Hosu city: 'Hellish assault'

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Izumi: 'leave it to my luck on having the worse times to head right into a villain attack...as Gran and her are trying to save the civilians from the NOMUs onslaught...the flames that have already build up...smell of smoke fills the air...as they desperately try to save the people...
gran: "HEAD OVER THERE!!" Pointing at the other complex in flames...as screaming is heard...Izumi runs ahead and sees that multiple people are trapped by the flames..and some even jump to try and escape...using her quirk she managed to soften the impact...like tripping...
"oh god..thank you thank you!" as they thanked her...but she looks to the corner of her eye..to block a shine that nearly blinded her...but it moved at a fast pace...
Izumi: "huh?" she jumps up the building to look closely and see 
Izumi: "lida?" her strict friend who seemed to be in a rush to find something..or someone
Gran: "Hurry up we have no time to waste!" 
Izumi: "hold on!" and she heads off to follow him 
Gran: "Damn Yagis...never listens to anything!" as more heroes arrive to the scene...another part of a building evacuated...as people are screaming in terror...
Gran; "what the?" then he noticed that a lot of them are stuttering in terror...as the NOMU comes out..and it had 'three faces' one looking like the bird head..the other similar to an ox..and the last one..a human head...and it was seen eating people as it picks them up and devours them...not whole...but slowly...
Gran: "no choice" as he rushes in to attack it now
Izumi: "come on come on..where are you lida?!" jumping around to find her friend...she desperately tries to do what she can to help the others...then she saw the glare
Izumi: "THERE!" and she changes direction and head towards the shine now 

Shigaraki: "he's been notified" 
Kurogiri: "i'm sure he's already aware" 
Shigaraki: "hmm...i just realized his job was here" 
Kurogiri: "apparently he had a promotion party today" 
Shigaraki: "whatever....with the amount of NOMUs out there right now...i'm sure he could pretend to be a pitiful quirkless" 
Kurogiri: "Stain also is dealing with a couple of heroes right now...our other friend also said that it's quite possible that he will be the main headlines of the news" 
Shigaraki: "i could give two shits about being on the news...i just want to bring some destruction to this so called hero society..thinking they're always going to be there no matter what...no..they will see what it felt like for me...and i will make sure that the heros and their order..will die" 
Kurogiri: "hmm funny...he's also said something similar" 
Shigaraki: "what can i say..great minds think alike"
Kurogiri: "whatever you say young Tomura" continuing to walk through the chaos...
Meanwhile Dabi was burning shit...which explains the buildings on fire...blood in the alleyways are pooled around one Himiko Toga as she just killed another person 
Toga: "stab stab stab stab!" 
Dabi: "another one for the sacrifice hehe" looking at the flames like a work of art 
Kurogiri: "i didn't know that rubble was a great source for a sacrifice" 
Shigaraki: "and the big debut should be right..about...now" and on cue a flying NOMU comes out and breathes 
Shigaraki: "FIRE!!~" 

Stain: "hmm" as he looked at another dead hero in front of him...those he deemed unworthy of the title...the ones that need to be purged..the fat that needs to be cut out..." pulling his sword out...and he continues onward...then he looks to the left and blocks a kick that was aimed for him...and he then sees 
Stain: "a child?" confused 
lida: "you...you will pay for what you did!!!" 
Stain: "i don't even know who you are" which apparently pissed him off even more 
lida: "I lida Tenya...the proud brother of Ingenium..will avenge him!" 
Stain: "Ingeniums sibling...no wonder...i supposed he's alive...but if he's sent his brother to avenge him..." 
lida: "this is of my own accord...you have tainted a good hero..a good man...a good brother!" 
Stain: "a hero in training...with that attitude...running of vengeance alone...reminds me of my own student...one is enough...i will put an end to this" pulling out his other sword now...and he charges him 
lida: "STAIN!!!" and he charges him as well as he tried for the classic dropkick..he ducks and then slashes his arm..but the armor protects him...throwing another kick to push him away as he uses his engine to boost his attacks before another slash to the head...the constant slashing..if it weren't for his armor...he would've been dead right off the start, even landing a punch on him as he wipe it off...before he manages to slash his joint 
lida: "GAH!!" grabbing his elbow...seeing the blood dripping...
Stain: "such a shame that such talent is being wasted for petty reasons" taking a look at his sword with the blood on their...he licks it...
lida: "w-what?!" he suddenly felt paralyzed...is this his quirk?!...
Stain: "and judging your bloodtype..i'm guessing...A...possibly...but here's the end for you...too bad...guess your brother has to bury his own failure" raising his sword overhead 
lida: "damn it...i was too reckless" as he was about to stab him...he was kicked out of the way...just hitting his side...as the green blur was enough to tell him 
lida: "Izumi!" and she turns to look at him 
Izumi: "glad i could drop in!" helping him up...now...as Stain gets up spitting out a tooth...wiping his mouth he then looks at Izumi 
Stain: "hmm...such a rare feat these days...in a different time i would've spared you for your Valiant bravery...the selflessness i saw...but you and i know the reasons why i cannot...in fact..it's not even my right to be the one to end you" 
lida: "Izumi..what is he talking about?" 
Izumi: "i don't know" 
Stain: "such a shame...your so naive to the enemies you created...seeking your death...but that's enough talk" 
Gran: "YAGI!!" jumping beside her now...he hits her on the head 
Izumi: "OW!!!" 
Gran: "that's for disobeying orders...but good job on rescuing Tenya" 
as the three of them ready up to fight 
Stain: "three against one...a but unfair don't you think?...you can come in now" and the stomps that is heard behind them broke them out of their focus..to see 
Gran: "it's him" 
Izumi: "you" 
lida: "oh no" seeing 
Bogeyman: "how typical of you to gang up on one individual..where is the fun in that?" dragging behind him is a headless body and he pulled out his hammer from the carcass and he just stared at them 
Gran: 'this is bad' he is fully aware of how dangerous he is, the fact they didn't hear him until he was right up close to them is the frightening part...like he just walked out of your nightmare...but thankfully for them 
Stain: "wonder how many times i'm going to hear my name" as he sees Endeavor come down now...
Izumi: "Mr To...i mean Endeavor!" 
Endeavor: "you...gran" 
Shoka: "hey!" 
Gran: "now you show up" 
Endeavor: "and i see you brought company" noticing the Bogeyman 
Stain: "enough...i have waited so long for this moment..you are the very reason why heroes of this time..are a joke...once i'm done with you...i will make sure your head will be on display for all to see...how much of a fake you are!" 
Izumi: "sho...i...his glare" 
Shoka: "and behind us!" the three of them felt nothing but dread...gran could give less of a shit about Izukus fearful aura...as he was about to slam his hammer down on Izumi lida managed to break through and pushes her out of the way...the shockwave that came after the slam made the ground rumble for a moment..how strong is this freak!? 
lida now sees this man...he went after the wrong one 
lida: "you spared my brother" 
Bogeyman: "Spared is such a misused term...i wanted him to stay alive to see how his order..will fail" trying to reach out for him...only to be pushed back by Izumi as Shoka creates an ice wall around him...but he breaks through easily...she now fires her own ice 'beam' a move she's been trying to improve on...while Izumi now uses her Telekinesis to force him down...like gravity has been twice as powerful...while Gran and lida try to attack him 
Izuku: 'of course she would try to force gravity on me...Shokas new attack..hmm..seems to try and freeze the muscle to the bone...this knight seems to move at highspeeds...flames coming out of his calfs...possibly the source to his quirk...and then...Gran Torino...the midget flash...rapid movements that would put even Stains sword slashes to shame...but lucky for me..i will prevail' and as he stands up now...breaking the ice once more he forces himself up as he now timed his movement...to then grab lida to throw him into the wall and then jolt upward to slam his fist down to knock Izumi over 
Bogeyman: "how pathetic!" 
Shoka: "h-h-how is he resisting my ice!?" 
lida recovered and tried to kick him again...Izumi charged up OFA  
lida: "recipro!" 
Izumi: "Detroit!" 
Izuku: "aw shit" 
izumi: "SMASH!!" 
lida: "BURST!!" as both of them charge ahead Izumi hits the front while lida kicked the Bogeyman from behind...he holds out his fist one holding Izumis fist..the other lidas kick..as the power was enough to rip the gloves off him...hearing the bogeyman wheeze through his mask...Izumi and lida are shocked to see him tank their attacks easily...what put them off even more...was his hands...the black veins that course through it unnaturally...
Bogeyman: "what fun...What fun!" laughing as they see one of the lens on his mask fell off..and they see this glowing Yellow eye...having a small tint of red in it...seeing his wounds starting to regenerate 
Izumi: "what is he?!" shouting out 
Shoka started to panic trying to fire out more ice while Gran does his best to attack...but it was in vain as he grabs Gran 
Izumi: "NO!!" charging in again but he just smacks her away 
Bogeyman: "gran Torino...why teach the 'thing' you call a student" and again punching away lida 
Gran: "You...would never...get that from me" 
Bogeyman: "hmm...do you know why i became this...i once had a dream of becoming a hero" 
Gran: "liar" then he tightens his grip choking him..as he tried to kick him but whatever quirk he had...prevented him from breaking his grip until...Izumi put more power into OFA kicking him away 
Izumi: "You stay away from him..you Bitch!" but then again Izuku glances behind her...to see Stain...was defeated 
Endeavor: "you have no choice now Child killer...surrender!" then more heroes showed up 
Miruko: "Your Pets have been dealt with..." until 
Mirio: "It's Over for you Monster!" seeing Tamaki and then 
Nejire: "your reign is over villain!" seeing her...surrounded now looking around him...
Stain: "You better...do what i taught you..." 
Endeavor: "what did you say!?" 
Izuku: "he means this" reeling his hammer upward then with all his might slams it into the ground..causing it to collapse in itself...
Nejire: "woah!" 
Mirio: "no!" as he goes for him...
Bogeyman: "Predictable" as he swings his hammer..it goes through him...only to see his other fist hit him in the stomach 
Mirio: "GAH!!" 
Tamaki with his squid arm reached over to try and grab him...but he rips it off effortlessly...as Miruko kicks him through the building he had his opening for an escape...as he runs through the walls like nothing...he growls out in anger...knowing he can't kill Izumi this time...he knew taking on multiple heroes at once is reckless even for him...he had to retreat 
Izuku: "Kurogiri i need a portal now!" sending his location as he expects the heroes to chase after him...he started to go Ballistic now...destroying everything in his sight...creating a large cloud of dust...
Endeavor: "CHILD KILLER!!" as he lit up the area covered in dust...to lifting it up now 
Bogeyman: "hmhmhmhm...and here i thought i could catch a break" 
Endeavor: "You will not escape!" letting out huge flames it hits Izuku directly engulfing the entire area now...soon the other heroes followed up 
"is...is he dead?!" 
"he can't survive that...no one can" 
Endeavor: "SHUT UP!" hearing the wood creak and then the building collapse on itself...as they wait it out...
"l-l-look!" as Endeavor looks closely...to see the figure walking out of his flames...unharmed 
Bogeyman: "how pitiful...you could fight your nightmares as much as you want...but i will remain burned into your heads..." walking out slowly...like a demon...the one singular eye...that glows it's fierce yellow...
Endeavor: "You...how can" for the first time in his career..he was left speechless
Bogeyman: "shh" making a shh gesture...as he slowly walks back into the flames...and then...disappears into the night...as the sky glows red...the damage that's been done...the city torn apart...the Hero Killer that has been stopped...but with the cost of so many lives lost in the battle...the fear growing..the Hate undying...seeing the living nightmares true strength...that those other heroes have witnessed...and like seeing a devil before them..walks back into his hellfire..disappearing into the night

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