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Chapter 23

"Marsmallooooooow! Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee!" I begged Marshall for the hundredth time just to stop somewhere. "I reeeeally need to go." I said bouncing in my seat with my legs crossed. Becky was in the back seat laughing at us arguing and Marshall kept sending me glares.

"I told you we will stop now Ky. Fuck just wait." He said looking back at the road. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Yeah. You've been saying that for the past half and hour plus we drove past like two places you could have stopped." I said in a bitchy tone looking out the window. I swear my eyes were about to start watering. Oh great I just had to think of water didn't I?

"There's a place close where you can go pee and then we can grab lunch there too." He said trying his best not to laugh at my childish behaviour.

"Great! Because I'm starving." Becky said from the back seat.

"So how far till we get to this place?" I asked in a calmer tone.

"About twenty more minutes." Marshall said with a smirk. I shrieked making Becky jump a little in the back seat and Marshall to suck in his bottom lip so that he doesn't laugh.

"Twenty fucking minutes! Marshall Mathers I need to tinkle NOW!" I yelled and Marshall flinched back a little by my sudden outburst.

"Chill Ky. Damn. I think you just burst my eardrum. Fuck." Marshall said rubbing a hand over his ear. He stopped and then frowned. "Wait, tinkle?"

"Yes. I need to tinkle. I have been needing to tinkle for more than half and hour now and all you do is laugh at me and torture me. So much for best friend." I said annoyed and turned so that I could look out of the window again.

"Awww. Ky wants to tinkle. Now aren't you just the cutest little thing." Marshall said pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand away and scoffed as I turned my face away from him completely as my cheeks went redder than they ever have before. Becky was giggling and I could feel Marshall's eyes on me the whole time.

"Whatever." I mumbled and tried to ignore Marshall and Becky's comments. Marshall pulled into a near by parking lot at some or other diner and I was the first to leap out of the car.

"Kylie wait up!" Becky called after me. I stopped and turned around to see her and Marshall approaching me.

"Can you like hurry up please. I really need to go." I said in an urgent tone.

"You girls go ahead and I'll get us a table." Marshall said waving us off. I nodded then almost sprinted to the bathroom.

"I don't know how you guys don't see it." Becky said once we were in the bathroom.

"See what?" I asked her confused while I was washing my hands. I felt ten tons lighter after that.

"How cute you are together. I mean I don't really know Marshall and what he's like when he's not with you but I know what you are like when he's not around. He makes you happy." She smiled as she grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands.

"Yeah he does. But Becky, I told you before, we're just friends. Besides he doesn't even feel the same way." I said pushing the door open. Becky didn't say anything after that but I saw her frowny thinking face. We spotted Marshall sitting by a booth and walked over to him.

"About damn time. I was beginning to think the two of you ditched me to get freaky." Marshall said wiggling his eyebrows as I sat down in the booth next to him with Becky sitting across from us.

"Shut up!" I said shoving him while blushing like crazy. I can't believe he just said something like that. What an asshole.

"Do you feel better now that you've tinkled Ky?" Marshall asked batting his lashes at me. I thought only girls did that?

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