Just like old times

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Chapter 51

Marshall let out a loud sigh as he dropped down on the couch next to me. He was supposed to be in the studio or rehearsing or memorizing his lines, but instead he showed up at my door.

"What's up Marshmallow?" I asked him as I turned my head so that I could see him better.

"I'm so fucking tired." He said and I knew he meant tired of all the shit and not just tired as in didn't get enough sleep. Marshall's been having a tough couple of months. He's been sued for invading someones privacy by publication and then he had another year of probation added two his already three years because of some fight. It was hard to keep up with all his shit. But I tried to be there for him when he needed me.

He's also hardly home still and I've heard rumors that he's been seeing Miriah Carey. He hasn't said anything thought so I guess it must just really be rumors then. Would it be bad if I said that I hope that they're not true?

Anyway, he's been so stressed out lately with everything. I mean he's only human and I think people sometimes forget that. He got called a couple weeks ago and Dre asked him to be in a movie with him, it wasn't a big part, but it was still something. He said he'd do it for the heck of it. Seems like he had fun though.

But now he got offered this huge part in a movie. He was called up by director, Curtis Hanson and asked if he would be interested in playing the lead roll. Apparently the movie was about how a young dude tried to make it big by being a rapper. It was somewhat based off his life but there were a few made up things too. The film was also to help Detroit rise again. He seemed excited about it and I was happy for him. Just think he really needed a break.

"Then just relax." I said shrugging with a small smile. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Why the hell do you think I'm here?" He asked and I pursed my lips and shrugged.

"Because you just can't seem to get enough of me. Let's face it Marshmallow, I'm irresistible." I said with attitude but as soon as the words left my mouth I burst out laughing with Marshall, although he was merely chuckling.

"You're crazy Ky." Marshall said grabbing me almost in an head lock and pulling me down on the couch with him. I giggled and turned so that I was facing him. I missed this fun loving Marshall, or should I say I missed single Marshall.

"So what's up?" I asked him as I looked up at him since my face was at his chest about.

"Just having a shitty day. It's getting better now though." Marshall said smiling down at me. That's another thing I've missed, his smile. He hasn't been doing a lot of that lately. He's always so serious and emotionless in public. A tough guy. But what a dumbass.

"And why is that?" I asked him in a teasing matter. He chuckled and moved his head so that his lips were at my ear.

"I get to spend time with one of the best girls in my life." He whispered and his warm breath at my ear sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening then and frowning up at him. He smiled down at me and shrugged. "You can't forget about Hailie and Lainie."

"Never!" I said dramatically and added a gasp for great affect. Marshall rolled his eyes at me and I just smiled at him. The room went silent and all that could be heard was the TV playing in the background but it wasn't bothering me. I played with the dog tags around Marshall's neck and he just hummed softly to himself. To describe this moment in one word: Perfection.

I was so comfortable right now that I started to get sleepy. I sighed and moved closer to Marshall and buried my head in his chest. I felt him chuckle as he brought his arms around me and held me closer to him. I smiled and started to close my eyes but of course he had to be a real douche and keep me from my precious sleep.

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