This time, I do

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Chapter 61

I sighed and rubbed my eyes with my pointer finger and thumb as I dropped my head while I felt Marshall's glare on me all the while.

"But Marshall what if-" I was rudely cut off by him.

"What if what?" He snapped back at me and I shrunk back. We were currently standing in my place, moving the few boxes of things I had to Marshall's place. Since we were getting married in a few days we decided it was time for me to move in.

"I don't know." I shrugged and threw my arms in the air. I scowled at him and matched his glare with my hands on my hips. We were currently in our hundredth argument over selling my apartment. I didn't want to at first, because what of it doesn't work out. What if Marshall just leaves me again and then I'll have no where to go?

"Talk to me Ky. Why don't you wanna sell? What are you so afraid of?" He asked me with his face softening as he stepped closer to take my hands in his. He run his thumbs over the backs of my hands. I looked down at our hands and frowned. I knew he was going to blow up at what I had to say. I took in a deep breath and looked up at him.

"I'm afraid of you leaving." I said in a small voice. Marshall gave my hands a squeeze and when I glanced up to meet his face his jaw was locked. My eyes widened and I waited for the yelling match to begin. Marshall took in a deep breath and I closed my eyes, but they flew open as quick as I closed them when he pulled me to him and held on to me for dear life.

"You don't fucking get it, do you?" He asked into my hair and I frowned. "I love you Kylie Donovan. I love you more than anything in this world baby." He pulled away and held me at arms length. "I have dreamed about this day for I don't even know how long. I dreamt of the day you walk down the isle towards me and say I do." That made my lips tug into a small smile. "I even wished it was you walking down the isle the last time."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"You have no idea how difficult it was to concentrate on Kim when all I could think about was you in that fucking little black dress you wore." He said with his hands trailing down the side of my body to rest on my hips. "And I thought of hos I wanted to be the one to get you out of that dress." He whispered as he run his nose up and down the side of my face. I closed my eyes, enjoying the his closeness. "Then I had to start singing the alphabet song in my head."

"What? Why?" I asked frowning up at him. He had a coy smile as he reached for my hand and put it palm flat on his chest and dragged it down over his stomach to rest on his erection beneath his sweats.

"Because standing in a church with this" he said making me rub him through his sweats "Is not a very good thing. Especially if it was another woman having this effect on me." He whispered against the corner of my mouth. My insides were jelly and if it wasn't for his arm around my waist, I would have been flat on my ass.

His mouth against mine was soft yet urgent as he coaxed my mouth open with his. When our tongues met, I swore I heard fireworks going off and time stopped just for us. I put both my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. One arm going around me back and the other hand resting on my ass. And just like that the argument was over. I mentally thanked God that it was over. I was tired of arguing with him.

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