Bad day

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Chapter 5

Today was different. My mom woke me up but she didn't leave straight away like always. That was odd. I wondered what was wrong that she didn't leave straight away.

"Come in." I said as I pulled my light blue hoodie over my head. My door opened and my mom popped her head in.

"Can we talk real quick baby?" She asked and I nodded with a frown.

"Yeah, but why aren't you at work yet Ma? Won't you be late?" I asked confused as I slipped on my chucks. She smiled and came to have a seat next to me.

"No, I got the morning off so that I can pack." She said and that made me sit up straight and frown at her.

"Pack? For what?" I was really confused. Was she leaving me just like dad did or what?

"Don't look so worried sweety." My mom said kissing my head then sat back to see me better again. "I'm going away for the weekend for work. They want me to go to this seminar. I'll be back by either Sunday evening or Monday morning baby."

"Uh ok then, but what about me?" I asked wondering what I was to do.

"Well I've arranged with Debbie that you spend the weekend there. I mean it's close enough to home if you need anything and you'll have Marshall to keep you company." My mom said tucking hair behind my ear. She smiled and I nodded. "I'll leave you some money on the counter before I leave."

"Ok. Thanks Ma." I smiled and got up to go grab something to eat. Today was Friday and I was so glad the weekend was finally here. But then I remembered I swapped my shifts out so that I could go watch Marshall tomorrow night so I had to work tonight.

After I finished my cereal I went to brush my teeth ans then brushed out my hair. I went to my mother's room and knocked. She told me to come in and so I did. I found her folding a few item's of clothes and packing them neatly into a bag.

"Bey Mom. Have a safe trip. I love you." I said as I put my arms around my mom to give her a hug. Was it going to be weird when I say I'm going to miss my mother?

"I love you too sweety." My mom said hugging me back and kissing my head. "Now be good and don't give Debbie too much trouble. Help where you can and be careful baby."

"I will Mom." I said almost rolling my eyes at her. She waved at me as I left her room. I smiled but it vanished as I stepped out the front door. I was not looking forward to today. Today was totally going to suck!

"Why aint you smiling like always Ky?" Marshall asked me as I walked up to him. He was leaning against his mom's car. I let out a sigh and went to lean against the car too.

"I don't want to go through today." I said shrugging. He frowned and tilted his head to the side and boy oh boy did he look cute.

"Why?" He asked a little amused by my current attitude.

"Well you're leaving me to go to school alone today, I got work till 8 tonight and then there's the fact my Ma's leaving for the weekend." I said as I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"It's not that bad, you'll survive school. Work, well yeah sorry that sucks and don't be so sad. You get to spend the whole weekend with me." He said the last part with a huge smile and wiggling eyebrows.

"Oh joy!" I said sarcastically with an eye roll. Marshall acted offended and placed his hand over his heart. I giggled and he gave me a shove as he chuckled.

"Morning Kylie." Debbie said stepping out of the house with Nathan. I smiled and waved at her. "So did your mom tell you about the arrangements for the weekend?"

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