door and my eyes widened and my jaw hit the floor.

"Please tell me you're not watching Titanic again?" She asked me and I let out a scoff.

"Please, no." I answered to fast. She smirked at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh yeah? Puffy eyes and red nose and I can hear the ending credits song playing Ky." She said and I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

"Fine you got me. I was watching Titanic." I said and then she turned her head in the other direction with her nose in the air.

"Without me? I'm hurt." She said in mock hurt and I laughed at her as I threw my arms around her.

"Oh my god Becks. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her excitedly as she hugged me back.

"I missed my best friend so I decided to come check up on her." She said and I could hear the smile in her voice. After a while we pulled away and I smiled at her then frowned.

"Where's Archie?" I asked and she was about to open her mouth when he said something from down the passage.

"How much fucking clothes did you need babe?" He asked annoyed as he carried her bag. Becky rolled her eyes at him and I waved at him. "Oh hey Kylie."

"So what brings you guys here?" I asked them once we stepped into my apartment and took a seat on the couches. Archie and Becky sat on the double couch, cuddled up. They looked so happy together.

"Well I have big news." Becky gushed with a smile that was threatening to split her face in two. She glanced at Archie with the biggest smile on her face and he nodded at her. She then turned to me as I frowned at how weird she was behaving. She stuck her left hand out and basically shoved the ring in my face. "We're getting married!" She squealed. My eyes widened and I jumped up with her and squealed too.

"Jesus, must you guys do that?" Archie asked with a scrunched up face as he pressed the palms of his hands to his ears. Becky and I both turned to face him and gave him bored stares. He smiled at us and shook his head. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Becky's hand to examine the ring better.

"It's gorgeous Becks. Wow. I'm so happy for you guys!" We all turned to the door when it flew open and a very panicked Marshall came flying into the room.

"What the fuck happened? I heard yelling and screaming and more yelling." He said in a panic. Becky and I looked at each other, then at Marshall looking frantic and then back at each other as we burst out laughing. Marshall frowned at then when he saw us laughing he glared at us then realized what was going on. "

"Hey Marshall." Becky smiled and waved at her after her laughter died down.

"Uh sup? What ya'll doing here?" He asked going to close the door.

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