Kamino Ward: 'Exodus'

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AM: " there!" now seeing AFO floating up again...as he sees him stand in the middle of the arena 
AFO: "your growing weak Might...this is much less interesting than our last fight...age has brought you low...even your old master was a much better opponent" 
AM: "You keep her out of this!" 
AFO: "why not?...i'm simply stating a fact...tell me...how much did you feel?....to just stand there and watch her die...while you couldn't do anything...how much her screams are heard in your dreams...." as All Might growls...he couldn't bear to remember that day all over again..he's trying to get into his head...he can't...not now 
AFO: "Or as a matter of fact...how you stood there..and let your best friend die in that plane crash...then take his wife as your trophy" 
AM: "SHUT UP!!" 
AFO: "oh please...as if you could do anything to me...you have nothing to threaten me with...not with all the strength in the world...you know i'm speaking nothing but the truth...tell me...how did it feel when you enjoyed Inko, you ignored the very last thing she has of her late husband...how you both ignored him and abandoned him for the majority of his life...while you let your daughter and the world take their pleasure of harming him...a small helpless child...born of nothing but innocence...tainted and perverted to the brim..." 
AM: "SHUT UP!!" 
AFO: "please...at this point your just a broken record with no bite...i'm sure your son could give me a proper fight even if he's quirkless...and see how your frowning at me?...where's that smile all might?...where's the smile to ensure that everyone will be alright?...there is none...because you know you can't save everyone...no matter how hard you try...like your master...you will just be helpless...and watch it burn in front of you" 
AM: "HRAH!!!" charging ahead now...
AFO: "there we go" and he gets his quirks ready...and the two battle once more as AM collided his fist with AFO another shockwave was created 
AFO: "pathetic" and he enlarges his hand to grab him and throw him down...as he does AM then immediate goes back in and throws a piece of debris at him...to which he used an air cannon quirk to destroy it...
AFO: "how much further are you going to make me wait" 
AM growls and goes in for another onslaught 

Nejire: "Go go go!" destroying rubble to help clear a path for the civilians to get out...as Mirio fights off the NOMU yuyu then uses her quirk...a lot of people doesn't know how she managed to get into the hero course without knowing her quirk...but very few people do know what it is...and they have a good reason why it shouldn't be used that much 
Yuyu: "okay...Quaking Pulsar!" as she makes a very small ball of light...spinning extremely fast...she fires it as it caused the rubble to be demolished and reduced to nothing but atoms...it explodes violently...they were lucky that it wasn't the second result...and that was becoming a small black hole for a moment...when she used it during the entrance exams...she did the same thing..but it created a blackhole and it lured everything around it in...even trapping in light itself...lasting for a few seconds caused a lot of havoc...
Tamaki: your clear!" and they head on through...Nejire fires another beam at the NOMUS coming their way...as one was able to fly it grabbed on to her 
Mirio: "NEJ!!" and they rushed to her...Tamaki then eats a squid...using the suction arms to grip it and pull it off her...while Mirio jumps ahead...and then punches it's head...destroying the brain...
Nejire: I'm good..lets go!" as they keep on running through...they see the other pro heroes making their way towards them 
Miruko: "most of the NOMUs in this section are cleared...more civies?" 
Mirio: "yeah" 
Miruko: "good...we have more trapped over there by the west side....help them..i will try to get more to head in your direction...in the mean time try to stall for time" 
Mirio: "you got it!" 
Nejire: "yes Ma'm!" and they head out...while Nej carries Yuyu to help them get through the area 
Mirio: "so much destruction...within a short time..." 
Tamaki: "don't dwell on it right now...there are people who need saving" 
Nejire couldn't help but worry for the others in the area outside of here...if any NOMUs wandered off the path and head outwards...where there are less heroes  
Mirio: "that big villain...who is he?!" 
Yuyu: "if he's able to keep All Might on his knees" 
Nejire: "he can handle it...come on we have to save the others!" 
Tamaki: "that's what i've been...*sigh* nevermind" now making it to the other area...they see more NOMUs destroying and killing people...there was one in particular that stood out to them..it was an abnormal looking one...it had arms for teeth...and it had no face...just one huge mouth with hands reaching out grabbing people and eating them...it's long arms can easily reach out and grab those trying to escape it...but the worse of it all was the top half of a face sticking out from it's underside...the eyes frantically moving around searching for prey as it flails around running...right out of a nightmare 
Mirio: "You've got to be fucking kidding" seeing this thing now look right at them...and squeal...
Nejrie fires a beam at it...but it digs into the ground to avoid it....
Yuyu: "Be careful!" as they wait...the other civilians shiver 
Mirio: "don't move" and they tried their best....
Tamaki waits for a moment...then he picks up a rock...and throws it at a destroyed car and it makes a ruckus...now the NOMU burst out and tried to attack...but then Nejire blasts it with the beam and it screams out in pain...Mirio now goes in and hangs on to it...to try and make sure it doesn't dig again...but as it squirms in his grip...the harder it's getting to keep it gripped...Tamaki now eats a lobster tail and his arm turns into a claw...now he tries to grip it as well...
Nejire: "hold on guys...need to charge up!" as she focuses her energy more...Yuyu didn't want to risk using her quirk again...so she tried to get the civilians out....
now the NOMU managed to gain it's footing and kick Mirio out of the way and it grabs Tamaki 
Tamaki: "Shit!" and it eats him 
Nejire: "NO!!" as the stomach grew larger...it tried to dig down again...but Mirio then pulls at it's leg and keeps it from escaping...Yuyu now helps...as they both keep it in hold Nejire didn't want to risk hurting Tamaki...
Mirio: "hold on i got this!" and he goes through it...and soon this thing...felt the weight of two people...now it vomit Tamaki out but then Mirio comes right back out
Mirio: "DO IT!!" 
Nejire: "level 30 charge....Spiral BEAM!!" and she fires a concentrated burst of energy at it...as Mirio and Yuyu jump out of the way...hitting it head on...as it tried to shield itself...but it was of no use...the NOMU fell apart...as it opens up the bile was acidic and it started to flow over the area 
Tamaki tried to get away...and Mirio jumps in to help him...standing up on another destroyed vehicle Yuyu hangs on to a pole...as it lingers for a moment 
Tamaki: "Never again...that was...gross" 
Mirio: "Your telling me" 
Nejire: "is everyone alright?!" 
Yuyu: "got it cleared up...
Nejire sees the acid now evaporating...and it disappears 
Nejire: "oh good...okay...lets see if anything is left" but to their surprise another one emerges from the ground and grabs her 
Mirio: "NEJIRE!!" as they tried to go after her...more NOMUs come up and they each grabbed them and jumped into different areas 
Nejire: "AGH!" as she tried to fight it off...it pins her to the ground...as it leans down on her...it's arm like teeth reach out flailing and it grips her face 
Nejire: "no no no!" and she closed her eyes embracing for the worse...

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