The next hangout

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waiting outside of the third years dorms...Momo was pacing back and forth trying to cool her nerve to build up the courage to even knock on the door...
Momo: "deep breaths...deep breaths can do this..if...yu can do it so can goes nothing" now bringing her hand up to the door..she knocks on it three times and stops...waiting for a response...but she not in her dorm right now?....she checks the time, school should be over for the day...she tries knocking again...
Momo: "Nejire?'s mo" trying to see if there would be a response...again she took the next step and messaged Yuyu if she's anywhere right now...she responded saying she should be in her dorm..and nowhere else...since she went right for her room as class ended...
Momo sighs and knocks again: "Nej i know your in there...please...could...could we talk?..." as she tried again for the third time...finally she hears some ruffling in the room and some items being moved out of the way...did she barricaded her room?...Eri should be with Mirio and Tamaki right now...and when the door is heard being unlocked it opens to Momo mentally trying to take in the sight before her...her room was in if a tornado had just gone by...items and things are scattered everywhere...there was even burn marks all over the wall and ceiling 
Nejire: "what" she had bluntly asked her...her hair was tangled and messy...bags are present assuming she hasn't had a proper night of sleep at all...wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt...and she had a tired expression meaning she better have a reason on why she bothered her in the first much simpler words...she is looking at a shell of the third member of the big three...the bubbly and carefree girl was gone...and in front of her..was a broken girl...
Momo: "Nej...could...could i come in?" 
Nejire: "why are you here mo" 
Momo: "well..I haven't talked with you in a while..and...i was just concern...worried" 
Nejire: "hmm..." and she was gonna close the door...if it weren't for the door stopper that was just put there...prevented her
Nejire: "Listen...Mo...i know you mean well...but...I'm not right in the head right now...i just....need to be alone" 
Momo: "'s not a big group..we're just..going to watch a movie...and be done with it...if you want to head back then that's fine...but everyone is worried for you...just this once...please" and she just stares and then looks down...contemplating the gesture...but...then agains going to that theater will only awaken unwanted memories...a dead up from a lie...but...she knows she won't stop asking...
Nejire: *Sigh*...when is the appropriate time?" and Momo tried her best to not show it...but she was excited now...
Momo: "it's later on today...thought we could get a bite to eat before we go...don't want to have popcorn on an empty stomach right?" 
Nejire: "right...just...give me a moment to prep myself...who else is coming?" 
Momo: "Oh?...well..Yuyu...Jirou...and i thought it would be nice to have to be just the four of us..." 
Nejire: "okay"
Momo: "oh i ca-" *bang* the door is closed in front of her...
Momo: "can call you later" she slowly finished her sentence...she probably heard making her way back to the main lobby..she sees Mirio and Tamaki sitting at the table with Eri...she's only seen her for a short time..but she could tell the girls been through a lot...from what she could suspect was she went through a lot of abuse...and then the whole 'papa' situation she she ended up taking a trip down memory lane...especially when she was stuck in the provisional license exams...thinking back when she saw him as the friend she always wanted...the one who cared for his friends and his witty then...those....those beatings...the hook that was shoved into her mouth...making her all herself a whore...holding her up by her hair...then haunted her dreams since then...all under a facade thinking he was their friend...their mentor...the one who didn't see her as some rich brat and just saw her as a another friend of Nejire....but she couldn't be anymore wrong than she already is
Eri: "wiverdeli" 
Tamaki: "Riverdale" 
Eri: "livertale" 
Mirio: "River" 
Eri: "R...River" 
Tamaki: "Dale" 
Eri: "dell" 
Mirio: " a boys name...dale" 
Eri: "D...D....Dayle" 
Tamaki: "close say it together...Riverdale" 
Eri: "Wyverndale" Mirio tried to suppress his chuckle...
Tamaki: "well you know how to say wyvern...that's for sure" 
Eri: "Ri...Rivern...Rwiverndale" 
Mirio: "yep"
Eri: "ooh" she couldn't help but smile from this display she walks up to them and they stop 
Mirio: " uh...what's the situation" 
Momo: "she's coming" 
Tamaki: "good" 
Eri: "hmm?" 
Mirio: "oh you know your mom is going to hang out with them for a bit" 
Eri: "okay" 
Tamaki: "do you want to keep writing...or do you want to watch a movie?" 
Eri: "uh...i...i don't know" shy now about it
Momo: "Eri...right?" and she nods 
Momo: "you probably didn't notice me before but i'm Momo Yaoyorozu...I'm a friend of your mom...we're just going to  help her out..and cheer her up..." 
Eri: "help happy?" 
Momo nods...
Eri: o...okay" 
Mirio: "come on...lets get that movie ready!" excited because he wants to show her a lot of them...
Tamaki: "we'll try our best to keep her just know she likes to sleep with her at night...but i doubt you'll take up the whole day" 
Momo: "right" 
Tamaki: "good luck" and he joins the two in their attempt to pick something out...
Momo: "I hope it'll go well" now waiting with them until the time comes up...

Shigaraki: "DAMN IT!!" breaking another computer...
Dabi: "there goes another one" 
Shigaraki: "quiet...where the hell could he keep him" 
Toga: "keep who?" 
Shigaraki: "I'm talking to myself!" as he then pulls out another computer and tries to start it up trying to make sense of his plan...which is built horribly...he tries to get a grip on the situation...but without Kurogiri there to help him revise it...he doesn't know what to do...even as much as he hates it...he wished Midoriya was there to help as well...
Shigaraki: "Sensei has left something of power for us..that is what Kurogiri told me...that's what he said...but he also failed to inform me of what the hell it is! we're here just sitting ducks...any move we make it could mean our downfall...that's what's!" 
Toga: "oh" not wanting to continue on with the conversation 
Spinner: "that's just the surface...apparently we're being targeted by other of them being the creature rejection clan" 
Dabi: "what problem do they have with us" 
Spinner: "simple..we don't have our trump card anymore...he's out there with another one of our members that even you..also support..." 
Dabi: "not my fault...that was her choice" 
Toga: "not from what i've heard" grinning and poking at him 
Dabi: "stop" 
Shigaraki: "whatever...guess we'll have to delay the plan...for now we need to find the power card Sensei left us...Toga...I need you to find Doctor Ujiko..he is our last hope of finding what we need..." 
Toga: "okay" 
Shigaraki: "the rest of you...we have a temple to burn down" meaning they are going to destroy the they now head out 

Nejire: "hmm hmm" as she washes her face...trying to clear her mind and get ready for what should be an okay hangout...but as she was washing her face she then hears 
Nejire: "huh?" and she turns around to find no one...she's the only on in her room...and anyone that is here would be downstairs in the lobby..
Nejire: "i must be going crazy" and she turns back to look at herself in the mirror...and she was met with an image...of Izuku standing behind her 
Nejire gasp...
Izuku: "Why don't you hate me!?" and she turns around to find him gone...another illusion...
Nejire tries to steady her breathing...and she can't keep this down any longer...she has to one day face him again...and it could be their last altercation...but she wants to believe that he can be saved....even others are supporting her for it..despite the negative responses she would receive from the other students here don't consider her a part of the big three anymore...saying that she was in love with a demon and that it allowed her to be weak...and not finish the job...that she should off herself from the shame she's brought to the name hero...but to others...they understood of what she's going through...some pro heroes...mainly them...even Izukus old boss...and Miruko...they saw through him...
Nejire was again looking back in Hosu city to see how the restaurant is doing...seeing his old boss there sweeping the floors..
"hello...oh...Nej!" he waved at her...jolly as ever 
Nejire: "hello" seeing her sadden expression he puts the broom down and goes up to hug her...which of course shocked her 
"I'm so sorry..." even though she said she didn't need pity from felt different when it was him...mainly because it sounded like he was blaming himself for what he's become
"If i had known...for just a second..i could've...tried to talk him out of it..but...i was blind" 
Nejire: "It's not your fault...don't think it was for even one second...i already talked to the people responsible for it...his parents" and she could hear him sigh...sadden once more to hear this 
"If i recall a saying...that every child...deserves parents...but not every parent deserves a child..this is that situation...he would talk to me about what he would want to do in the future...but he never mentioned his past when he worked here...he would just keep it to himself...even when i would offer an ear to let him rant or vent out the obvious anger he would keep tucked in...he never would mentioned it..." 
Then to Miruko to which Nejire found drunk when she came 
Miruko: "I hate this feeling...this gut wrenching pull in this grief...or anger? i betrayed...hurt...disappointed!?....that's all i can quickly he went to just throw me aside...and attack me no problem..not even an once of relationship between me and him...was never there at all" 
Flashback ends 
Nejire: "Okay...calm down" and she exits her make her way down to the lobby...and sees Momo, Jirou, and Yuyu there...just talking 
Yuyu: "hey hey it's Nejire!" teasing her with how she would greet people 
Nejire Stiffles a laugh 
Jirou: "hey girl" holding out her which Nejire just pokes it with her finger 
Jirou: "wow" 
Momo: "you ready?" 
Nejire then looks down at her phone to see the time...and looks back up with a smile on her face
Nejire: "lets go then" ready for a new hopes of breaking through her dark path

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