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Midnight: "Well then!...that was certainly quite the eventful Match wouldn't you say folks?!" as the crowd roars out in excitement 
Midnight: "Now on to the climax of the we present to you...the one on one Duels!" as she points to the large screen behind her...a good amount of names appear on it...the four twats made it in...surprisingly Momo and Jirous are in there as well...and they have the first match ready and set to go...
Midnight: "and thus here are the students that have so put a lot of effort in...they all simply did a good job..may we give them a round of applause please" clapping her hands and the crowd cheers and even shouts out good job to the ones who participated in the event...the pro heroes are more than proud to know U.A has so many students having the drive to become heroes themselves...
Midnight: "Now then...the first round!...and here we have...Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu!" showing their pictures on the screen...
Tokoyami: "hmm" and as they both now enter the arena from each end...Momo tries to cool her she tries to avoid a panic attack again...she looks around and sees everyone staring at only the was quiet...and it was actually unnerving to say the least...until she hears 
"COME ON MO YOU CAN DO IT!!!" looking up to see Nejire and the others cheering her on...and she sees Izuku...and he smiles and waves...causing her to slightly blush...
Momo: "*ahem*...right" smirking now..confident 

a beep was Izuku looks at his phone to look at the message from shigaraki 
'it's done' and he now has a time set for him...which in a couple of hours...he will make another mark...he then looks at Nejire who then turns to look at him...and smiles 
Izuku: "i have to go...i've been called in right now" 
Nejire: "aww..really?" 
Mirio: "when the best part is here!?" 
Yuyu: "we'll be fine...if he has to go...then he has to go" 
Nejire: "call me later...kay?" 
Izuku: "heh...yeah" giving her a kiss and he waves to the others...and he leaves...walking out...and through the crowd...he sees some pro heroes giving out autographs...and of all of them he had to run into...
Deatharms: "hey lookout...don't want to knock you over hehe" and he looks closely 
Deatharms: "say...have i seen you before?" 
Izuku remains quiet
Deatharms: "hey come on  a guy out" 
Izuku: "no...i think that was someone the time" 
Deatharms: "what?" 
Izuku: "nothing sir...if you excuse me i need to get to work" and he walks past him now and he could only scratch his head 
Deatharms: "I know i saw him before" trying to make sense of this...
Izuku: "good riddance" walking out now...he heads towards Kamino ward begin the next mission...he gathered enough info already...he has no reason to stay longer than he should...turning to the alleyway...a portal appears in front of him...leading right into the NOMU room...
Shigaraki: "took you long enough" seeing him on his game

once the duel started Nejire tried cheering momo on...seeing her creating an item...but then...she sees the birdmans shadow reach out for her...and Momo could only gasp and fall back...out of bounds, which makes this the quickest fight ever
Midnight: "uh...Tokoyami is the winner!!" and the crowd cheered but some of them are just confused at what just happened...while the pro heroes 
Cementoss: "*sigh*" 
MIdnight: "poor girl" 
Mic: "you saw that right?" 
Aizawa: "make sure no one ridicules her...hero or not...kick them out if they do" 
and Cementoss nods
Aizawa: "have another challenge in my hands" 
Mic: "wonder how this will fair for the others then" 
Aizawa: "she was held hostage and had something done to her...of course this'll happen...all we can do now is offer counseling" and with the big three 
Nejire: "i'm gonna talk to her" 
Mirio: "go for it" 
Yuyu: "oh two are also coming!" grabbing his ear 
Tamaki just gets up and follows along 

Momo after saying good match to Tokoyami..even though he was the one who is normally stoic and quiet...was concern for her...but she dismissed it as she was shocked about it...
Momo: "why" she whimpered out...why is she so weak!?...why is she letting this monster get to her 
Bogeyman: "now call yourself a whore!" hearing those words again, Feeling his hand on her head...holding her up by her hair..feeling the pain that and then she hasn't told anyone about this but...his words on the way to the others...still lingers in her mind 
Momo could only scream as she was dragged by her hair 
Bogeyman: "you may feel only what a fraction of pain..the world could offer you...hehehehe" as the blood from his hammer would drip...on would get into her eyes...she was horrified at this...
Momo: "why!!" 
Bogeyman: "to show the truth to the finally unravel the curtains that will reveal how ugly and cruel the world truly is...but of course one could ask how does one do that?...what is the truth?...what is the lie?...questions that would even baffle me." now picking grabbing the back of her collar to reel her up as she whimpers in pain 
Momo: "s-stop" 
Bogeyman: "and you know what i found out?" turning her to face him directly as she tried to look away, but his grip was like being trapped under a prison...never to be broken unless he wills it 
Bogeyman: "that in order to find the truth...the path to to be littered with the bodies of the you think it makes sense?" stopping now to ask her 
Momo tries to keep calm as she can
Bogeyman: "i can see those tears tell me that you think you are much more important than others...that you think your the only one that matters right?...that everyone will just drop every little thing they have planned to come and save you?...listen...look at me" making her face him as she just struggles 
Bogeyman: "let me tell you little thing about myself...look at are witnessing something that wasn't given the choice to be this thing you see before are looking at a person who wasn't given any choice at all...the sad story of a boy who had everything to look forward to in life...but given the fact he had lacked something everyone had...made him an outcast from the rest of society...that of course didn't stop him...this little boy was going through something no other could understand...and you know what he did right after?" and she just stares right at him 
Bogeyman: "have an answer?" as he now creepily brushes the side of her face before wiping away a tear from her face 
Bogeyman: "shh shh can take your doesn't have to be doesn't have t be tomorrow...but...when we meet again...i'm still certain you won't have an just remember...what we talked about here...little dove" and then the portal appears and he grabs her hair again causing pain once more 
flashback ends 

Momo: "NO...NOO!!" but she was grabbed 
Nejire: "it's okay!'s okay! Momo!" hugging as Mirio holds on to her arm..she was yanking her own hair...Tamaki had his phone out talking to Recovery...
Yuyu: "hey's us..listen to our voices...we're here...we're here" 
Momo: "Nej?" 
Nejire: "i saw what was him right?" and she slowly nods 
Mirio could only growl in anger again...this was worse than he thought...Yuyu looks at him with the same expression.
Yuyu: 'i'm gonna kill him' first he takes away her aunt...he ruins lives...he kills heroes to a point they became fearful of becoming one...and now...the trauma inflicted on a first ruining her life...and is afraid to even be alone...or in fact...anywhere fearing that he is there watching her...
Mirio: 'we will stop him' 
as some pros now show up...Recovery comes up to her 
RG: "come on dear" grabbing her hand...reassuring a grandmother would do with her she reluctantly gets up to follow her now...even Nezu showed up 
Nezu watches them go and he turns to the four
Nejire: "sorry Mr Nezu but" he raises his hands 
Nezu: "I'm well informed about not are not in wouldn't make sense for me to punish you for helping...but it doesn't mean i'm not going to ask you on what she told you" 
Nejire: "she really didn't say anything" 
Mirio: "when we found her..she was literally grabbing her own hair yelling no...saying stop..." 
Nezu: "i see...very well..i'll make notes about it and make sure Recover girl is informed of the may return to your seats" 
Mirio: "sir one question!" and he stops turning to look at him...
Nezu; "yes?" 
Mirio: "why aren't we having him as a priority to stop...he's ruined too many lives already..why won't you send us in!..we're capable of being unstoppable...we're the big three!...we are the strongest students in the whole school!" 
Nejire: "surely we can do something...anything!" 
Yuyu: "i may not be a part of the group..but it doesn't mean i'm weak...i want to help!" 
Tamaki nods
Nezu: "*sigh* proud as i am about your will and determination on stopping the out of the question...recently we had new details regarding him...and i forbid you from going after him..." 
Mirio: "what do you mean?" 
Nezu: "we're speculating that he has more than one quirk...making him much more dangerous...we're sending our best pros to hunt him down...i'm sure that with your current skillset...won't be enough...which is why it' crucial to keep up with your training" 
and Mirio just struggles with this fact...they are helpless against him...or that's what he wants them to think...
Nejire: "So we should keep training then...i'm tired of  this bully who thinks he can strike fear to all...but it also gives birth to the ones who are filled with bravery..." 
Mirio: "you said it...i'm not afraid of him...i want to make sure he won't hurt anyone else!" 
Yuyu: "and i will follow" 
Nezu: "then i'm sure he will have a hard time...when you are ready...him and the rest of the LOV..." and he walks off now 
Nejire: "i hope with the help of everyone...we can stop him"
Mirio: "i'm sure we time" then the announcements for the next round was coming 
Nejire: "OH We should get back!" and they now rush again...

Izuku: "so...that's your plan" 
Shigaraki: "what else can we do...have to make sure you uphold your authority" 
Izuku: "am if i don't agree" 
Shigaraki: "might as well say we're a bunch of fucking mentally unstable teens" 
Izuku just face palms at this: "very well then...don't know why i put up with you" 
Shigaraki: "feelings mutual" 
Izuku: "give me time...and i'll be out okay?" and he leaves...looking at the other NOMUs in their test chamber...he can see some diverse ones...each one looking entirely different...until one stood out to of them..had a pair of wings that looked all to familiar to bat like wings" 
Izuku: "no" smirking now...he goes up to read the former name and his hunch was true..a that was from his childhood..that would follow Bakugo and Katsumi around like they were gods...the torture they put him through...and now he could only laugh at the opposite results came in...karma is what he would call he is his slave...
Izuku: "how the tides changed to my biding" and he now leaves to put on his outfit and the newbies can meet the one and only...Bogeyman

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