Test of Courage: 'He is fear'

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6 hours until LOV ambush 

Izuku: "so...he's made another" seeing the purple vial on the table 
Shigaraki: "yes" 
Izuku: "and what is your opinion on the matter?" 
Shigaraki remains silent...as Ochako is also anticipating his answer 
Izuku: "did he tell you what it is?" 
Shigaraki: "only that it would help us during the mission..that's all he said" 
Izuku: "fucking bastard...cryptic as always." 
Shigaraki: "so the plan is simple..and i already had Dabi and Toga go in to scout it...getting the coordinates was not simple" 
Izuku: "your inside guy" 
Shigaraki: "you could say that" 
Izuku: "sure" 
Shigaraki: "well for the time being...i explained it already to the others...Muscular is gonna go on a killing spree once we get there" 
Izuku: "hmm...and so your point" 
Shigaraki: "he's pretty keen on killing you....got drunk...talked about how your trying to steal his thunder...some bullshit"
Izuku: "hmm...seems like it...so you told Mustard about my identity" 
Shigaraki: "he seemed trustworthy...plus if he tried to exploit your real face...i'm  sure his corpse would be spread all over the country"
Izuku: "anyways...how are things looking so far?" 
Shigaraki: "as planned...i told you this already" 
Izuku: "just making sure" 
Shigaraki: "your changing the subject" 
Izuku: "well what am i supposed to fucking say...heres another quirk...oh right it's unstable so it's likely going to make you insane...i don't know what to fucking do with this info..it's literally pointless" 
Ochako: "but you can hold it off right?" 
Shigaraki: "it has to be either now or never at all...you have until...tomorrow at least to inject it or not...because either way it's going to be hell once we kidnap one of their students..and you know how the heroes are fucking reluctant to save one of their own compared to a regular civilian" 
Izuku: "I know" 
Shigaraki: "so...will you take it or not...because i'm having urges to just destroy the damn thing...but this is your choice...you make the call" 
Izuku just stares at the vial...then back at the  others 
Ochako: "Izuku...remember that whatever happens..we are here to help you...should you need it...i know you have your worries with Nejire and your other friends...especially her...but you either take it...become stronger...gain a power that will nearly rival All Mights...or don't...and stay like this...where the quirks you have currently will continue to slowly kill you" 
Shigaraki: 'what is she talking about?' does she know more about the effects that they do?...what is his sensei up to? 
Izuku picks up the vial...and puts it into his coat...he doesn't have an answer yet...but they can tell he is having trouble 
Izuku: "when it's needed...if i have to use it during our mission..i'll use it..if i don't...then i don't mind dying slowly...either way..i'm going to end up in a grave...but i'll be damned if i don't make the people who wronged be sent there first" 
Shigaraki: "whatever your choice is man...we are here" Putting a hand on his shoulder...of course he had tape on his pinky to avoid killing him 
Izuku: "thanks you two...really" now the door opens 
Twice: "they're ready/about time" 
Izuku: "well then" 
Ochako smiles she puts on her helmet...with her weapons ready 
Shigaraki now putting on his hands and his outfit
Izuku: "lets go catch us a hero" 


Jirou: "well then....that was uneventful" as the morning was going okay...they managed to get some rest in as their teacher told them their next challenge is going to be at night...so they took this time to spend time with one another...or just sleep in for the day...either way everyones relaxing...except for her of course...she had been messaging with Mirio Togata...she got his number the time they hung out at the mall..which is twice...asking him about the situation with Izumi and Izuku...but to his response...
'it's not a matter that's appropriate to talk about' 
which means he doesn't know himself...probably as much as she knows...she messaged him back asking what is Nejires deal with her glaring....since she noticed how the normally joyful airhead student...can give such a disliking glare at Izumi...he doesn't respond...which means he wants to drop the conversation...
Momo: "what are you doing?" 
Jirou: "Gah! Momo!" putting her phone away now 
Momo: "Jirou?" 
Jirou: "haha haha...it's nothing...don't worry about it" 
Momo: "with how you just acted...i'm sure it's definitely something to worry about" 
Jirou: "hmph" 
Momo: "now come on..tell me...what's wrong?" 
Jirou looks around to see if they're being watched....of course she can hear the conversations in the background..and one of them stopped...
Jirou: "not here...come on" following her outside and they head back into the cabin they're staying at 
Jirou: "there's something sketchy going on" 
Momo: "Sketchy?" 
Jirou: "suspicious...something's going on..and i'm trying to find out what" 
Momo: "Jirou i'm sure it's nothing...i know yesterdays training was really demanding...but you have to consider that-" 
Jirou: "it's about Izuku" now she stops 
Momo: "are you trying to joke around because this isn't funny" 
Jirou: "No..i'm being serious...have you noticed how Izumi acts around her brother?" 
Momo: "they both hate each other...i know hate is a very strong term to use...but i'm sure that's an understatement when comes to them" 
Jirou: "well..when we were in the bus...how me and you overheard them talking smack..i heard a little more" 
Momo: "Jirou i really don't" 
Jirou: "and i'm positive..that those five motherfuckers abused and harmed an innocent person" now she stops...
Momo: "w-what?" 
Jirou: "come on Think mo think!...it's been obvious from the start...how they react to him..how he acts like towards them...how Izumi described her brother that he might want to kill her...he obviously hates them...very much...whenever Izumi or any of them are mentioned..it's like a switch turned on in his head...and that is nothing but anger, I'm pretty sure that they are the reason he's like that." 
Momo: "I...then...no...no one with that history would be within even an inch of here...there's no way U.A would be that careless" 
Jirou: "either they know..or they don't want their reputation being dragged through the mud...remember...USJ, the sports festival...all of the shit that's been going on...is dragging heroes through the mud...and they are losing faith in them...if the people find out that U.A has been teaching and allowing not one..but FIVE students who had a history of abusing and causing harm to an innocent person" 
Momo: "then the situation would become worse...you...your right Jirou...i think your right...oh my god...Izumi...Shoka...the others...you really think that's the case here?" shocked from this..
Jirou: "i'm sure"  
Momo: "reputation...or not...we have to tell someone...we have to let Mr Aizawa know" 
"I already do" now they turn to see their teacher standing at the cabin entrance...sipping his coffee 
Jirou: "you knew!" 
Aizawa: "had suspicions from the start" 
Momo: "then why aren't we doing anything about it!" 
Aizawa: "because it's not me making the calls here...your great principal is the one who calls the shots here" 
Jirou: "but..we can't let this happen...Sensei you know about it if all of us could go up and" 
Aizawa: "I know you have good intentions on bringing these fives actions into the light...but it won't happen....not right now at least" 
Momo: "he's worried about the reputation" 
Aizawa: "mainly that, but from the teachers side..we're worried about the panic it could cause...once we finally get a grip on things...then we'll reveal it...but right now they are on a tight leash...and i made sure of it" 
Momo: "what's happening with Izuku" aizawa looks away...and he just shakes his head 
Aizawa: "when we took him into our care...when Recovery was trying to see if he had any injuries...well...we took his shirt off...and...he looked mangled...nothing but scars...and his entire torso is just calloused skin..that's been there...for years...from what you guessed?...well she said it's from either playing with a drum of matches...sleeping in a freezer or even jumping from high places...he's been abused...the worst was a burn mark that was located above his heart...it had a mild form of Necrosis...and we had it removed...but it doesn't explain how it got there in the first place..." as both of them just stood there in shock...Momo started crying..all of this...happened to one person..who was helpless...and possibly scared at the time...at an age where he should be enjoying life to the fullest...not in constant fear 
Aizawa: "i'm sorry that you two had to get in the crossfire...but this information has to be kept hidden for now" 
Jirou: "are you serious..after what you told us...There's not FUCKING way i'm gonna be in a class with those freaks!" 
Momo: "Jirou" 
Aizawa sighs: "look...until this lessons over...i will be getting a better handling at the situation...once this is all over...I...and other Teachers..we will do everything in our power...to bring them justice...You got it?" 
Momo: "Promise...Promise you will do that" 
Jirou: "and you won't back out of your word" 
Aizawa: "I promise you both...i do whatever i can to bring them to justice...that they will get the punishment needed for their actions...i swear it"
Momo: "alright" 
Jirou: "we will not forget this" 
Aizawa: "i know...until then...try to hold off until the lesson tonight..i need you two to be at your fullest once we begin...until then...i'm sorry" 
Jirou: "don't say sorry to us...you should be saying sorry to Izuku" 
Aizawa just takes his leave from there...

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