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Endeavor: "so...that's the situation right now" as he arrives at Tartarus...looking over to see the warden...and he rushes towards him
"You need to control your rival.he's...going insane with AFO right now" 
Endeavor sighs: "guess i have no choice then...lead the way" 
"right!" as they both rush in the high security prison...making their way down the elevator 
"the whole reveal about the bogeyman has your rival going crazy..he came here not saying a word...demanded that we take him to the villain then once we did he locked himself in the room with him...god knows what's going on in there...please we need to hurry!" as the elevator doors open they rush towards where the bulkhead doors are closed...and endeavor looks around 
Endeavor: "any other way to open it?" 
"no...unless you can make thermite?" 
Endeavor: "not a chance...is there an intercom that we can use...hold on!" and he rushes into the backroom...as he looks around seeing the other cells there...holding the other prisoners 
Stain: "well well well..came to see an old friend Endeavor?" 
Endeavor: "You stay the hell back..." 
Stain scoffs: "please...as if your empty threats would make me quiver...so tell me...how does it feel...to know your children are the main reason why a monster exist" he grunted...how did he find out the news...of course it's everywhere...the whole fucking world is aware of the bogeymans existence isn't from just them...but from society itself..it's treatment towards quirkless and those who are deemed lower than them...they bit off more than they can chew...
Endeavor: "back at Hosu city...you said 'do what i taught you' did you teach him...his combat abilities...his weapons...his name?!" Stain remained silent 
Endeavor hits the glass: "ANSWER!!!"
Stain: "in a way...you could say that...i only taught him what i called..the basics...everything else he did on his own...the weapon...the outfit itself...his name...he only gained those from his time with the League of Villains...otherwise..what he did with the knowledge i gave him...was all on his own" 
Endeavor: "what even was your intention when you taught him!" 
Stain: "he came to me for help...he...unlike you pros...managed to seek me out...found me when none of you couldn't...he demanded that i would teach him and become my student...i agreed...of course he had so much potential to become something great...something this world hasn't seen...or...something worse...which of course you know the outcome of it...in my head...at the time...i was only doing it because i thought he would only use this knowledge for good...but i was wrong...he only spoke of revenge...vengeance...hate that would even overshadow my own for the heroes of today...meaning you...in all my life that i have been in this world..never have i seen someone...especially a child...hold so much rage and anger...that it was just leaking out of him...to be honest i was curious on what would happen should he get the proper training...utilizing that anger and rage...and voila...you get the monster we have today..."  
Endeavor: "do you regret teaching that boy!" 
Stain stays quiet for a moment...then he looks at him...standing up and goes right up to the glass...inches away from him...divided by a thick layer
Stain: "I do not...as i recall before...i don't know why i even taught him...but...as i sit here longer..i think back on my decisions in life...reflecting...seeing what i could've done...what i should've done different...but one things certain...I knew heroes...despite everything i have done in my crusade to purge the corruption..that rotting decaying sickness that taints the image of a true hero...it didn't need another hero...sometimes...all the world needs once in a while...is a monster...to balance both order...and chaos...and who knows...he may give the heroes the push they need..what you need..to get your shit together...and do something about it...i once thought it was a horrible decision i did...but now...now i believe that is what my goal is in this life...to prolong the corruption...until it's nightmare it's vaccine arrives" 
Endeavor: "your insane" 
Stain: "am i?...how ironic coming from you...were you the one who had allegations of a quirk marriage?...where you bought a wife...not brought...bought...like a sack of meat you would look at in a butcher shop...Captain Celebrity...before he died...was accused of taking advantage of girls in his time as a hero...abusing his hero status as a way to satiate his desires..but had no intentions of saving the need...and then Deatharms...Kamui woods...and Mount Lady...they just sat and watch...five teens that nearly met their demise..if it weren't for one quirkless frail boy who had high hopes in life...did a better job than them...and wanted to wait for a hero with an 'appropriate quirk' to do the job for them...then there was one more...forgot her name..she was as worthless as any hero trying to abuse their status...and i saw first hand of what that boy was capable of" as he thinks back to that time
Stain: "your methods of killing is concerning" watching the bogeyman fight the hero...as he witnessed his true strength seeing her quirk not even doing anything against him...as he hits her with the hammer...
Izuku: "die" he growled out...and in a fit of rage...hits her limbs repeatedly...and he continues..and continues..her cries of agony..begging for him to just kill her...on deaf ears...as he then picks her up...her limbs contorted in multiple unnatural angles..that nearly made him throw up...he then proceeded to rip them off..one..by...one...at some point..he blocked out the rest...all he could hear was the screams that would echo in the night...but then..it too would cut short..and stop immediately..as if it never happened...he looks back to see she has died from the trauma alone...the pain too much for her to bear...as he looks closely...he can see he was smiling under that mask...under that horrible stench that filled the air...seeing the blood coming out her mouth...he sees him lift his mask up a little..to lick that blood off...and he then rips her head off...
Stain: "Your pretty sadistic..." 
Izuku: "all in the means of reforming the world...I have another victory...i grow stronger..i feel...the beauty...of what delivering death is like..i have no other equal" brushing the hair back..and he walks off with it
Flashback ends 

Stain: "but that doesn't mean i wasn't aware of what i'm creating...after all...you heroes and the ignorant people...are what made the base foundation for me to create my work...my student..." ending his statement with that...the warden comes back out 
"come on" as endeavor just sees stain spit on the glass...and he walks back to his bed....Endeavor follows him in...seeing the room in shambles...all except for the big villain...and Yagi sitting in the corner...crying 
Endeavor: "Yagi...I need you to open the door..." not listening to his responses...he turns away from the camera...
Endeavor: "Look i know what it's like losing a child...I'm...I know this may be different from what happened two days ago...but you cannot let this defeat you...I...I have no idea what to do...everyone has turned to me for answers...and i can't give any..any way to keep their hopes up...their faith that we will bring back the order...bring back the peace...the good..." then he hears AFO laugh 
AFO: "come on Yagi...you really think this will change anything...hmm?...afterall...I'm sure Hisashi would be disappointed in you" 
Yagi: "be quiet" 
Endeavor: "Yagi damn it...OPEN THE DOOR!!" as he yelled out again...he still doesn't listen 
Yagi: "You have no idea on how awful i feel right now...can't you imagine that?...that all my years living in the same roof as him...these evil actions...happening to him not just one day...but every single second of his life..he had been living in fear..scared...hoping someone would reach out for his cries for help...his hopes that he could achieve the dream every child his age has...and yet..i...I couldn't even say welcome home...or good night...or tell him...how proud i am to be his father...but...i never did...all i did..was ignored him...neglected him...even when i promised his father..HIS FATHER!!...that i would do everything in my power to raise him like he would...and i can't even do that...my mentor...all those who had high hopes of who i would become as a person...are turning their heads in the grave...and my daughter...my own blood..was the one who instigated it...for all the wrong reasons...nothing...nothing could fix what happened...and even if i could...it would amount to nothing...you happy now...asshole" to whoever that last word was addressed to...it was either him or AFO...staying silent...for the time being...as it was of course unexpected to see him this broken down..since his mentor and best friend had died...
Endeavor: "I lost my son...Yagi...and i don't even know if he's alive or not...but i do know this...your son..is still out there..crying for help...you saw how he behaved when he attacked the students and heroes...Miss Hado" 
Yagi: "I saw it" 
Endeavor: "then you should know that it means...he didn't wanted to hurt her..or his friends...we can find out what has been happening to him..find out what was going on....if we...if we can do it...there might be a chance to save him!" 
AFO: "ah young love...even when his mind is nothing but dust..he still cannot have the wits to kill her...i should've just ordered him to kill her right at the beginning...but this makes for good entertainment as well...there is no hope for him might...you will just have to watch your 'son'...kill everyone you know and love...watch as he takes the life of your daughter...and her friends...the heroes...you've seen what he's capable off...surely you must know what must happen right? hehehehehehe" he's sick of this bastard already...now undoing the barricade the bulkhead now opens...the warden nods as the guards now rush into the area...and another to help escort Yagi out...
Yagi: "Inko hasn't spoken since the reveal" as Endeavor helps him up
Endeavor: "had a feeling...come on...we have a monster to stop"

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