Decaying faith

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Izumi: "unh" she wakes up..theres bandages all over her body..a cast on her arm...she is restrained even more her head is held in place...
Izumi: "where..." then the door opens 
Aizawa: "you...disobeyed my orders" and Izumi pales...she knows what's going to happen she knew it was pointless to argue with him so she just waits for it 
Aizawa: " did save two students from the hideout..when everyone else cowered away...including the fact that you and five other students went in without permission no charges are going to be happening" 
Izumi sighs in relief 
Aizawa: "but" 
Izumi: 'oh god' 
Aizawa: "you will be put under house arrest for a month...when you move into your dorms at U.A...and your secret with your brother..will remain that...a much as i hate it...we have no choice" 
Izumi wanted to ask...but she know staying silent is the best thing right now 
Aizawa: "so...that happened..and i can't imagine what your brother feels like right now...since he is the only one that didn't know Yagis secret" Izumi now felt guilty...badly...especially with the fact he was humiliated...
Aizawa: "but for now...get some rest..again...and if you somehow move...i'll think of something" and he walks back out...
Izumi: "*sigh*...god" she couldn't turn her head...this position she's stuck in is very uncomfortable...why or how is she not dead from all that occured is unknown to her...she hopes the others are alright...hopefully 
Momo: "nnnrugh!" trying to speak...but her mouth is covered
Aizawa: "i have no idea on what your speaking...but i'm just informing you of what is happening" as he explained to all the students...he now makes it to the big threes room...where the others are helping Nejire out...since she needed some medical attention 
Nejire: "hey Eraserhead" 
Aizawa: "so is it true from what you told the others....the bogeyman saved you?" and she looks at the others...and then nods 
Aizawa: "this is such a you have any idea on why that is?" 
Nejire puts her phone down: "i have no clue" 
Aizawa deadpanned
Mirio: "she's texting her boyfriend...trying to call him" 
Aizawa: "you know the risk of being in a relationship as pro heroes" 
Yuyu: "Like your any different" 
Aizawa: "we're both pro heroes" 
Yuyu: "so the same"
Nejire: "it's Izuku...i saw that thing with All Might...and now i'm worried..he hasn't responded to any of my calls..never responded back to my messages" 
Aizawa: "did you call his work?" 
Nejire: "yeah and they said he didn't come in today...i'm worried" 
Aizawa sighs: "fuck it...alright...I can call up someone to do a welfare check...would you want that?" 
Nejire nods 
Mirio: "i'm gonna go to" 
Yuyu: "i'll check it out..Tamaki make sure she doesn't go insane" 
Tamaki: "why me?" 
Mirio: "arms!" 
Tamaki: "But your stronger than me!" 
Yuyu: "already leaving!" 
Nejire: "Please call me immediately!" 
Aizawa: "no matter what they are all troublemakers" just shaking his head 

Izuku now teleported back into his apartment...he was alone...all to himself...he takes out the vial in his hand...the red one...he wonders what type of quirk it is...he's curious..but at the same time frightened...he can't use them unless it's absolutely necessary...but...he had a useful one like thermite...then Extremophile...what if it helps him defend against acid type quirks?...maybe it's a form of telekinesis...or even one like Kurogiris..where he could be able to teleport...he doesn't looking back at his phone...again he missed a call..
Izuku: "shit" he has a lot of explaining to do...but his mind was to focused on All Might...his eyes turned his hatred only began to grow...the lies...those fucking lies...
Izuku: "You fucking worthless lot" now a knock is heard at his door..
Izuku: "COMING!" yelling out...and he tries to focus...and he walks to the door and looks though the see...his boss...oh boy...putting the vial back into his pocket
Izuku: "Miruko" opening it...
Miruko: "you didn't show up to work" of fucking course he was scheduled for today 
Izuku: "i'm sorry...I...I'm dealing with some issues right now" 
Miruko: "I know...can i come in?" and he looks at her for a moment...
Izuku: "um..sure" letting her walk in...
Miruko: "decent place you have...your pay is a bit more..not spending much?" 
Izuku: "I'm trying to save for a house..and the tailor is expensive" 
Miruko: "we provide free services for that" 
Izuku: "Your tailor is horrible...i have a guy who helps me with that" 
Miruko: " your honesty...i'm guessing...your dealing with All MIght being your step father right?" 
Izuku: "Lucky guess" 
Miruko: "I know so...because i work with the bastard sometimes...did you know?" 
Izuku: "nah...nothing could describe the amount of anger i'm in right now" 
Miruko: "I don't blame you...knowing he did you dirty back at the slime incident" 
Izuku takes out a bottle of water: "you want something?" 
Miruko: "waters fine" and he throws a bottle at her and she catches it 
Miruko: "I'm surprised at the amount of control you have right now" 
Izuku: "what do you mean?" 
Miruko: "when things happen like this...i would usually stumble upon a place in shambles" 
Izuku: "I exert my anger in...different ways" 
Miruko: "how so" 
Izuku: "I'll probably find a dumpster behind the building filled with dents" 
Miruko: "destruction of city property?" 
Izuku: "If you want to fine me go ahead...i could care less right now" 
Miruko: "nah...your alright kid...i'll just say it got damaged during a training exercise." 
Izuku: "your too nice" 
Miruko: "i'm not like this just happened to be a favorite at the restaurant you worked at...and i told your old boss i would watch you" 
Izuku: "heh...i'm flattered" 
Miruko: "well...seems your welfare is okay...anything else you want to tell me?" 
Izuku: "have you worked with my father before? biological father" 
Miruko: "hmm?...oh you mean was still a hero in training..and he was at America...he did serve here for a time being...but that was it" 
Izuku: "I see...well thank you for checking up on me Miruko..i appreciate it" 
Miruko: "you work for me...your part of our team...and your just as important as any other staff member...just make sure you call ahead...alright?" now giving her a thumbs up...Miruko waves as she opens the door...and leaves...Izuku drops his facade...and he tried to he was getting comfortable...another knock is heard 
Izuku: "ugh for fucks sake" can't get a moment of peace...he opens it to see both Mirio and Yuyu
Izuku: "Oh...hey guys...what brings you here" Mirio just goes up and hugs him...lots of hugs today 
Izuku: "w-what are you doing?" confused 
Yuyu: "you idiot" as she hugs him as well
Izuku: "Okay i'm very confused..why are you all" 
Mirio: "we know what happened man...about All Might" 
Izuku: "oh..that" 
Yuyu: "what do you mean that!? just found out the symbol of peace is your piece of shit step father" 
Izuku: "right...look guys i's shocking...but i'm okay...really" 
Mirio then picks him up 
Yuyu: 'the least thing you could do is call had her really want her to think your gone...she thought you took yourself out man!...she's been crying since she found out" 
Izuku: "what?" his heart dropped 
Mirio: "come on..." Izuku had him be put down
Izuku: "lets hurry." and he was gonna go ahead...but he stops and he slowly turns around facing them...he chuckles
Izuku: "where are we going?" facepalming now...maybe he rubbed off on her a bit 

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