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Kirishima: "WATCH OUT!!!" dodging a piece of debris as it was thrown at them...during their patrol to the outpost they were assigned to intercept...was an ambush..they had discovered their mole...somehow...but it doesn't matter...as Tamaki dodges it..sees Red Riot and Fatgum go on ahead..
Fatgum: "Make sure the civilians are safe...we'll try to hold them a bay..GO!!" and the two head on out..
Tamaki: "g-g-god" Nervous as the firefight happens...hearing the gunfire and the bullets fly by...this was the quirk erasing bullets..and they have to make sure to avoid it...as Kirishima sees a couple of Civilians trapped under the rubble 
Kirishima: "HEY!!" yelling out to Tamaki..who rushes over and eats a squid arm...
Tamaki: "alright hold on" as he gets the suckers of the arm on the rubble..he then pulls with all his strength..to move it until there's enough room for them to get out 
Kirishima: "stay down and follow me!" he commanded them...as Tamaki holds up the rubble as a shield to protect them from incoming fire...running ahead now...Fatgum and Redriot were busy with the villains...one of them managed to sneak by them..and they jumped down in front of the two heroes
"AHH!" as the civilians screamed..the villain pulls out his pistol...
Tamaki: 'damn it!' as he had no choice..but to jump in front of them..tanking the bullet 
Kirishima: "TAMAKI!" screaming out for him...as he was shot in the shoulder...he turns to see him trying to fix his weapon...which jammed from the amount of dust in the air...he runs ahead 
Kirishima: "RED...COUNTER!!!" hardening his fist..coming in as fast as he can...hitting him directly across the face...as he manages to hit him away..he turns to see 
Tamaki: "no...i can't...i can't use my quirk!" as then he turns to see the villain he hit struggling to get up 
Kirishima: "No more!" 
"what's it to you....your just a kid.." 
Kirishima: "and you got handed by one" 
"doesn't matter...I couldn't save my friends" looking over to the heroes taking down the others 
"we just...needed the money...fuck" talking to himself 
Kirishima: "I know how you feel...not being able to do something for your family..you'd be willing to do anything for it" 
"How the fuck would you know..YOUR A HERO!!...You'll all die..ALL OF YOU!!" as he stands up..he takes out a pill..and then swallows it...
"AGH!!!" screaming outloud...as he kneels down 
"HRAH!!" now multiple blades emerge from his body...Kirishima got hit in the abdomen..even with his quirk...it managed to pierce through his defenses...
Red Riot: "WATCH OUT " throwing him aside..he then sees the villains eyes glowing...and he charges 

Nejire: "back off you creep!" as she just avoided a Yakuza member trying to grab her...
"come now sweetstuff..feed me more of your energy" 
Nejire: "gross" as she was faced off against the worst matchup...his quirk involves absorbing energy..which is bad for her...even with her fighting skills...it's not enough...so she has to stall it out...firing the ground around him...trying to at least make him stumble 
Ryukyu: "HOLD ON NEJ!!" as she was occupied with giant enemies...they were starting to become outnumbered in this situation...even with their strength...but thankfully she has a trick up her sleeve...
Nejire: "Alright zuzu..i hope this works" landing on a rooftop...she starts concentrating a lot of her energy and tries to condense it...
Nejire: "hah...come on!" as she feels her energy being drained...it's starting to form....
Nejire: "Almost..t....there!" 
Nejire and Izuku still at the bridge they meet up at...were just relaxing 
Izuku: "say...i've....i've been wondering" 
Nejire: "Hmm?" 
Izuku: "if your able to control your energy...could..could you be able to condense it?" 
Nejire: "what do you mean by that?" 
Izuku: "like...like how in those movies...where theres a weapon made of pure energy..condensed that it looks solid...and flashy...is it possible to do it with your quirk?" 
Nejire: "i'm sure it would take up a lot of energy" 
Izuku: "just a thought..say..if you went against a heavily armored enemy that's able to withstand your blasts...if it's condensed..then it could pierce it no problem" 
Nejire: "well i could try...but it could also hurt me" 
Izuku: "with your design i made for you..the gloves are made...so it can withstand high amounts of pressure and heat...it could work..." 
Nejire: "maybe...but'll do it..for you hehe" kissing his forehead
Flashback ends 

Nejire: "HAHA!!" as she was excited...it worked
"WHERE ARE YOU!!" as he looks around to then be slammed away...
"wha!" he gets up to see her 
Nejire: "say hello to my little friend!" holding up a rod...made of pure energy...it had a sharp end...she doesn't know what to call it as she jumps forward and then hits him again...he tried to grab it..only for it to burn through his skin..
"AHH!" and then again...she hits the weapon out of his hand...then pokes him on the shoulders.....then floats to then gain momentum..and kick him back...now she throws it 
Nejire: "take this..HAH!!" throwing it...of course she never took lessons on throwing a javelin..but it really didn't matter..as it explodes upon contact...knocking them both away...as she gets up..she sees the villain comatosed...probably from his attempt to absorb the energy...she then falls on the ground...gasping as that attack alone nearly depleted all of her energy...
Ryukyu: "Nejire!" as she flies down now...she looks over to the villain taken down...
Nejire gives a thumbs up...she was impressed...
Ryukyu helps her up: "good work" 

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