Sports Festival: 'Obstacle course

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Izuku walking up towards the stadium sees the trio waiting for him seeing her excited...makes him feel joy...some relaxation...things he never had much experience in his life as a whole...
Nejire: "HEY!!!" coming up to him affectionate as kinda does feel really weird for him...but he tries to adjust..
Izuku: "hey" 
Nejire: "so you ready?!" and he nods...
Mirio: "lets see who will win this year" and they go right up to show the guard their tickets and were guided heading was one thing to do...the next thing they see is the hero merchandise and vendors that are exclusive to the festival...
Mirio: "Oh man i got to see if they have it!" running now 
TamakI: "i'll watch him...again" and he just follows along 
Izuku: "any idea on what he's looking for?" 
Nejire: "hmm?" having a small churro in her mouth 
Izuku: "nevermind" and he sees Mirio cheering out about something in particular
Nejire: "mm!...Mightbewhat'shelookingfor!" talking with food in her mouth 
Izuku: "please swallow" 
Nejire: "*ahem* i said he found it" 
Izuku: "found what?" 
Mirio: "the limited edition All Might figure when he was wearing his USA uniform!" seeing the American flag on the a cape/cloak 
Izuku had to admit..he knows what he's talking about...he sold his for double for what it's worth because he knew that it was going to be popular again for some reason...
Izuku: "you ever gotten the Charging star edition?" 
Mirio; "what?" 
Izuku: "there's three variations to the USA have the Silver age, the American flag, and then the Charging Star...the design is similar to a comic book hero from america called Captain which i heard is his favorite comic book hero" 
Mirio: "NO WAY!!" fanboying out 
Nejire: "hmm..never knew you were invested in this stuff...the more you know" 
Izuku: "i used to collect all might merch but i stopped realizing the amount of money i was wasting to help myself" 
Mirio: "yeah...but it's a nice hobby to have" 
TamakI: "if you have the money for it" 
Yuyu: "well well well...finally you found it" seeing Yuyu there 
Nejire: "yuyu!" 
Izuku: "back from the dead" 
Yuyu: "oh be Mirio found the figure?" 
Mirio: "you bet i did!" showing it to her 
Yuyu: "wow!...this is awesome man" 
Nejire: "so you guys ready to find a seat?!" 
Izuku: "why not?...i want to be this close to you" 
Tamaki: "gross" 
Mirio: "your not ten" 
Tamaki: "doesn't mean they should be this affectionate in public" 
Yuyu: "oh calm down...lets hurry up" and they meet up to find a valet to guide them to their seats...well the area they need to sit in so they watched as Present mic goes and announced the whole thing..seeing Midnight there in her skimpy outfit 
Nejire: " least my hero outfit isn't that bad" 
Izuku: 'i beg to differ' mumbling 
Mirio: 'hehe' laughing nervously then she goes on to announcing other things...and the added innuendo joke...but when she called up who is going to represent the class 1-A students...well have to was Katsumi Bakugo...
Katsumi: "I Have something to say...that in the mist of thing...BEAT MY BROTHER DAMNIT!!!" echoing through out the stadium...of course it was quiet...then the small subtle 
Bakugo: "FUCK YOU SIS!!!" although not as loud as Katsumi...was still faintly audible and all you could possibly hear after that...was some ranting from a random blond kid who seems beyond pissed as well 
Izuku: "hmm...very short tempered students this year" while others around him agree as he takes a swig of his soda 
Nejire: "hmm..i thought she would be the more reasonable one" 
Mirio: "she seemed like the calmer sibling" 
Izuku: "hmm guess that shows looks can be deceiving" 
Tamaki: "wonder how many of them are going after HER instead" 
Yuyu: "maybe about half...but then again i heard they were a force to be reckon with" 
Izuku just rolls his eyes...but then there was a notification sound coming Yuyus phone...she took it out and she gasp...unlocking her phone she reads into it 
Nejire: "yu? everything alright?" then she covers her mouth...before tears started to come down 
Izuku moves so Nejire could go comfort her as she struggles to keep her composure in...others around them also paid no avoid it getting fucking awkward...then Izuku then glimpses at the phone...then he understood why 

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