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the news about the recent death of one Ochako Uraraka has been spreading like wildfire throughout the world...most of it being negative...since the incident...the parents have been trying to sue the school for negligence and U.A in response...responded with a paper showing her name written on it...it was a waver that they are not responsible and acknowledge the potential risk of taking the test...of course they were not notified of this bullshit rule...and that was until a leak was posted...saying that the written portion of the test had it at the end...meaning that they took this waver during the exams...and some even didn't know about it when they signed it...but then came another problem...Izumi has been depressed since the incident...she had told Ochako she wasn't going to die..she wasn't going to leave her...but Katsumi swooped in and basically made her back down on her word...so far a shitty day...but to Izuku...he saw something in between the lines...something..he wants to checkout himself...
Izuku: "Sensei your hearing alright?" in his villain outfit...in the nighttime he has wandered over to the same area the zero pointer killed her...
Sensei: "is there a reason you wanted to come here?" talking through the earpiece 
Izuku: "something about this isn't adding up...and i want to see the body myself" walking towards the fake city...and like the real deal..it was a complete replica of downtown tokyo...something like this must've costed a great amount of money...heading down the street..he sees the stomp marks the zero pointers path took...and he follows it...each step he sees how something could easily killed them...it's a phenomenon that the damn thing didn't end up killing more of them...seeing the destruction it left...right there he sees it...the decommissioned Zero pointer 
Izuku: "bigger than i imagined" and he walks towards it...he knows the cameras are watching him...but he doesn't care...and he heads towards it... must've took it apart since the leg is still in the same spot it was left in...and the other parts are leaning against the building...
Sensei: "doesn't look too heavy for you" ah yes...his sarcasm...even with his strength he probably can't even move this thing an inch so he looks around for something to move it with...but then...
Sensei: "hold on" and then a portal opens...and a purple orb hits it 
sensei: "now hit it" and so he takes the hammer and swings it...and the leg falls apart...like it was brittle 
Izuku: "what did you do?" 
Sensei: "something that's part of a collection" he didn't want to question it...so he takes the metal sheets off...and the wiring...brushing everythign off...until...he sees it...Ochako Urarakas body...mangled...if the leg didn't crush her...he's certain her injuries did...but he noticed part of the zero pointers leg had put a massive pressure on her body...crushing parts of it...and her limbs just sag..meaning the bone is completely shattered...likely similar to a glass falling off a counter...her head seems to cave in on the jaw region...the neck seemed fine which is odd...he soon takes the debris off with ease...even so much as pulling the rod out of her leg...and he noticed something...when he took it out...she flinched...
Izuku: "she's still alive" in awe on how much willpower she put in...she really wants to live 
Sensei: "so..the heroes made a blatant conclusion that she's dead..." now hearing her wheeze...the blood coming out of her eyes...her nose...even the ears...as she struggles to even breath
Izuku: "i can relieve her of the pain" 
Sensei: "no...i have something else in plan...bring her to me...i know someone..who can turn her...into something more" seeing her wheezing...she tried moving the one arm she had that wasn't completely broken...her crippled hand reaching out to him...as she opens one eye...
Ochako: "h....h...help" she whimpered out her speech slurred from the broken jaw she has...he puts the hammer on his back...and kneels to her level...he looks around for any other debris that could cause more damage...so far none...
Izuku: "i'm going to get you out of here" he said to her...of course to anyone else he may seem terrifying...but to her..she's looking at her savior...soon she felt his arms reach underneath her...to gently pick her up...the smallest amount of movement causes her to grunt in pain...soon he managed to get her in his arms...and now he walks away with her...
Ochako: "w......w...who" 
Izuku: "don't talk...rest...your going to be fine...i'm not leaving you..." there's those words again...she felt compelled to tell him he's lying...the last thing she remembers...was Izumi being pulled away...the one who left her...she last saw in her vision...the man with the gas mask...taking her somewhere...and she fell unconscious once more...

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