the hangout

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Izuku: "*sigh*...fuck" groaning out.,,collapsing on his bed exhausted from his training...three months so far...three months of nonstop training...three months...since he ever had a single thought...about the 'family' and he could care less...and oh three months being into the job....he was in his work outfit...dining in...serving the regulars...and the awkward moment Nejire came in with her friends...and they were allowed in because Izuku said it's fine...and got the green light from his boss...they sat down seeing Izuku be honest...he really felt he doesn't know if anyone else has this feeling...that he has to show off his skills...with ease shaking it up and then pouring it well 
Izuku: "so what brings you guys here today?" while still working 
the big guy...blond hair but with a face that doesn't match at all with his body...Mirio Togata 
Mirio: "nothing much man...just came here to see how your doing!...and man you are great at this..." looking how he does this with ease 
Izuku: "really" 
Nejire: "Oh don't be low on yourself Zuzu" there it is again...he doesn't really remember when she started calling him that...but it seems to have a very negative reaction with other guys when he hangs out with them...since he's the only one who has a nickname in the group...
Izuku: "and you should stop calling me that" 
Nejire: "phooey...your the one that has a name that wants to be nicknamed...i like it" although unlike him..he isn't thick headed...for he can see the faint blush on her cheeks...then the other boy...the shy hair and always hiding in his jackey...Tamaki Amajiki...his and Mirios quirk are both very his opinion they may be the strongest in the school at this moment...
Izuku: "so...i'm guessing your here to take me somewhere?" 
Mirio: "since your getting off in about ten minutes" soon his boss comes out 
"ah so you are his friends...always thought it was just Nejire...nice to meet you all" 
Mirio: "oh and thanks for letting us in" 
"with pleasure...any friend of my best worker here is always welcomed to come here" 
Izuku: "*sigh*" while seeing him pat his back...
Nejire: "aww" now it was his turn to slightly turn red 
"it's alright kid...clock out early...i can fill in...need to make sure i don't get rusty" and he nods...
Izuku: "thank you sir" and he walks out to clock out and grabs his bag...putting on his trench coat and walks out now 
Mirio: "man you sure dress classy"  
Izuku: "have too...dress code permits it" 
Nejire: "must've costed you a lot" 
Izuku: "not really...had some help" 
Nejire: ""ooh...who? we know them? it your parents? it other work? you have another job?" 
Izuku: "can't you don't know them...never my parents...only job i have right now...and you asked that twice" 
Mirio: "well then...since your done..where do you want to go?" 
Nejire: "i'm thinking of the" 
Izuku: "other than the mall..we went three times last week" 
Nejire: "but...but" pouting 
Tamaki: "i don't...m-mind where we go" 
soon they head for the mall...again...for now the fourth time...of course going through the usual route they take 
Izuku then sees in the corner of his eye...
Mirio: "what?" and they all look to see it as well...a tv on display...showing the news 
TV: "and last night remains to be one the police and heroes call the most disturbing murder case...four Ibuki Miyaki...Mako Satori...and two other students who yet to be identified have been found in the Miyaki residence last night...after what seems to be the case of a very maniacal person...this work seems to be not the case of any sort of known is said that before the possible incident...witness have said they had seen a very large man covered from head to toe with a gasmask and a very large hammer...this is the last known photo captured" now showing Izuku in his outfit...of course the photo has been badly it looks very creepy to the others 
Mirio: "how could anyone do that!?...what was even their motive?" 
Izuku: "perhaps the person is probably someone they knew...maybe a stalker?...or a person they wronged?...who knows" showing no emotion to the case 
Nejire: "'s up to us to stop future heroes in training..we will make sure those students death are not in vain!" 
Izuku: "you should refrain from shouting out your identities" 
Mirio: "right...right" 
Izuku: "but either way...good luck on finding this person then" 
then they continue on with the hangout...even though the report killed the mood and they couldn't get their mind of Izuku had an idea
Izuku: "hey...lets see if there's anything to watch in the theater" 
Nejire: "oh oh could we go!...could we!?" looking at the other two 
Mirio: "for sure!...anything to get our minds off this mood" 
Tamaki: "sure" and they head that way...talking among each other...Izuku of course was talking to Nejire...while the other two are talking about their ideas on what game should they play when they both get home 
Nejire: "so your boss...seems your really close with him" 
Izuku: "he's been nothing but kind and fair to me...he taught me everything i needed to know...and so far it's been doing well" 
Nejire: "What about your parents?" 
Izuku: "what about them?" 
Nejire: "are you still planning on moving out?" 
Izuku: "when i get the money...then yes" 
Nejire: "well you see there's something i've been meaning to ask you" 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
Nejire: "i'm not suppose to be saying this but U.A is going to establish a dorm system so all three of us are going to stay there...and well my parents are traveling over the world right now...they won't be back until i i was wondering..if you would like to just set up shop at my place instead?" and this made the two infront of them stop talking and listen in 
Mirio: "she's really doing it!" whispering to him and he nods 
Izuku: "and how long have you been planning this" 
Nejire: "" 
Tamaki: "it's been like a month" 
Nejire: "TAMAKI!!" turning red and Izuku just chuckles 
Izuku: "i appreciate the offer Nejire...but i don't want to be intruding in your home..." 
Nejire: "Y-you won't's just me right now and" 
Izuku: "and you want to spend more time with me hmm" smirking 
Nejire: "hey!" 
Izuku: "adorable" and she hides her face 
Mirio: "lel" 
Tamaki: 'what?" 
Izuku: "well let me see this place then...and i'll see about it...alright?" 
Nejire: "oh...sure!" and they head in now...of course..there was an event going on...playing movies that are from the quirkless era...and they are playing a movie called 
Mirio: "dirty harry?" 
Izuku: "a movie that was made in the quirkless era...heard it's a timeless classic...and from what i've been worth watching" 
Tamaki: "lets do that then" 
Nejire: "sure sure!" and soon they bought the tickets...of course he paid...hes the only one with a good paying job...and he felt nice today...much to their protest...he did it anyway...and once they got in...he received a call from his which he just ignored...for the thousandth time of the week...he hates this whole trying to checkup on his well-being...they had their chance..and they blew more...he turns it off and he continues on...and for some reason..they were the only ones in the theater...
Izuku: "hmm..not surprising" 
Mirio: "did we choose wrong?" 
Tamaki: "lets just watch it" and they sat down...of course...Mirio and Tamaki sat next to each other...leaving Nejire sitting next to Izuku...a row above them 
Nejire: "ooh" now the movie starts....

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