Welcome home

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Chapter 70

The days have been going by so slow. I swear its like someone up there has it in for me. I missed Marshall and I seriously just wanted him to come home already. I went to see him last month but after that the doctor asked that we rather not visit him. He said it will make the whole rehabilitation easier on him. I wasn’t happy about it, but I did it for Marshall.

We spoke on the phone on a regular basis though, like twice a day. But hearing his voice just made me miss him all the more. It was Thursday today and the girls were coming over today to spend the weekend with Max and myself. I was so glad that they still stayed over with me a few times, because this house was way too big for just Max, Nate and me.

"So are the girls still coming?" Nate asked as he plopped down next to me. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, they should be here soon." I said glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Cool. Well I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like making food and I’m tired of take-out." Nate said letting out a sigh. I chuckled at him then shook my head.

"Then what are we going to feed the kids?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He pursed his lips with a frown as he thought.

"Ok, here’s a suggestion." He started then turned to face me before he carried on. "So I know you hate public and all, but let’s go out for dinner. You have been cooped up in this house since the day Marshall left and I think it will do you good. So? What do you say?" He asked me with hopeful eyes. I sighed then nodded.

"Fine. But no crowded place and we don’t stay out too late. The girls have school tomorrow and I have work." I said and Nate beamed at me.

"Great, I’ll go get Max ready." He said getting up and going to pick Max up, who was playing with his blocks on the carpet. I smiled and shook my head as I heard a car pull up outside. I got up and made my way to the door. Before I even had the door open properly, I was being hugged.

"Hey Ky!" Whitney beamed up at me. I smiled and bent down to kiss her head.

"Hey sweety." I smiled and she reached into her backpack to retrieve something.

"Guess what! I got an A ion my English paper!" She said excitedly as she shoved the paper in my hands and dashed passed me. I chuckled and shook my head as I looked up into Kim’s amused eyes.

"Well she’s really excited." I said smiling and Kim smiled but rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh she has not once shut up about her A." Hailie said with annoyance.

"Hailie!" Kim scolded her and she gave Kim a small smile. "Your language and leave your sister alone. You were just as bad when you got A’s."

"Was I really?" She asked me with raised eyebrows.

"The worst." I joked and winked at her. She giggled and gave me a hug before stepping into the house. Lainie came in next and kissed Kim on the cheek before kissing mine and going to her room I guess.

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