The End: 'Wolf among sheep'

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as they witness the nightmare...the horrible monster that has been created...showing his true self...but to Aizawa and Present mic..they cannot help...but be in more this quirk he has obtained...they knew Hisashi when he went to their school, How loud and arrogant he can be...but overtime he grew to become more mature and level headed...even so much as to be humble at the same time...his fire breathing quirk required him to control his the level of heat is based of his anger or fear alone...and it could prove to be extremely lethal should it be near the 'blue' level...but that was just firebreathing...not turning him into a full blown 'dragon' as they would see based on the emerald scales on him...the them he looked very much like his father when he was using his quirk...but only if he was a hero...this...this is something else entirely...
Izumi: 'this is...firedrakes quirk!?' and in the background...a little LOV member...or more specifically...Toga...was watching in the she sees what has become of her idol...
Toga now remembers again
Ujiko: "The black contains an enhanced version of Firedrakes quirk" as he had a knife to his throat 
Toga: " horrible of you to pin that against him...what else?" knowing it's not all of it
Ujiko looks away for a he tries to look for anything to defend himself with the situation he's he tried to reach for something Toga giggles and just stabs a knife into his wrist 
Toga: "pop...and there goes your tendon...aww...too tell me again" 
Ujiko: "okay okay...what was also a part of it...not only Firedrakes..but..his original quirk!" blurting it out 
Toga: " mean..Izu had a quirk?" 
Ujiko: "y-y-yes...he did...i was instructed to extract it from him when he was four years old..." 
Toga rarely ever shows her anger..but this is one instance where she'll let it her eyes seemed more predatory than a lion that is stalking it's prey...
Toga: "what was it called?" 
Ujiko: "Dragonheir" 
Toga: "not very creative doc..but i'll let it this knife" and she slit his he gagged out desperately trying to keep pressure on it 
Toga: "shh shh shh" holding his other arm his struggle then started to weaken...and then 
Toga: "i'll see you in hell doctor" and she let his body drop onto the floor..while his arm was still stuck to the wall from the knife...
Flashback ends 

Toga: "he never said anything about a drawback..." she's seen Izuku shirtless before...but she can tell..that parts of his skin was only covered in scales..that could be proven a drawback?..if the skin was scarred or damaged then it can't have scales covering it?..she doesn't know...
Toga: "No other choice" and she brings out a small bottle full of blood...

Izuku: "HRAHAHAHAHAH!!" as he made the first slam his hammer into the ground...creating a huge shockwave...whatever this quirk was gave him not only the ability to breath out extremely hot fire...but it increased his strength...durability...speed...and even his eyesight...and he sees Katsumi making the first punching...left hook...pathetic as he just stands up immediately and swing his arm to throw her aside...
Izuku: "Let the professionals handle it...hehehehe" as he sees the pro heroes now charging in to attack Mirio then tried to attack him...of course he knew his defenses pretty feinting his hammer swing he used his he goes through him to now grab his arm and swing him to slam both Ryukyu and Miruko Ryukyu turned herself into a dragon 
Izuku: "You know your why not just be a good whore and submit to your new nightmare!" 
Ryukyu: "never!" as she swings her tail she sees he stops it with just one arm...the talons piercing her skin she winced out in pain 
Izuku: "so fragile" and then he hurls her around to slam her into the ground multiple times before throwing her he gets the hammer to swing it to break Shokas half ass attempt on trying to freeze him seeing them trying to overrun him...he then breaths out fire and started to it was lingering longer than normal fire...they had to retreat back...then he thought of an idea...breathing fire to cover himself with it and then using the thermite to let himself have an extra defense in it
Nejire: "god..his quirks have grown strong as well!" as she tried to use her saber lance to attack...he deflects it with his hammer...but she did managed to get a hit in hitting his chest...but it only left a small scratch on his scales...and he reels the hammer back to slam it down in front of her causing her to stumble...but she flies up and now
Izuku: "You should also know that not only does it change my appearance..grant me my fathers power...but also...enhance a lot of my quirks hahahaha" as the chains have returned they noticed it also had scales as he wraps it around his arm and extends it...which wraps around her leg and he brings her in he wraps his arm around her forcing her to face forward 
Izuku: "You know why they called my father...the 'dragon of the west'?" as she struggles to break free from his grip 
Izuku now in full rage he breathes out a stream of blue flames....but it was very violent and it had a very large range as he breathes it out the flames was very close to Nejire...from the source she felt the intense heat...even so much that it's burned the side of her face...feeling it in pain...and then he she looks to see the entire area he ignited was burning down breaking out of his grip...she winced from her cheek stinging now...
Izuku: "as you see this world can burn so easily so simple...and you want to be a part of it?..i never understood it" as he picks her up and throws her aside..
Tamaki: "HAH!" as he made a full contact with his mantis shrimp arm and it indeed..did a good job in it actually made him gasp for air 
Izuku roared out again breathing fire at Tamaki...and he jumps out of the he now uses thermite...and he breathes fire with it...seeing the stream of flames along with thermite mixed in...makes for a massive Izuku now stops and he then breaths fire on he also ends up setting his hammer on charging towards the heroes...Miruko then jumps away as she then sees Momo in the background 
Momo: "I just need time to get it set up!" as she knows what she's going to do 
Izumi: "IZUKU!!!!!" screaming out he was in complete rage...using her telekinesis to fling debris at him and then charged up One For All...and then behind him he sees Katsumi and Katsuki both using their quirks at the same time...
Katsuki/Katsumi: "DREADNOUGHT BLAST!!" as they both released the also launched them back...seeing the cloud of dust in the air...Izuku jumps out and swings his hammer knocking Katsuki out of the way and then he grabs words he lifts her up...he then lets out thermite...and then...jabs it into her she gasped in she saw the hand go right through her...
Katsuki: "NO!!" seeing his sister groaning she tried to break free from his grip 
Izuku: "such misplace love..that will never be reciprocated...and you be the first of the group to die Katsumi" 
Izumi: "Katsumi!" as she shouted out...seeing her now go limp....Shoka now felt the rage grow in her...she jumps over and then makes an ice spear to throw it at him...and it made contact going through his cheek
Izuku just stands up and bites down on it see it fall out of the wound...and it regenerates quickly
Izuku: "want to die so eagerly Shoka?...of course you do" as he breathes out fire she makes an ice wall to cover it up...but it continues to burn right through it...but she kept trying to keep it up...but it stops as Izumi comes in to kick him out of the way...knocking him over...seeing the flames go into the sky for a moment...he then growls...
Izuku: "Izumi" before breathing out flames in rage 
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!" as both them collided creates an immense shockwave that seemed to lift up all the dust in the they both exchange blows from blow...he then grabs both of her he now just starts to headbutt her...and again...then again...and she was nearly knocked out from the blows...his chest region started to glow his mouth glowed as well...but before he could breath out fire
Momo: "HEY IZUKU!!!" and then...water blasted him in the chest...hearing the sizzle and the glow go it caused him immense pain 
Izuku; "GAH!!!" as he stumbles Aizawa uses his quirk...causing his chains to break off...making it even hurt more...then Jirou jabs into his scales to then have her heartbeat go through him...which was hurting him a Miruko comes in to try and take him he screams out trying to break through this now Nejire also helps out...and then to put the final nail in Izumi now jumps up to charge up her next attack 
Miruko: "what are you doing!?" 
Nejire: "Izumi don't do it!" 
Izumi: "He killed my friend...everything that he's done...he deserves to die!" then closes his eyes as he then started to vomit again...the black blob now popping started to catch fire...and he now suddenly gets a jolt of energy in and breaks out of Mirukos grip and he grabs Jirous jacks pulling her in to swing her to hit Shokas ice wall and breaks it and then throws her towards Momo which caused her to spray the water at Shoka knocking her over and as he now throws his hammer at Aizawa hitting him directly...
PM: "SHOTA!!!" but then he soon sees a chain going toward him...he tried to move...but he wasn't quick enough as it goes into his neck...he then rips it out but it tried to go at him again and it goes right through his he was gagging...Izuku then grabs Shoka by her hair and Shoto tries to get her out of his silence...Shoto was knocked back...and he could only watch helplessly as she tries to get out...her gasp for air...Miruko tried to attack him...but he grew another arm and he grabs her to toss her away...
Izuku: "watch as you fail to save yet another child you've brought into this...and another person who has caused me hell...die in front of you" 
Shoto tried to release flames at him...and Endeavor screams out for his daughter...trying to fight him...emitting thermite out of his hand and he punches Endeavor away
Izuku: "Die Shoka" as she now felt the talons from his hand dig into her chin...feeling the pain but she couldn't scream...and the final thing that could ever happen to her...thermite released into her neck....feeling it burn through her neck as she now...started to have a look of horror on her face...even if she can't scream...her expression tells them enough 
endeavor: "SHOKA!!" as he sees the boy that used to be considered...a weakling in his eyes...take the life...of his child that he had high hopes for...the one...that reminded him of their mother...that would use their quirk to make themselves front of he just drops her body in front of them...they realized...that it's not enough...even though Shoka was considered to be the same skill level as her she was dead....along side Katsumi...both brothers having to avenge their sisters death...vent out their rage...and Izuku just kept...that smile...they so desperately want to wipe off...Izumi couldn't move...she wanted to help...wanted to stop his spree...but...she couldn't...
Izumi: 'why' as Bakugo tried to hit him...Izuku then just slaps his hand away and then grabs then breathe fire into Bakugos face...hearing his cries for help as he was burnt into a blood...just ashes that remain...then Shoto tried to freeze him...but he noticed that his body started to freeze over...for the first time in his life...he felt true fear...the fear of death...and trying his best to keep his was forced away so he completely froze over with the last thing he hears 
Izuku: "Touya says hello" and he finally freezes then toss him to the ground and was shattered into a million pieces...leaving one more problem...her...
Izumi: 'why can't i move!?' as she stared in more heroes tried to attack him...seein Ryukyu slam her tail down...with one whip of his chains it cut right through it...causing her to change back to her human form...seeing a gash in her lower she was picked up and he bites into her neck and rips a piece of her flesh he spits it back out...and she was gasping for air...
Izumi: 'there's no hope....nothing we can do could even give us an advantage' 
Izumi: 'huh?' still in a trance...she was slapped 
lida: "IZUMI!!!" seeing her friend there trying to snap her out of it...
lida: "WE NEED TO GO!!" as they keep on attacking...the pros are doing everything they can to give them time to get Endeavor shooting out massive flames at Midnight releasing her gas to try and subdue him...and now...Jirou using her soundwaves to keep him at bay...Momo trying to find another source of water to cut off his firebreathing quirk...knowing Thermite can go right through it..and the worst part...Nejire trying her best to get her words through him...his friends not wanting to kill she knows in her heart....she deserves it...she deserves everything that is coming to what else could she do?...what could she do in a situation like this?!
Izumi: "" as Izuku now gets a chain and he impales Endeavors arm to then swing him over and slam him into the ground...reeling him in and now he jumps on him stomping on his head multiple times...and he dodges a kick from Miruko to grab her leg..and use his claws to cut it causing her to fall back...
Izuku: "I've killed the symbol of peace...what could you even possibly hope to do?" as he holds Endeavor up...
Izuku: "Your number one hero...the one this world so desperately has high hopes for" before seeing his claws come out from his neck region before pulling down and ripped his head right off his body...
Izuku: "ahh" as he soon lit it on fire...blowing flames on the ashes fall right off...only having his skull in his hand now...
Izuku: " the symbol...that ends the era....of heroes" as the students managed to get away...Miruko tries again...stumbling around...along with Aizawa to try and keep on fighting
Izuku: "hmm?" as he sees their will...he has to admit...he has respect for them...along with his 'friends' seeing Yuyu trying to charge up her quirk...Tamaki now has a large crab claw...with Mirio pumped up...and Nejire...seeing her saber lance glowing much more brighter than usual...running off pure adrenaline alone...
Izuku then scoffs seeing the flames come out for a brief he lets out a chain and grabs his hammer...he blows flames on it and it lights up in blue holding the hammer with two hands...
Izuku then out of nowhere coughs out more black was double the amount than before...hearing his wheezing growing worse than roaring he charges towards they see him coming in a fast an Animal charging...with the instinct to using the hammer to jump very high he holds it overhead...and he will slam it on them...
Izuku: 'if i want to achieve what i want...I have to' now they realize where he's aiming 
Izuku: 'let her go' as Nejires eyes widened from what he's doing as he was going to hit her...out of nowhere 
Izumi: "DETROIT SMASH!!" but instead of punching him...she grabs him and they both fly off away from them...
Mirio: "IZUMI!" as they see them fly off and crash in the distance...seeing the roads the distance...
Miruko: "we...she's going to die...we need to help"groaning in pain...trying to ignore the bodies they stumbled over...
Aizawa: "can't...keep going...." as he looks behind him...seeing Mics he bleed out from his injuries...
"SENSEI!!" hearing lidas voice...
Aizawa: "we told you to retreat...head back!" 
lida: "''s midnight" along with mina
Mina: "she's....she's bleeding..we...we don't know what to do!" 
Aizawa then rushes over with find his colleague laying on the ground...with multiple burn marks and cuts...even one of Izukus chains is stuck in her abdomen..
Midnight: "hehe...h..hey...Shota" 
Aizawa: " you can't...Nemuri you can't do this" 
Midnight: " we...bit off...more...than we can chew" 
Jirou: "I'm...i'm putting pressure" 
Momo: "I can't stop the bleeding..i can't stop it!" as she was shaking...trying to save their in the background Eri comes out from hiding...seeing Midnight bleeding...she gasped scared from this..
Jirou: "no...nononono please don't leave us Midnight" 
Kaminari: "We...we need you!" 
Kirishima tried his best to hold back his tears...but he failed...
Aizawa: "how..." he couldn't form words...nothing at all as she slowly breathes
Midnight: "tell Emi...i'm sorry...i see you..again...go...stop him" as she now stops...she closes her eyes...and she goes...limp
Momo: "no..." 
Aizawa: "Nemuri" as they see her die in front of them...have they lost enough
Aizawa takes her whip and puts it in her hand: "goodbye" being the last thing he tells her...
Jirou: " can we do this...if...if it weren't for All might...for Izumi..and her dumbass friends...NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD'VE HAPPENED!!" 
Momo: "Kyoka!" 
Jirou: "AND YOU...YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO EVEN CALL HIM YOUR FATHER!!" pointing at Eri as she steps back a little 
Kaminari: "Jirou stop..we can't blame her!" 
Jirou: "WHY...WHY CALL HIM THAT!!" as she heads towards her 
Momo: "Jirou!" 
Jirou: "there is so many other people who you could look up to..but...your little request with your mother is just..INSANE!!" 
Eri: "i...I" then 
Nejire: "You touch even so much as a hair on her..i will add your body to this pile" seeing Nejire looking intensely at she stands between them 
Eri: "mama" and she looks back to smile at her...but she turns back to look at her again
Nejire: "we can't pin this on anyone right now..." 
Nejire: "I KNOW!!...i know...but...have you noticed...that he...*sigh*...that he only killed those who wronged him?...the Todorokis and Bakugos are one the main reason he's like this!" 
Jirou: "your sick" 
Nejire: "I know...he's taken more lives than we can count..but...It was never his choice!" 
Aizawa: "You both need to stop...what are you suggesting just up and offer outselves to have him kill us" 
Nejire: "No...but..he's dying....he's near that point already" 
Aizawa: "we have no time right now...we need to get to them fast" as they see Momo putting a sheet over they get up 
Momo: "we're coming" 
Aizawa: "that's out of the question" 
Momo: "you don't get to order us ..." looking over to the area they crashed...
Nejire: "No...i'll do this the time i get should be over with by then" 
Mirio: "not without us" 
Yuyu: "and no you can't convince us" 
Nejire: "right" 
Tamaki: "lets hurry" as Eri came up...Nejire then had an's a stupid one...but she hopes it works

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