Another hangout

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Mina: "hey guys!" yelling out for her classmates...since the day was done and they were prepared to go home for the day 
Jirou: "what?" 
Momo: "yes?" 
Kirishima: "Come on guys don't tell me you forgot about our hangout right?" 
Momo: "oh yeah that" she forgotten to be honest 
Kaminari: "yeah i remember" 
Izumi: "you guys want to come?" 
shoto: "i'd rather not" 
Kirishima then comes out of nowhere and picks him up along with Bakugo 
Bakugo: "FUCKING LET GO!!"
lida: "language!" 
Izumi: "lets go" 
Katsumi: "fine" 
Shoka: "oh cheer up Katsumi..can't get any worse right?" 
Tokoyami: "i'm out" then he was also grabbed 
Sero: "i don't want to be pulled by the ear so i'll oblige" and the rest of the class head down to the mall...of course they did not think about they took the of course run into 
Mina: "Hey Midoriya!" 
Izumi: 'god kill me' 
Izuku was sitting down in his work attire...and he waves at them 
Izuku: "hey guys...i see..all of you here...what brings the entire class here?" 
Sero: "her idea and his actually" 
Kirishima: "we thought it would be great for us to spend some time together after a huge final exams" 
Izuku: "final exams...hmm..must've been difficult i can imagine" 
Mina: "it sure wasn't a written test" 
Izuku: "i see...then what was it?" 
Jirou: "it was to face off against a teacher...of course it was a pair of two who fought them..doesn't mean they're push overs" 
Izuku: "unless you had some type of plan to counter them" 
Momo: "Oh um..." 
Shoto waited 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
Momo: "I used a" 
Kaminari: "bro she used a jar of dirt to be Mr Aizawa" and he was speechless...waiting for a response and he just laughs 
Izuku: "I see you really took my advice" 
Momo: "yes..since his quirk requires him to have us in his eye sight...and if i use would blind him for a moment...which gave us enough time to capture him" 
Izuku: "i see...well good job on that" 
Momo: "thanks" 
Shoto: "hmm" 
Izuku: "quiet" 
Bakugo: why the fuck are you here deku!" 
Izuku: "please...why would i waste my breath talking to you" 
Bakugo: "WHY YOU LITTLE!!" 
lida: "Bakugo enough..and is not appropriate to talk to someone like that" 
Mina: "oh god" 
Izuku: " your still stuck up" 
lida: "excuse me?" 
Izuku: "you need to relax a little need to worry right your off school your rules don't apply here" 
lida: "i uh..well" 
Mina: "he agrees!" 
Kaminari: "so tell me" 
Izuku: "hmm" 
Kaminari: "how did you managed to score her" 
Izuku: "who?" 
Mineta: "NEJIRE HADO!!" 
Izuku once more flicks him away 
Kaminari: "sorry about him" 
Izuku: "no need...look all i can say is that it just happens...there's really no proper way for me to say it..but...we just...had that connection...that's it" 
Momo: 'well that's a bit blunt' 
Mina: 'i thought it would be more romantic' 
Izuku: "but still...she is one of a kind" smiling...looking out the window 
Jirou: "hey i know this sounds a bit sudden..but are you able to give us a few pointers on how to improve our quirks?" 
Izuku: "i see she told you about my old hobbies...sadly i don't do that anymore...i'm not going to be much help...sorry" 
Izumi: 'more like you DON'T want to tell us'  
Shoka: 'he can..he doesn't just stop' 
Izuku: "what i want to know is why you guys want advice from me" 
Sero: "well..we just heard about it from Hado." 
Momo: "and when you did help me with my issues that time." 
Jirou: "not to mention your quick thinking" 
Kirishima: "it's manly that you can do this at a whim man!" 
Izuku: "hmm..have to admit i'm not used to this amount of flattery...but sorry..i have to refuse" 
Izumi glares at Izuku who then looks at that stare indicating they need to have a talk
Izuku: "but either way..i'm sure my friends could help you" 
Mina: "well that is a little sad that we can't get more advice from you" 
Kirishima: "but hey we respect your choice man" 
Izuku: "thank you" now the train stops 
Mina: "well..guess we made it" 
Izuku: "yes...i'm heading to the mall as well" 
Kirishima: "you know sometimes i wonder if you and the other three should just live there" 
Izuku: "psh..from the amount of times we head there...i wish we could..then they would stop dragging me out of bed every time i'm off" 
Mina: "hm i can see that actually" 
Jirou: "well come on guys" and they get off the by one...of course this has to be the biggest group he's been with so far...then again he's hanged out with them before...just..not the entire class
Tokoyami: "so...i can feel you have a great sense...of hate" 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
Tokoyami: "it's obvious...your dark aura empowers everything around it...and yet you can hold it in...i envy you" 
Izuku: "there are things that are best left alone" staring at him...his smile seemed a bit hollow he swore he sees hint of yellow in his eye 
Tokoyami: "I see" he had to admit..he was a little unnerved by that moment 
Izuku: "so don't worry about me" smiling genuinely now 
Tokoyami: "what just happened" 

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