Her world shattered

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Izuku: "Nejire..we..we need to talk" as he held out his arms out...seeing the blood dripping of it...then to the hammer..and his eyes...the yellow glow...
Nejire: "no" she cried out...and then..she flies up to him 
Mirio: "wait..nej!" as she jumps on her...grabbing his head...trying to plea 
Nejire: "someones...someones controlling you!..zuzu..zuzu please tell me how to stop it!" as she felt his hands grab her
Izuku: "nej!" he had nothing but pain in his expression from this...
Nejire cries out again: "LET HIM GO!!" trying to speak to whatever she thinks is making him do this 
Nejire: LET MY ZUZU GO!!!" as she bawls out
Izuku then closes his eyes: "Enough!" and then twirls to throw her off him...floating up...as Izumi then sees it...she then couldn't believe what she was seeing...
Izuku: "It's just me Nej...it's just me" then sees his gloves are still on..and he takes it off...tossing them aside..now sighing in frustration 
Izuku: "this isn't exactly how i wanted things to go...I mean..how could it...but..you are not seeing things...all of you" looking at the helicoptering hovering near them 
Izuku: "I...am..the bogeyman...the child killer that these hero rats have been calling me...what was supposed to be just a simple facade to reel them in to kill easily...my goal intentionally was to kill all those who have wronged me...but the more i realize was the corruption of heroes..was bigger than i thought..so much in fact..that it's influence it's people into thinking they would always be there...i mean of course there's the fact i may have killed Yu's aunt...but...she was the teacher who also ignored me and allowed me to be bullied in that hellhole they call a school...but...i'm almost done...i'm almost done..once i'm done with her..and those fucking things she calls friends...everything will be over...i can end it all from there" as he horribly explains things...she then teared up...but Izuku then holds his hands up 
Izuku: "Nejire this is good news..." 
Nejire: "you..you lied to us...you lied to me" 
Izuku: "You couldn't know..not when i was going to finish...not until i fully knew" 
Nejire: "knew what!?" 
Izuku: "that..you loved me" grabbing her hand..she yanks it out 
Nejire: "So..if i didn't felt like what you think i did..I would be another casualty!...no this..this doesn't make any sense!" as she was inches away from him 
Nejire: "You love me...I love you...we were supposed to be together for a long time..we have people who care about you!" 
Izuku then looks back down: "Do you know..how long i will Live?" 
Nejire: "what?" 
Izuku: "these quirks in me..aren't regular..they are unstable and acts as a cancer ...they are slowly destroying the cells in my body...and mind..don't you understand what it means Nej?...I will die before i will reach the age of thirty" as this news was broke down to her...she never realized...why he was like this..from his mind breaking slowly...how...he seemed off as time progressed in their relationship...and why he asked her if she had truly loved him..it wasn't out of him trusting her love for him 
Izuku: "it wasn't something i wanted you to deal with" he didn't want her to grieve over him...when in fact..it's the complete opposite 
Izuku: "but now that's behind me..." 
Izumi: "No..Izuku!" seeing him walks towards her...her brother...the very one who had given her all her injuries..the nightmares she has been tormented in...along with the others 
Izumi: "please...i'm sorry..i'm sorry!" 
Izuku: "I will kill you and the others...before i met my end" holding up his hammer...until Nejire jumps in front of him again
Nejire: "NO...you..You really think..that because of the fact that not only you had been responsible of the monstrous things that have been happening..you also were the reason why Momo and the others have been scarred....I won't stand by it!" 
Izuku: "look the heroes are-" 
Nejire: "I don't give a SHIT ABOUT THE HEROES...a lot of the people you killed...some heroes were my friends...Yus family..That I would stand aside and let you do it now!..." 
Izuku: "You don't know what your saying" and then his eyes grew brighter now 
Izuku: "and i can't..let..you..interfere" in a threatening tone...as the thermite now started growing on his body again..to make her stand down...
Nejire: "I...I..I know what I'm saying" going into a fighting stance...and he scoffs 
Izuku: "so be it" then a chain sprouts from his shoulder to wrap around her hand and then toss her aside...Izuku then stomps on Izumis legs hearing her scream as Mirio tries to jump at him..but punches him
Nejire: "NO!!" jumping on him...he grabs her foot to slam her into the ground..and then with all of his strength throws her away from him..hearing her scream...his angered expression faltered showing worry about what he's about to do..but he snapped out of that moment...and then...he went to see Izumi crawling away, as Yuyu now blasted him with her Pulsar attack jumping away from the place...
Yuyu: "IZUKU!!" in complete rage now 

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