Alt Reality: 'by your side'

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"the day we first met...I thought it would be my last....the day you first set sight on me...You would end my misery....but instead...that were my savior...." from the rubble seeing the Bogeyman remove the debris from the zero pointer...
Izuku: "I'm going to get you out of here" hearing this being...the faceless monster...the blood that would leak out of his it was his own skin..gently carry me up to try and not cause me more pain...

Izuku: "Your bindings are becoming loose...just let me help" when you take that mask off...i was stunned by how nice and kind looking you showed nothing but concern and worry for me...a girl who was confirmed dead by the heroes...who didn't bother to check if i was really alive or leave me there to suffer for my last moments in life...but you took my hand...and kept me away from deaths door 
AFO: "She is to be your student...and you are her both will need to rely on each other" as i found this out by listening in from that tube they put me in...saying i was a defect...i wasn't worthy of becoming a choose to help  make sure i would get my revenge on the very people who gave up on stood by my side until i grew strong enough to make it 
Izuku: "come can do it...just a few more feet to the bed" 
Ochako: " more victory for the long run!" being Izuku is right by her...never leaving her side...everyday he would leave work to help her recover...becoming stronger...until..she could walk once more 
Izuku: "you did it...YES!!" he cried out...he goes up to lift her up and hug her 
ochako: "WAH!!" 
Izuku: "I knew you could do it i knew you could do it!!" You cheered me on and showed believed in me..more than my dreams...the dreams i told my parents...i...I didn't believe it at first...i thought it was just because you saved me...that it would pass
Izuku: "Together we don't leave one another behind" 

"I started to fall for you" 

Hosu city 
Ochako: "Bogeyman!" seeing him fight off the he effortlessly made sure they would have time to get out on time 
Izuku: "GO!" as a portal opens...she was pulled through 
Dabi: "COME ON!!!" You knew him as well...I was worried...a pain in my chest that never left...seeing you fight them all...all at once...when you came back...that was when you changed 
Izuku: "Had to inject another vial" holding out another one...seeing the case that had seven...about three of them were his mind started to slowly unhinge itself...
Ochako: "you alright?" 
Izuku: "I don't feels like i'm losing a part of myself...something...something i've never had felt before" 
Ochako: "could it be the vials" 
Izuku: "possibly...Shit...Nejire is going to notice it right away" of would worry for her...despite the fact...she would turn on you the instant you reveal yourself..i warned you about it...even now you continue to fight and give it your all...without caring about your own we see it everyday...especially in the Forest training...

Ochako: "AAH!!" as she felt her leg being crushed...the same one the zero pointer had done damage to...the titanium replacement was bent and it she couldn't do anything about Muscular had his way with the heroes...he had turned their backs on them 
Muscular: "sorry sweet one...was ordered to take down unnecessary vermin...sure they won't care if your gone" as he was going to land the final blow...he was slammed in the side of the head by a hammer as Izuku comes up beside her...before reaching into his pocket for another vial...the blue one
Ochako: "n-no...d-don't!" crying out to he injects it...his screams...each time she heard it..her heart aches for he lets off froze Muscular and kept him from growing...the thermite would burn away any protection he had...he had attained more power...but in doing so...made you less of lifted me out of the rubble...even with Izumi and her friends nearby...You killed one of them for me...
Izuku: "Come on Uraraka!...we can get through this!...hehehe" as you would mumble and mumble more often...back then you talked about to counter would mumble it outloud...but was just a mess...and i could do nothing but watch 
Izuku: "YOU ALL ARE INSIGNIFICANT!!" as you fought against the heroes trying to rescue Izumis friend...You made him stare at his dead sisters head...even when you ordered us to leave once more...i never left your side...
Ochako: "You said we're partners...we never leave one another!" 
Izuku: "It's too dangerous...I can't lose you!" 
Ochako: "And i can't lose YOU!!" screaming out to him...leaving him in awe at this...but it was cut short as the base was about to crumble and collapse on itself...Izuku shields her...

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