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Momo: "here we are!" as the small group arrived to Kiyashi Mall...near the theater...going up to through the mall area they head right up to the person behind the glass (whatever it's called)...
Momo: "hmm" 
Jirou: "again it's been the same stuff for a while now" 
Nejire remained quiet 
Yuyu: "but they do change the type of old style movies they play...a lot of them are from the pre quirk era" 
Jirou: "well lets choose one of those then" 
Momo: "I heard that this one movie that was a huge breakthrough that basically started the whole Fantasy concept" 
Nejire: "Fellow Ship of the ring...i read the book...and watched the movie...Yu saw it with me" 
Jirou: "hmm...looks...i don't know...too nerdy for me?" 
Yuyu: "it's great if your really up for this type of thing" 
Nejire: "i would rather watch something other than that" 
Momo: "Oh? there anything in mind?" 
Nejire: "just...anything but that movie" 
Jirou was going to say something but Yu stopped her at the last second mouthing the words 
Yuyu: (her and Izuku used to watch it) and she understood Momo looks back at the list...and sees a title in the corner of her eye...
Momo: " about...the 'hob...bit?" 
Nejire: "same universe" 
Yuyu: but you said anything other than the one you never saw it..neither did's there to loose..if it's boring...i took the initiative to bring your earmuffs" 
Nejire: " that you offer it...okay" 
Jirou: "cool...lets see what this movie is all about" as they purchase the tickets...Momo then begins to move on towards the area to get sodas...and popcorn (can never go wrong with it) 

Toga: "hmm....pretty obvious spot" as she sees an abandoned apartment complex...having plastic and scaffolding all over it...she heads in...bringing out a small vial...filled with Ochakos blood....and she drinks it...turning into she could float up through the areas she can't get through with normal means....
Toga: "oh doc~...where are you?" playfully singing it she looks in the empty rooms...and the debris scattered all over the place...she noticed a light coming out from the top floor....
Toga: "bold of you to set up here" grinning as she slowly floats up to the light...she felt the effect of her quirk wearing the last second she grabs the ledge of the railing and pulls herself up...
Toga: "minor miscalculation" treating her near-death situation as an everyday problem...she then tried to open the door..but it was locked...
Toga: "aww...doc your killing me here" and with no other choice...she kicks it open...creating a cloud of dust...coughing  Toga waves her hand in an attempt to avoid breathing more in....taking her knives out...she slowly walks in...and sees the lights of test tubes and beakers scattered all over the place...paper and even a strange green liquid is on the mumbling and frantic movement is heard...
Toga: "doctor?" pulling back the curtains...she sees him...Doctor Ujiko in the flesh...trying to maintain something in a fairly large testtube...a NOMU to be precise...
Toga: "doctor" she said out to him and he jumps
Ujiko: "NO! did you get in here!...get out...get out!" 
Toga: "come on doc your making me feel sad...I'm only because i was told to search for you" seeing his whole body tremble in fear...he slowly raises his arm and points at her 
Ujiko: "that demon sent you...didn't he!...." 
Toga tilt her head confused by that statement...demon?...what sort of Demon could there be out there right now? 
Toga: "I don't know what you mean" and Ujiko scoffs loudly 
Ujiko: "hah...feign Ignorance! know who i'm speaking off...Izuku MIdoriya...the bogeyman!...he sent you here to finish up loose ends am i correct!" 
Toga: "oh you mean he's no longer with us" 
Ujiko: "no long...he's dead?" 
Toga: "hmm?..nah..he's run off somewhere with our little i wish he took me instead" 
Ujiko: " many vials has he taken!?" 
Toga: "hmm...i think...about...six" if his face was pale it couldn't get any more paler than he already is
Ujiko: "then that means...the black this isn't good..this is not good at all!" 
Toga: "oh come on your just being overdramatic...come one Shiggy wants to ask you something" but then she was suddenly grabbed by the small man 
Ujiko: "do you realize what you have done!?...if he takes that black vial then it need to kill him!...before it's too late!" 
Toga: "why..what's in this little vial that's so important?" 
Ujiko: "You wouldn't may have a tie in to his past...something dear to him...and if he takes it..and it lingers with the other unstable quirks in his''s possible they could mutate even further...from a an abomination...he will be unstoppable" 
Toga: "but i though the whole idea of him gaining so many quirks is so he could be easier to control" 
Ujiko: "Enhance NOMUS are a different variant that's been theorized for a long a proud scientist that serves only to my master i have done many testing before him...but in doing so i curse the day i had injected those quirks...leaving that briefcase for young tomura to decide when to inject more in...I regret the day Sensei suggested that idea..i should've pursued him to delay it..." 
Toga: "'s been a great help...what could be so boring about it?" 
Ujiko: "as you may know...i'm sure your playing dumb here miss Himiko...but those quirks he retained have yet to fully evolve...awaken as some may call it...i cannot say when it could happen...but it could bring much trouble not just heroes..but to both sides...after what Young Tomura had done to him...he will stop at nothing to take everything down with him...even if he's on the losing side..he will make sure to take you with him...such a much as i fear in being even caught slightly in his sight...his would be a huge breakthrough with my ongoing further push the physical limits of the human"
Toga yawns: "yeah...whatever...but you have another task...Shiggys said Sensei had left him a little something to use...when he wants to wreak havoc..." 
Ujiko: "He's talking about Gigantomachia...Senseis former bodyguard...he is well a compound near the edge of the's hardly difficult to one ever goes there...that is where you will find him" 
Toga: "hmm...well that was certainly helpful...thanks again doc" as she was about to leave 
Ujiko: "One more thing" and she stops 
Toga: "hmm?" 
Ujiko: "Shigaraki has to prove to him that he is a worthy adversary...a worthy successor...if he cannot...well...pray that he does..." 
Toga: "okay~" nonchalant about it..she just gallops she leaves....the door of course locks and she heads back down...ready to give this new information to the league

as the four leave the movie theater now...they had to head back to the school...for an apparent 'debriefing' they would call it 
Momo: "what are they going to talk to us about?" 
Nejire: "It's probably different for our class...who might have to deal with new regulations...since the Yakuza incident..with other events that stack along with it" 
Jirou: "I can see that...but i still don't get why each class is being told different things" 
Nejire: "I'm not supposed to say this" as the four stop 
Yuyu: "Nej...not here" 
Momo: "what...what are you withholding?" 
Nejire: "*sigh*...lets get out of the public eye..." turning a corner where they are in the least popular area of the mall...they head Jirou and the others look out for anyone....Momo then stands next to Nejire 
Momo: "what's going on?...what do you know about the situation?" 
Nejire: "apparently there's a supposed traitor..or 'mole' principal nezu calls them...and there may be at least multiple of them" 
Momo: "Multiple?!" 
Jirou: "In don't get it...why would a mole be planted in the school" 
Nejire: "to figure out who the years batch of new heroes in training are" 
Yuyu: "to see if they could pose as either a threat or even a target for the league to capture....that or require information on the whereabouts of the students...especially since the forest training camp you went through was disclose only to the school staff and the big case if there were an emergency we would be there on the fly...but as you imagine it....didn't work out too now we have multiple people of our own...and we do have a suspect list...and no...none of you two are in it...but...*sigh*" 
Jirou: " there anyone in our class?" 
Nejire: "we're not allowed to look at the list" 
Momo: "why not?...your part of the big three we are you-" then she stops herself....realizing why she isn't allowed...she dated Izuku...and he kept his secret hidden well..and deceived wonder...they're doing this as a precaution...but it's ridiculous...but she could see why...but then again...she has a feeling she's planning something...she and the others have something behind their backs 
Momo: "nej just be up and straight with me...what are planning" 
Nejire: "what?" 
Jirou: "oh shit" mumbling under her breath
Yu facepalms: damn it" 
Momo: "your planning something aren't always seem to have something in mind...but...." 
Nejire: "Mo...enough" 
Momo: "I want to help you...what's going haven't spoken to anyone...not me...not the others...not even's been two days..and she's wondering if your okay...please..just tell me" 
Nejire: "if i tell you...your going to report it...and it could bring trouble...a lot of trouble...i'm one of the main suspects on that list Mo...they won't believe anything that will come out of my mouth...they could barely trust me being alone...for all i know there's a pro hero out there right now patrolling the area we've been hanging around..." 
Momo: "i didn't know" 
Nejire: "but you didn't...and it's best if either of us mention it again" 
Momo: "would they believe me? could relay your ideas to me and i could present them as my own...once everything has been set and blown over i will reveal that you were the one that came up with it in the first place" 
Nejire: " more...I just...I just want to go back into my dorm and wallow" 
Momo: "lets just...sit here for a while...okay?" 
Nejire: "alright" now the other two join in...waiting for what seems to be chilling...what a mood

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