Pointless struggle

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"Izuku...Izuku....wake up" hearing a voice echoing...he tries to look around...but he can't 
Izuku: "Huh?" 
"Izuku...Izuku  come on...get up" again...
Izuku: "who...who is that?" asking again  
"you need to get up...you have work to do" 
Izuku: "I don't want to...i don't want to go back" 
"are you supposed to be the feared bogeyman...the one heroes shiver from hearing the name?" 
Izuku: "i'm a lot of things...but in the end..i'm still...the weak deku...that has no other purpose in life" 
"that's not true...and you know it" 
Izuku: "why the fuck are you talking me?...who the hell are you!?" 
"it's me Izu...it's just me" as he snaps out of it...he wakes up...from the bright light above him...he sees he was taken out of his outfit 
Izuku: "goddamn it..." as he tried to lift his arm...he sees..there are chains on him...keeping him on the medical bed 
Izuku: "really" and he looks to his side...to see both Ochako and toga sleeping there...Ochako was holding his hand...and Toga was well..on his side 
Izuku: "there's something you don't see everyday" but if he was being honest...they looked peaceful...like nothing is bothering them at all...and toga...her hair down...she looked like someone he would talk to at school...they could've been great friends...she is just like him in a way...he's guessing...her quirk..her desire for blood..it's just a part of her...but because of that she is treated like a freak for it all...
Izuku: "psst...hey" nudging her...but she just groans and moves...he gives up on that an pinches Ochakos cheek 
Ochako: "ow...hey!" and she sits up ready to find out who just pinched her 
Izuku: "at least you woke up" and she was rubbing her eyes...and now she jolt up 
Ochako: "are you okay?!" trying to see if there was any other injury on him 
Izuku: "I'm okay" 
Ochako: "thank god" she couldn't help it...she started crying
Izuku: "hey..what's up?" but she didn't say anything and just hugged him...tightly...okay now he was confused 
Izuku: "what's going on?" 
Ochako: "Just shut up for a moment please" 
Izuku: "alright" he just felt tired...
Ochako: "Okay...*sniff*...i'm sorry" 
Izuku: "you didn't do anything why are you saying that" 
Ochako: "someone has to say it...i saw what happened...with All Might...and when Shigaraki told me about your past...i couldn't help but worry for you...he said you were going to be fine...but when i forced him to help me find you..and...and you...you almost" she couldn't finish her sentence...
Izuku then just rips his hand out of the chain...and he pulls her close 
Izuku: "it's alright...i'm okay" then the door opens 
Dabi: "well look who's awake...you retard" coming over and he flicks his finger on his forehead 
Izuku: "ow" 
Dabi: "I wish i could punch the shit out of you...but i know you can kill me at any moment..." 
Izuku: "jeez is everyone pissed off at me?" 
Shigaraki: "yes...we are" seeing him enter along with Kurogiri and the others...
Izuku: "first off..where are we" 
Shigaraki: "temporary hideout...stop changing the topic...you...are...a...fucking...selfish...bitch" 
Izuku: "selfish...hahahaha...how was i Selfish!?" 
Dabi: "You tried to take yourself out" 
Izuku: "oh...and what am i supposed to do then...just watch and brush it off like nothing happened?!..tell me Dabi...tell me how your supposed to cope with the fact your step father was the one who was your idol and made you a goddamn laughing stock to the people...the same one who said i couldn't make it as a hero..the one...the one who ignored me and abandoned me when i needed his guidance...when i needed help...when i wanted to be loved!...tell me...and you tomura...you knew what was wrong with me...it's hard enough trying to deal with shit...i just...I just wanted it to end" 
Shigaraki: "Is that how you really feel?" Izuku looks away 
Shigaraki: "even with all your allies and friends here...you'd be willing to just...let it all go...to the moment life escapes...what about your so called friends at U.A?...what about when you ignored my orders..and saved your bitch from being killed?....that didn't break you...but once you see all Might was your dead beat step father then you wanted to end it...right then and there...and it tells me...that you don't give a shit about your friends...that you don't care about what happens to them...am i right?" 
Izuku: "no...that's wrong" 
Shigaraki: "then prove it" 
Izuku: "fuck...I lost it for a moment...okay...there's nothing else that i can do to explain it...i saved her...because she...*Sigh*" 
Shigaraki: "leave us" and they exit the room...as Kurogiri escorts them out...the two now stand there alone...waiting on an answer
Izuku: "she is my Everything Tomura...if i lose her...i don't know...what i'd do" 
Shigaraki: "and us...your father!?" 
Izuku: "I had so much hatred...that it just turned into sadness...i couldn't bear it...it felt like my heart got stabbed again...over and over...you know?" as he tells him this Shigaraki takes a seat beside him 
Shigaraki: "I know that feeling all to well...imagine being a boy...who lived a normal life...until his quirk developed...and then you ended up killing those around you...even if you didn't mean it...my father...is quite the bastard when I think about it...but my mother...if i knew what my quirk did...then maybe...she would've still be alive...i lost my best friend...such a good dog...my siblings...it was unbearable...i was ignored by the people...seeing a crying child alone in the streets begging for help...you know what they keep on saying?...a hero will take care of it...let a hero do the work..it's not our problem let a hero come for him...be quiet kid and wait for a hero...that's all i heard...but none ever came for me...like you...i was abandoned and ignored...while the cruelty of the world just weighed down on me..." as Izuku listened in...he can understand why...and it was such a cruel joke for his quirk to be decaying his family...that trying to embrace for comfort...is the exact reason why it was taken from him...
Shigaraki: "sometimes...i wondered if i was just lucky enough to run into Sensei..who stopped and helped me...he took me in when no one else did...gave me food...gave me a home...gave me a purpose...the same way with you...right?" and Izuku nods
Shigaraki: "but hey...that shit is far past me...you see what i mean...we're all that's left...we can't let this split us...otherwise...what's the point of trying to make a change..." 
Izuku: "I understand...I just...In the moment...all i focused on was me...i never really thought about how you and the others would react...in fact..how cruel can i be...if i saved Nejire from being killed only for her to find out i died...I'm pretty sure she couldn't handle all of it" 
Shigaraki wanted to say something but he held himself back 
Izuku: "then Ochako...she looks up to me so much...it's like what my sister used to do...before she showed me her affection was all a lie...Tomura...i will do whatever i can..to make a change...even if i die..i will try to live through it...i will make sure the world will hear our cries...our screams...they will see what it means to create a monster...to reform the world...to be a better place" 
Shigaraki: "I couldn't agree more...so...brothers?" holding out his hand...and he looks back at him...then he couldn't help but smile 
Izuku: "Brothers...until the end" grabbing his hand...with a new purpose in life...they will ensure Senseis defeat will not be in vain...
Shigaraki: "Oh that reminds me" pulling out Izukus phone and he hands it to him 
Izuku looks at it and he pales now 
Shigaraki: "what?...oh" seeing the screen....55 missed calls and 23 text messages from one certain fairy 
Shigaraki: "you should go take care of that...otherwise your just going to be a corpse" 
Izuku: "yeah...i should...well...thank you again Tomura..it's...it's helped me a lot" 
Shigaraki: "Tenko" 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
Shigaraki: "My name is Tenko Shimura...that's my real name...and i would prefer you keep it a secret" 
Izuku: "yeah...i will...thanks..Tenko" and Kurogiri comes in...
Kurogiri: "shall i escort you back to your apartment?" 
Izuku: "it's all good...i need to talk to Ochako first" and he leaves as Shigaraki scratches his neck..he stops himself 
Shigaraki: "trying to break that habit" 
Kurogiri: "maybe lotion will help" 
Shigaraki: "Piss off" 
Kurogiri: "oh and my apologies i failed to inform you of  Ojikos parting gift" handing him a brief case...Shigaraki was a bit reluctant to open it..but he did..and his eyes widened 
Kurogiri: "since he's holding the next vial he gave me three more to give you" as inside was a blue vial, a green vial, and a  black vial 
Shigaraki: "what's the black one for?" 
Kurogiri: "he noted it's for a last resort...if has taken the other three already...and my guess is he is still holding the red vial" 
Shigaraki: "great" that's another issue...it will start to get much more difficult as time goes on

*knock knock* 
Ochako: "come in" and Izuku enters 
Izuku: "hey" 
Ochako: "hey...are you feeling alright?" and Izuku walks up and ruffles her hair 
Izuku: "yeah" 
Ochako: "I'm sorry for getting you all worked up from my crying it's just" but she was brought into a hug 
Izuku: "thank you...for caring so much about me...i forgot what it felt like..." 
Ochako: "what about Nejire?" 
Izuku: "different story" 
Ochako: "oh" now breaking it she smiles at him
Izuku: "so...what did i miss" 
Ochako: "well...we got everyone out..except for Mr compress and Mustard...oh and MIna is in" 
Izuku: "good...i'm sure it's going to be difficult to keep their secrets now that two spies are in now" 
Ochako: "yeah...Tomura said the other one is to be hidden..only him and Kurogiri know who it is" 
Izuku: "sure we didn't accidentally crippled them?" 
Ochako: "he said they're fine" 
Izuku: "alrighty then...so how did it feel to fight against top tier pro heroes?" 
Ochako: "I thought it would be like one of Tomuras games where it would be nearly impossible to beat and rage out..." 
Izuku facepalms: "he's been playing dark souls" 
Ochako lays down now...as she just leans against him 
Izuku: "what are you doing?" 
Ochako: "I'm just trying to lean on something else than this crappy wall" 
Izuku: "right...you should know this is impossible" 
Ochako: "I know...but i can't help it" 
Izuku: "if it were under different circumstances...and a few years younger...maybe" 
Ochako: "that's pretty detailed" 
Izuku: "yeah but it's what i thought off" 
Ochako: "so...will she ever find out?" 
Izuku: "I don't know...i can't promise anything about it either...it's just pointless...i know i don't talk about her much...for good reasons too...but..she is what i told Tomura..." 
Ochako: "I wasn't there" 
Izuku: "I know..." 
Ochako: "so why are you telling me like i was there?" 
Izuku: "to mess with you" 
Ochako: "jerk" 
Izuku: "I know...but hey i can't help but pick on you...don't worry...everything will be fine"  now getting up 
Ochako: "have to go?" 
Izuku: "yeah...double life duty calls" 
Ochako: "well..just stay safe" 
Izuku: "got it" and he opens the door and leaves 
Toga: "aww" 
Ochako: "how long were you standing there?" 
Toga: "i was sleeping..." 
Ochako: "so the whole time" 
Toga: "yup" 
Ochako: "what are we going to do with you?" she can't help but smile

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