I'm so sorry

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Chapter 17

I had no idea what the time was or where the hell I was, all I knew is that my head hurt like a motherfucker. And I blame Proof and Marshall. Why did I ever befriend them? I groaned and tried to turn but there was a heavy weight stopping me from doing so.

I stopped trying to move once something grabbed a hold of me. To be more specific: when a hand squeezed my boob. My eyes shot open and I looked to my left to find Marshall still peacefully asleep next to me. I grabbed my head and closed my eyes as I tried to just focus on something else than the throbbing in my head.

I took in a deep breath and when I did that, Marshall's hand moved, reminding me that his hand was rested on my boob. I lifted the blanket and I was right. I looked over to Marshall and I swear he had a smirk on his face. I shook my head with a small smile and tried to move his arm but he held it firmly in place. From all the moving I also realized that I had gone to bed wearing just my t-shirt and my underwear. I blushed deep red when I felt Marshall's legs against my bare legs.

"Marshall." I said annoyed and tried to shake him awake. "Marshall come on wake up."

"Too early Ky. Let me sleep." He mumbled in a groggy voice that made me giggle but stopped almost immediately seeing as my head felt like it was about to explode.

"You can sleep, but uh just uh please like uh let go of my uh boob." I stuttered out nervously.

"What?" He asked and I glanced down at him with red cheeks to find him frowning with his eyes still closed.

"I said you can sleep more but uh please just like let uh go of my boob." I said getting more and more embarrassed. This was something I really didn't want to talk to him about. He groaned and gave my boob another squeeze. I jump a little and yelped. "Marshall!"

"Shit sorry Ky." Marshall said blushing along with me as he looked at me chest where his hand was just resting. "Uhm Ky?" Marshall asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Yeah Marshall?" I asked frowning at him. My eyes widened when I felt his hand on my bare thigh and I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"Did we..?" He trailed off and he pushed himself up on his elbow and looked down at me with red cheeks as he cleared his throat. "Did we do anything last night?"

"By anything you mean?" I asked him unsure of what he meant.

"Well uh you're not wearing pants and I'm only in my boxers so yeah." He said trailing off in the end. I shook my head frantically making it feel like I was shaking my damn brain loose in there.

"NO!" I yelled out quickly and Marshall flinched at that. "No, we didn't. I was just so drunk of my ass last night that I got in bed without my jeans cause they were uncomfortable and I didn't feel like looking for anything to wear and you came in last night already undressed like that and just slept next to me. So no, nothing happened." I said all in one breath. Marshall frowned at me with a small smile playing on his lips as I took in a deep breath from lack of oxygen.

"So we didn't do anything?" He asked me again I think just to make sure.

"Nope. We just slept next to each other, well besides the fact that you were holding my boob." I said making us both blush a little again.

"Y-yeah, sorry bout that." He said giving me a small smile and I smiled back and shook my head as to say its ok. "I'm uhm glad that you know, nothing happened." He said with a frown and looking the exact opposite of being happy. He looked, dare I say, disappointed?

"Y-yeah. I need some water." I said clearing my throat and Marshall snapped out of his small daze and nodded.

"Me too. And aspirin. My head is pounding like a motherfucker." Marshall said scratching his head. I giggled at his scrunched up face and he stuck his tongue out at me.

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