Die Alone? Yeah, I think not!

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Chapter 85

"So you're taking Max over to his place?" Kevin asked as he sipped on his cup of coffee.

"Yeah and then I'm all yours for the day." I said smiling as I came to wrap my arms around his waist. It's been a few months since I filed for divorce and Marshall has still not signed the papers yet. I don't know what he's dragging it out for. I wasn't asking for anything from him, I just wanted it all the be over, because it was killing me.

Kevin and I, I didn't even know how to explain that. I mean we weren't officially dating, but there was feelings there and I needed the distraction. If I was alone, I would find myself thinking of Marshall and that would just end in me crying myself to sleep. I missed him and really wished it never went this far.

"Ok, but be safe and let me know when you're on your way back." Kevin said wit a small frown. I nodded and closed my eyes when he pressed his lips to mine. I sometime's close my eyes and imagine it being Marshall doing it, but that will never happen again.

"I'll see you later." I said and then walked out of the kitchen. I found Max sitting in the lounge, watching some TV. "Ready to go baby?" I asked him and he looked up at me and nodded. He was still a little upset about the situation between his dad and myself.

"Do you still love Dad, Mom?" He asked me with a small frown as we drove to his dad's house. I sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Why do you ask that Max?" I asked him and this time he sighed.

"Because I want you and Daddy to be happy again." He said and that just broke my heart. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and tried to comfort my son.

"I know you do sweetie, but Mommy and Daddy just want different things in life." I said and he frowned at me.

"Do you want uncle Kevin then?" He asked and I wanted to drop my head on the wheel and bang it repeatedly.

"No baby, Mommy just" I sighed "I don't even know what I want anymore Max."

"I want you and Daddy to be happy again." Max said looking down at his lap just as we pulled up to Marshall's house. I punched in the code to the gate and drove up to the house. Before I could even say anything, Max was out of the car and walked to the door. Marshall opened the door and frowned when Max just walked passed him.

"What's up with him?" Marshall asked as we approached each other.

"The same old song." I said and came to a stop a few feet before Marshall. Marshall frowned and nodded.

"I see." He said then crossed his arms over his chest, watching me intently. "You look good." He said and I wanted to jump in the lake because my face flushed and I blushed like a fucking teenager.

"Uh thank you." I said with a very small smile. "You do too." I said and he nodded with a straight face. To say things were awkward, would be the least.

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