Birthday party

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Chapter 71

Life couldn't be better right now, well it could, but it was great right now. Marshall was better and himself again and doing much better. He's been a little tired though, but that was from all the excessive running he's been doing. I've even tried going for a run with him, but damn, I could never keep up.

He's at least eased up on the running now. He was in such good shape though, like when he was walking around shirtless in the house, yeah it was difficult for me to keep my hands off him.

Our anniversary was almost ruined though. We had a pregnancy scare, because the night Marshall came home, we never used protection. I was on the pill however still, but that's not a 100% always. Its not like we don't want another one, just that there wont be time really now.

Today Max was turning one and I couldn't believe how fast the time as gone by. My little baby was getting so big now. He still hasn't quite mastered the art of walking, but manages to two or three steps before falling on his bum.

He has not left his dad alone for more that and hour when he's home, I guess he really missed him and was afraid that Marshall will disappear again for long. Like Marshall had to tuck him in every night and sing to him. The girls were the same when they were here. They were with their dad as much as they could be.

Marshall get's his off days where he's in a bad mood, but I guess that will go away with time. His body has a lot to get used to right now, like no more drugs to function. He struggles to sleep at nights and that keeps me up too. He's said that he'll go sleep in another room and that ended in an argument, because I slept without him enough.

Some nights I would wake up and he won't be in bed. I'd find him in his study writing or in his studio playing around with some beats. To say he was anxious to get back in the studio, would be a complete understatement.

Marshall was currently in Max room with him getting him ready for his birthday party. Megan asked if she should come and help, but I declined. She was so sweet and since we're going to LA for a week, I decided to give her some time off. She'll have her hands full in LA with Max. Marshall had a few events and wanted me to go with him.

"Ky?" I looked up from the table out on the patio with snacks to find Lainie smiling at me.

"Yeah sweety?" I asked her with my own smile.

"The guy with the jumping castle's here." She said holding onto the door frame with one hand and pointing her other thumb over her shoulder.

"Oh great. Thank you." I said walking with her to the door. There was three guys standing there. One with a clipboard and form in his hand and the other two stood next to the folded up jumping castle.

"Mrs Mathers?" He asked me and I nodded with a smile. "Sign here please, then just tell us where you want it."

"Thank you." I said signing the form. "Uh follow me please." I said walking to the back yard. I pointed at the spot where I wanted it and they nodded as they went about setting it up. I finished with all the decorations as the guys left. I thanked them then went to get myself some juice, I was parched.

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