What a birthday

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Chapter 24

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you-" I woke up to my mom and Becky singing happy birthday to me. I smiled and sat up in bed as I rubbed my eyes to wake up more. My mom was smiling and holding a chocolate cake that had lit candles on them.

"Thank you." I smiled at both of them as they came to sit down on the edge of my bed.

"Blow out your candles sweety." My mom said and it looked like she was on the verge of crying.

"And don't forget to make a wish!" Becky said clapping her hands together enthusiastically. I smiled and blew out all my candles at once. I closed my eyes and made my wish. "And? What did you wish for?" Becky asked excited.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't come true." I said rolling my eyes at her. She crossed her arms and pouted. My mom laughed at us then put the cake down on the night stand and reached for something from Becky's hands.

"Happy birthday sweety. I can't believe my baby is already 21." My mom said handing me a box that was wrapped in purple and pink striped paper.

"Ma. You didn't have to." I said smiling as I pulled her in for a hug.

"But I wanted to. Now open up." My mom said as she pulled out of the hug. I smiled and opened the paper then gasped at what was in the box.

"Ma this must have cost a fortune!" I said looking up at her. She shrugged like it was nothing.

"I had a few pennies laying around." She said and I hugged her again before looking down at the box. My mom got me a camera. It was a Nikon Zoom 300 QD. I loved it.

"Me next." Becky said and I frowned at her. I didn't know she as getting me something.

"Not you too." I said giggling and she shrugged as she gave me a huge square shaped thing that was wrapped. It was also quite flat. Almost like a big book.

"Yeah me too. I had to." She smiled and gestured for me to open the present. I smiled and tore the paper off. I smiled and hugged her next.

"Thanks Becks." I said letting her go.

"You're welcome Ky. Now you can take the pictures and put them in the album after getting them developed." She said pointing at the album laying in my lap.

"Well girls, I need to go or I'll be late for work. I guess you guys are going out for your birthday?" My mom asked getting up from my bed.

"Yeah. Marshall and the guys are doing something." I said sighing knowing it was going to be one hell of a night.

"Ok sweety." My mom smiled and kissed my head. "Be safe and have fun. You too Becky." My mom smiled and Becky nodded. We waved at my mom and then Becky let out a loud yawn. I looked at her then giggled.

"Sorry. I'm still tired." She mumbled coming to get back into bed.

"Yeah me too." I said yawning too. I swear Becky was out again the minute her head touched the pillow. I was still tired too but couldn't for the love of me fall asleep again. I sighed and decided to get up. Might as well eat something and then go to watch some TV.

I grabbed the chocolate cake and walked to the kitchen. I loved mom's chocolate cakes. They were the best. I put the cake down and reached for a small plate and grabbed a knife. I cut a slice for me and placed it in the plate. I took my fork and cut into the cake with it. I closed my eyes and hummed in appreciation for the delicious taste.

"I'm coming!" I yelled through a mouth full of cake as I heard a knock at the door. I frowned and chewed the last bit and swallowed before I opened the door.

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