Not a hero

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"all right class i've gotten your slips here on your career choices...but what is the point when all of you want to be is heroes." inside Kashyykk High school the students had their final days of school before their christmas break as they all cheered showing their excitement 
"all right all right that's enough...please sit" and they sat back down 
"now all of you here made some nice explanations on why you made your choice...but you had to know that getting trained by a hero is a big task and requires massive amounts of training"  as the teacher looks through the slips soon he smirks 
"ah also applied for internship as well right?" and soon the atmosphere turns dead silent for a moment and they all laughed...the insults...typical...for the boy sitting in the corner who even then in middle school is trying his hardest to become a hero...he knew better than to talk back or say it's not fair to be treated this way...but his dream is still there... 
Izuku tries to calm himself before he was smacked 
"how fucking typical the quirkless wants a try to be with the top dogs...nah he'll just be here forever" 
"at least his sister has a powerful quirk" there it is again 
"no wonder his parents don't give a shit about him" 
i bet heroes aren't going to save his unreliable ass" 
"what do quirkless even do for the world either than being a dead relic of the past" 
"alright enough all of then to start todays lesson please turn to page 345 in your history books" and the commotion was over...Izuku may hide it well...but he has a malice growing in his heart..and it's been there since they treated him this way...
Izuku: 'don't listen...don't can be a can be a hero' trying his damn best effort to not burst into tears 
Izuku: 'my parents love....Sis is just going through a's's gain...right......right?!' shaking now...he realized his name has been called 
Izuku: "what?" and soon they snicker among his teacher just looks annoyed 
"whatever....Mako what is the answer....'fucking quirkless'" he muttered...but it was loud for him to hear it...when will this be over? 

once the bell rings Izuku soon takes a he predicted correct on taking them...because once he got out of the building he was pulled in by  
Izuku: "sis" and she throws him into the dumpster seeing the Bakugos and the Todorokis 
Bakugo: "hey you fucking deku...still having dreams of being a hero?!" and once more...he was quiet...he stayed silent...this way it will make them they'll cut their beating short...soon he couldn't breath 
Izumi: "he asked you a question 'bro'...." holding such venom in those words...those horrible feelings started to arise once more... soon he was dropped 
Katsumi: "don't be a hero if you know what's good for you deku" and she spits at him...and soon they walk away, but not with out Shoto freezing his bag and it was frozen shut now 
Izuku: "hate it when he does that" now standing out in the bitter cold...he just brushes himself off and takes a scenic route home soon he walks down a small route leading him towards the storm drain...then suddenly...everything went black...he wasn't passed was dragged into the this green slime that oozed and drips off the drain walls...he then sees a large red eye staring right at him 
"him...a suitable meat suit...maybe this will be enough...."soon it started to force itself down his throat...he tried to move...he tried to do something...but as the slime creature holds his limbs down...he couldn't breath...his throat being forced open...the sensation of drowning...but...that's not until he heard a scream...before he was let go..and he fell to the ground...and he passed out from there...that is...until he felt some one tapping his head 
"young man...young man wake up!" soon he stirs...and he coughs...soon he sees 
Izuku: "ALL MIGHT!!!" he was starstruck..his idol...his hero...the one who brought comfort to him since he was four...the one who gave him hope that he can achieve his dreams....the one who knows better than anyone in this god forsaken world he couldn't speak...he was so stunned at seeing him in person
AM: "well i best not dally on my work....stay safe!" before he was about to fly off
Izuku: "wait" he muttered out...but then he had a surge of energy now...and he jumps on his leg as he flies off into the sky 
Izuku: "WAIT!!!" and soon he clings on as he was hundreds of feet in the air 
AM: "WOAH WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!!! LET GO AT ONCE!!" trying to shake him off 
Izuku: "NO PLEASE IF I LET GO I'LL DIE!!!" and he stops 
AM: "WHOOPS...RIGHT!" and soon he heads towards a building...but before a small item had fallen out of his belt...the jar that contained the villain...of course the scolding from the number one hero was one thing...but as he was about to jump again...
Izuku: "Please...just let me ask you this." letting out his tears...trying to hold it back now...this is it...the one moment of truth...the moment that will give him his hope...he justs wants to hear it...just once 
Izuku: "It's just...throughout my whole life...i wondered if i even existed...that my whole purpose of being here is to just try and save them...but..but i have to IT POSSIBLE TO BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK!!!?" he yelled out as any longer he would again collapse...but he wants to hear his answer..he wants to hear it..he has to....he has to... 
AM: "Young man.." now tightly squeezing his eyes...he waits...
Izuku: 'please...please!' 
AM: "I'm Sorry Young can't be a hero" and thats when it all shattered from there...his eyes shot wide his breathing stuttered...his heart beating nearly coming to a stop 
AM: "Being a hero is more than just showing off your looks and saving is also a profession that could get you very hurt...and being could become a reliability" if it was already has been stomped on...soon
AM: "i'm sorry" and he flies off now...and that was just one thing to another...a part of him knew he was going to say it...he just didn't want to believe it...he was hoping that even a small chance...he would say yes...but he didn''s's always been no...and what more sorrow could that add to with just a simple just explaining why quirkless couldn't be wasn't just for was for anyone who's like him...he just lost the gamble...and now he recieved his prize...pain...

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