The Last Show

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Chapter 57

Marshall was sitting on the corner of the bed hunched over with his back to me when I woke up the next morning. I didn't want to make any noises or movement to alert him that I was awake so I just laid motionless.

My eyes filled with tears as I thought of last night and what happened. I have never seen Marshall so mad and dangerous. It scared me. I hear a soft sniffling and that made me frown. The sniffling didn't come from me, so it must have been from him since the room was empty but for us.

I sniffled this time and that made Marshall snap his head in my direction. What I saw made me tear up even more. Marshall's eyes were bloodshot and puffy and they were filled with tears. When he saw me he gave me a small smile and moved closer to me, still sitting on the edge of the bed and reached for me but on instinct I flinched back. He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut, letting tears roll from his crystal clear eyes.

"I'm sorry Ky." He said in barely above a whisper. His eyes were still closed and his voice sounded strained. I moved so that I was sitting with my back rested against the wall. Marshall watched my every move and sighed.

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the flood of tears that were threatening to come, but no matter how hard I tried, they still came. Marshall frowned at me and scooted closer to reach for my face but I moved away and looked at his hand like it was a hot iron, ready to burn me.

"Please baby. Don't do this. I'm so sorry Kylie. So fucking sorry. I have no fucking idea what came over me last night." He said with new tears spilling out of his eyes. Marshall dropped his head in my lap and circled his arms around me. I stiffened but didn't move away and push him away. I just let him sob into my lap.

My heart constricted at the sound and I couldn't handle it anymore. I sighed and wiped the tears from under my eyes and ran my fingers through little hair Marshall had on his head. His arms tightened around me and then he looked up at me. Even with his face covered in tears he was gorgeous.

"I'm sorry Ky. I'm so fucking sorry." Marshall said sitting up. I shook my head and cupped his face and pulled his lips to mine.


"Shhh. It's ok Marshall. I'm ok." I said against his lips and he pulled away and shook his head. He put both his hands around my wrists and kissed both my palms.

"No it's not. I hurt you last night Ky. I fucking hurt you and I will never forgive myself for that." He said in a soft voice and all I wanted to do was just wipe those tears away and hold him until he felt better.

"You did hurt me. But you hurt my feelings more than you physically hurt me." I said and his cringed at that. I pulled one hand free of his grasp and placed it on his cheek. He leaned in and closed his eyes. "Marshall I'm worried about you."

"You're worried about me? Have you checked your arms yet?" He asked with anger in his tone and I shook my head. I have yet to see my arms. "Look." He said lifting my sleeve slightly, revealing slightly blue and purple finger prints. My eyes widened but I composed myself and pulled my sleeve down.

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