Hosu City: 'Aftermath'

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sirens blaring in the distance...heard for miles on end...as the desperate calls for help...Nejire and the others could only stare at the damaged done in such a fast rate...the NOMUs even though they have been terminated...still done a lot of destruction...the one that was seen devouring the people..they looked more into it and found out it was created using three individuals...to create one organism...
Mirio clenched his fist seeing the disaster that has befallen on them 
Izumi: "how could we have let this happen?" 
Gran: "none of us were expecting this" 
Mirio: "he was within our reach..and...he still managed to escape." 
Nejire: "Mirio: 
Mirio: "We had him!" screaming out...as he just clenches his head 
Tamaki: "no one wasn't expecting him to disappear in the fire" 
Mirio: "he's...it did nothing...he figured out my quirk so fast that i froze...I" 
Nejire: "i didn't want to risk hurting you..." 
Tamaki: "No...we should've expected that...knowing he's the one that infiltrated the school for the information." 
Yuyu: "the rest of the heroes managed to get everyone out of the restaurant..but..." seeing his boss there looking at only..half of his staff 
Nejire: "are you hurt anywhere?" worried seeing Izukus boss just grimace...then looking back at the flames burning
"it...it was supposed to be a day of celebrating..Mido...is Izuku?!" 
Mirio: "crap..where did he?!" now frantic 
Nejire: "where did you see him last!?" 
"He said he was going to get everyone out" 
Nejire: "no..." and she flies towards where he was last seen 
Mirio: "shit!" rarely does Togata every swear...this is one of those moments...no questions asked the three of them rushed out to find their friend 
Nejire: "IZUKU!!!" screaming out...trying to look through the rubble...growing more frantic as time pass 
Nejire: "okay think Nejire..think think!" now her breathing started to increase....to a point that she's hyperventilating...
Mirio: "Nejire!" 
Nejire: "he's somewhere" 
Mirio: "Nejire!" 
Nejire: "what if he's gone?!...what if what hes!?" 
Mirio: "Listen!...look at me" snapping her out of it 
Tamaki: "we'll find him...he's not going to let something like this take him out..." 
Nejire tries to control her breathing...as she wipes her tears away 
Mirio: "come on..lets go" and she nods...and they proceed to search through the rubble...

Izumi: "god..i hope that's the last of them" feeling the medic wrap up her arm...as she looks at the other injured civilians 
"there...keep it leveled...should heal up in no time" 
Izumi: "thank you" and she gets out of the Ambulance..and looks around her...the strong smell of smoke still makes her want to throw up...and she sees Endeavor talking with the rest of the heroes and giving them directions...while the police does the same 
Gran: "Yagi" turning to see the old hero now being put into the Ambulance...
Izumi: "Gran!"
Gran: "You..you need to call your brother" 
Izumi: "why what's going on?!" 
Gran: "Idiot..you know he works in this area right!?" now she pales..she had completely forgot about it...now that she thinks of it...she remembered seeing the big three running off somewhere...why they were here?...she sees someone wearing a waiters outfit, but she first tried to call her brother....which of course blocked her Number...so she went to the worker 
Izumi: "excuse me" 
"w-w-what?" shaken to the core...he was traumatized 
Izumi: "i'm sorry to ask you...but...do you happen to know Izuku Midoriya?" 
"m-m-m-Midoriya?...w-why h-he's the Bartender...we....we just wanted....to celebrate....something simple...but...but this happens!" 
Izumi: "so you know him" 
"he...he was seen running off a different direction...trying to help people get out....after that...I..I don't know"  
Izumi: "where was the Restaurant?" 
"t..ten blocks from here...that way" he didn't want to talk anymore 
Izumi: "thank you" and she leaves him be...as she sees lida following her 
lida: "Izumi..where are you going" 
Izumi: "My brother worked in this area...ten blocks from here" 
lida: "i'll go" 
Izumi: "lida your arm" 
lida: "doesn't mean i can't save people" 
Izumi: "*sigh*...alright...come on" rushing into the direction she was given...

Izuku: "fuck" wincing in pain...as he HAD to let that building fall on him...struggling to navigate through the rubble...he was frustrated
Izuku: 'how did that bitch pull that move off...her quirk is Telekinesis..not some fucking pressurized punch with green lightning...increased agility similar to that mini Ingenium...as the flames grew brighter around him...the black veins return and his eye color changed again...
Izuku: "how did that happen..not unless she is hiding something..another quirk?...but how..unless...it's Similar to All Mights...how...Izumi" growling out...he kneels down now before 
Izuku: "IZUMI!!!!!!" screaming with everything again...before he turns back to 'normal'...and he falls over now...he will find out one way or another
Mirio: "huh?" hearing the scream that managed to be heard despite the 
Nejire: "IZUKU!!" and she rushes to the collapsed building in flames...as she uses her quirk to blast away debris recklessly 
Mirio: "NEJIRE STOP!!" seeing the amount falling off 
Tamaki: "Just look for him! i got it!" as he was using his quirk to catch some of it to prevent any further damage 
Mirio: "Midoriya!" as he phases through the debris...to now finally 
Mirio: "I FOUND HIM!!" Yelling out seeing his friend trapped under a large piece of wood...or timber...whatever...seeing the top part of the debris just turn into more pieces as Nejire now fully running on Adrenaline alone splits the beam in half...to scoop him up and tried to fly out of there...but not without Mirios help on boosting her up to then slip again...
Nejire: "*cough*" as the smoke now is blocking her means of Oxygen...Mirio sees this and he can't help them both...pulling both of them..while the flames grow...he also was losing strength...but he held his breath trying to preserve whatever air he had left...
Mirio: "no...." he groaned out as the exit they had..has now been engulfed in flames...reaching for it...trying to call out for help 
Nejire now just reaches over to keep Izuku in her arms...as if she's trying to shield him from getting burned...but then...they both felt a brief moment of cold air pass through them now 
Izumi: "IZUKU!!" as Izumi comes out using her quirk to lift the debris out of the way and lida doing his best to kick the foundations off creating an opening for them to get out...Izumi now uses her quirk again to pull the three of them forward...and lida helped them get out into the open air...both of them gagging to breath 
Izumi: "are you alright?!" checking up on them
Mirio: "don't worry about us...worry...*cough* about him!" seeing Izuku motionless 
Izumi: "Izuku..Brother!" pulling him towards her but not without 
Nejire: "You stay away from him!" Pushing her away...
Tamaki: "she needs to get him to the medics!" 
Nejire: "I can do it!" struggling to even stand at this point
Mirio: "nejire you can't!" 
Nejire: "he needs me...he needs my help..i...I promised...him" before she fell down...exhausted from the amount of energy she has spent...
"over here!" hearing the echoed voices off the heroes in the back ground...as the last thing she sees...is Izuku still unconscious...before her last attempt to reach for his hand...before she too blacked out

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