Unneeded problems

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Izumi: "*sigh*...back to school again" walking in now...as she just sits down..she also sees 
lida: Good morning Izumi" standing up and bowing to her 
Izumi: "lida!" and she just Jumps on him 
lida: "GAH! Personal space please!" and she gets off 
Izumi: "sorry..i was...i was just happy to see you...your arm" seeing the brace on him 
lida: "not a big worry...what sort of hero would i be if something minor were to take me down?" 
Izumi: "I guess your right" as more of them come in and see lida..they all greeted him and although they aren't allowed to discuss what happened...they had him say he had an accident during a training routine...
Sero: "jeez..that sounds painful man" 
Shoka: "mm" she had to stay quiet as well 
Shoto: "how fast were you going again?" 
lida: "well it was only 40 miles...and that pipe happened to be sticking out" 
Mina: "yeesh" 
Aizawa: "enough" as he enters now...again with dealing with this shit 
Jirou: "Is everything alright?" seeing how he seems more grumpy than usual 
Aizawa: "...it's nothing...only a few announcements...no assignment today...but instead...you will all be going through your Final Exams" and he mentally counted down in him head...then everyone panicked 
Aizawa: "now that's been established...be quiet" 
Momo: "this is out of the b-blue...we haven't had a chance to study!" 
Jirou: "*sigh*" 
Aizawa: "actually it's not written...in fact...he should explain it" as Principal nezu enters 
lida: "good Morning Principal Nezu" 
Nezu: "ah hello there class 1-A...such a delight to be here to give you the details of what your final exams are going to be about...well i am sure you are aware of what had recently just happened" and they nod...knowing this is getting worse each day 
Nezu: "and to add more problems to it...the crime rate after this...has exponentially went up...which is why we are having each one of you face a teacher here at this school...they will be posing as villains and the partners you will be with...will be random..or you choose...based on what we decide." 
lida raises his hand 
Nezu: "yes" 
lida: "pardon me for sounding rude..but isn't it supposed to be just random like the joint training?" 
Aizawa: "the reason is in situations you do have a choice in who your partners with...other times it's based on who is there at the time...either way it will show us how much your teamwork and skills on your quirk has improved" 
lida: "i see..thank you for explaining it" 
Nezu: "now then...i have some cards here...the ones recieving these cards..are the ones who can choose their partners...about...5" and he walks around handing certain individuals the cards...and of course you know who got one 
Mineta: "ooh!!" 
Mina: "dear god" 
Tooru: "why...why must he do this?" whispering out...in complete dismay 
lida got one: "oh...well then..i must figure who will be great with my quirk!" now he was thinking about it...
Izumi looks at hers: "hmm..." now that she thinks about it...what teacher is she going to battle? 
Katsumi: "hey...Jedi" and she looks to her directions 
Izumi: "what's up?" 
Katsumi: "you should pick Katsuki..he's been moody this whole time..and i'm sure your going to get a strong hero." 
Izumi: "i mean i guess?...i don't know..they're all random" 
Katsumi: "well make a choice..i'm betting that Mineta is going to pick Momo" 
Izumi: "yeesh" 
Nezu: "you can take a couple minutes to decide on your partners...remember those who have a card cannot be picked...remember that" 
lida: "I see" he was going to choose MIneta to spare the girls...but not anymore 
Izumi: 'this is going to suck' 

Izuku: "hmm" breathing slowly...to control himself...even when he screamed out...it didn't put out that urge in him...that rage...the anger...he needs a meditation room 
RG: "you awake dear?" and he sits up 
Izuku: "hmm?" 
RG: "hehe...you really are your fathers son" 
Izuku: "my...father?...right he went here correct?" 
RG: "indeed he did...a great hero...always came in here for an icepack...his quirk wasn't that all easy to control despite how simple it sounds" 
Izuku: "fire breathing right?" 
RG: "there's a minor detail left out...it was based on his emotions...he was a very emotional kid...always angry...short tempered...but overtime..he grew to control it" 
Izuku: "how did it depend on his temper?" 
RG: "well when he gets from irritated to being downright hateful it affects the temperature of the flames he spews out" 
Izuku: "huh..." 
RG: "and at times..there would be this look in his eyes...that just tells you..he is full of anger...and shouldn't be messed with...that's the same look you gave the heroes when they took you in" now he shudders 
Izuku: "r-r-right" 
RG: "and you have every right to be angry with them...i never forgot that slime incident...even if All Might teaches here..i still remind him of what he did" 
Izuku: "i hope so" 
RG: "that's another thing...i just did a blood work on you" 
izuku: 'oh no' 
RG: "and it seems you have quirk cells present in your system" 
Izuku: "...what?..." he needs to act dumb 
RG: "it seems your not entirely quirkless...but they seem dormant...do you..feel any different?" 
Izuku: "no...i don't" 
RG: "I see...quirks themselves aren't fully understood..so something like this..could be a possible occurance...especially that whole thing about a childs quirk coming in once they turn four...to some it's later....like your gal Nejire Hado" 
Izuku: "I know about that..her's didn't come in until she was like twelve i think" 
RG: "so if your comes in right now it would be pretty rare for your age...but...it could also mean it's already there and hasn't shown itself...or it's a 'passive' type quirk...now that i think of it..you didn't really have much injuries when you were brought in..from being pinned down by rubble and the heat of the flames...it could be possible you might have a version of your fathers quirk" 
Izuku: "you really think so?" he knows why...his Extremophile quirk is the main reason...but for now he needs to act dumb 
RG: "I believe so...if you feel any different..you can come back here...i can do another diagnosis on you..a better one..than the one your doctor did years ago" 
Izuku: "I see...well...thank you Recovery girl..big fan by the way" 
RG: "oh you flatter me...oh here are the clothes miss Hado picked up for you" giving the bag to him 
Izuku: "heh..she really cares" 
RG: "Hmm?...well of course she does...she isn't the type to be pretentious about anything" 
Izuku: "well..i appreciate the talk...maybe...i could come back...and talk to you about my father more?" 
RG: "I'd be glad to...and i'm sure others would also do the same" 
Izuku: "well thank you Recover..i best be going" 
RG: "be safe now...don't be dense like your father" 
Izuku: "hehe i'm sure i'm more cautious" and once he gets the cloths provided to him on..he takes his leave now leaving 
RG waves...but once he was out...she takes out another document...showing pictures of the previous scars he's had...some seem to be there when he was possibly four...or six...
RG: "possible abuse...possible neglect...abandonment...the list goes on" talking to Midnight who was watching 
Midnight: "i saw it..Inko..you deceiving bitch" before she was hit on the head with her cane 
RG: "Language!" 

Izuku: "well i can't thank you enough for showing me the way out...that was stupid of me" talking to Present Mic 
PM: "not a problem listener...just remember to ask next time" 
Izuku: "hah...yeah i'll keep in mind" suddenly feeling him pat his shoulder caused him to flinch 
PM: "geez...you work out a lot?" 
Izuku: "sort of a ...hobby" 
PM: "well i'm sure you could even give a heck of a punch" 
Izuku: "i guess..." now approaching the front gates 
PM: "well just remember to ask for Recovery if you want to get another test done" 
Izuku: "Oh so you heard about that" 
PM: "doesn't take much for fire to spread among the staff" 
Izuku: "i see" now opening it 
PM: "welp..see ya around listener" waving him goodbye...as he walks out...and he heads on home...pulling out his phone he sees a missed call from an unknown number...
Izuku: "could one of two things...sensei or shigaraki" 
"what if it's from me" looking to the left to see 
Izuku: "oh right..you" 
"had enough bullshit...we need to talk" 
Izuku: "Not here...over here" heading to a nearby alleyway and he leans against the wall 
Izuku: "so...what brings you here to these parts" 
"your little event in Hosu cost me a contract...beast killed him before i could get em" 
Izuku: "and i barely had any control with it" 
"either way..i need to speak with your leader" 
Izuku: "sure i can trust you" 
"at this point i'm desperate for a job..tight on money...and i have to pay off rent" 
Izuku: "killing people for money and yet you have trouble with rent?" 
"just take me there" 
Izuku: "fine..fine...by the way...never really remembered your name...beyblade?" 
"no you idiot...it's spinner" 
Izuku: "right" and the portal appears and they both walk in now 

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