Provisional License Exams: 'Distraught'

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Izuku: "so you have a date" 
Shigaraki: "yes...tomorrow we are having a meeting with the Yakuza...their leader goes by the name of Overhaul...I will be doing most of the just stand there and"
Izuku: "and if it's a backfire?" 
Shigaraki: "I trust you enough to massacre them" 
Izuku: "very well.." 
Ochako comes out: "Toga said she managed to get some samples...she's wondering if she should get more" 
Shigaraki: "we'll need a have her try to get more" 
Ochako nods...and leaves 
Izuku: "she's pissed at me" 
Shigaraki: "who cares...we have important matters to do" 
Izuku: "right" 
Dabi: "MEh!" screaming out...he's drunk 
Shigaraki: "and i was told you and him went drinking" 
Izuku: "Spinner was also with us" 
Shigaraki: "I know..i got this from him...the fuck did you two yell out again?" 
Izuku: "Summon the bitches" 
Shigaraki: "your mind" 
Izuku: "like your any better...the shit you say when you rage at a game" 
Shigaraki: "please" 
Izuku: "Jennifer dumped me" 
Shigaraki: "I told you not to repeat that" 
Izuku: " we're traveling by, you, Dabi...and who's the fourth?" 
Shigaraki: "Kurogiri obviously...while the others wait in the background in case we need backup" 
Izuku: "alright...i'm game...lets do this shit" 
Shigaraki: "Tomorrow..not now" 
Izuku: "then that means i'm crashing i'll take the sofa" 
Shigaraki: "whatever" 

approaching Tokoba National Stadium...Multiple school buses have arrived at the dropoff 
Izumi: "woah" seeing how huge this place is...
Sero: "wow!" 
Mina: "this place is freaking huge!" 
Kaminari: "What she said" 
Jirou: "enough!" jabbing him with her jacks 
Momo: "enough you guys...come on..." 
lida: "Single file People!" but he was ignored 
Aizawa: "alright...we're here...just keep things to gear, extra clothing in case your outfit gets all are interacting with students from other are here to show your pride for U.A...despite the obvious things you all have gone be nice...polite..and maybe you won't make enemies right away" 
Jirou: "are they that angry we got attacked?" 
Aizawa: "they may see it as a sign of showing off...even though it had a different effect on you all...they may try to provoke you, say anything to get you to react...don't let them...remember to smile..for that's your only weapon before you meet on the arena" 
Tsuyu: 'well that's depressing kero' 
Katsumi: "you better shut up" 
Bakugo: "fuck off you cunt...i'm going to show them that i'm the best!" 
Shoto: "just don't pull us down to your level" 
now exiting the bus they see all the students heading in...
Momo: "so many people" as they look around
Aizawa: "now lets see" as he takes another sip of his coffee...he look at the bus layout..where he's supposed to park
Aizawa: "good..i'm in the right spot...wait a minute" looking closer at the bus behind him...he pales 
Aizawa; "oh god" 
"SHOTA!!!" as a figure just jumps on him 
lida: "MR AIZAWA!!" running up to him to see him deadpanned...his coffee spilled all over the floor...and a woman was thrilled hugging him 
Aizawa: "why" 
Mineta: "even he can get game!...why is the world so unfair!" crying out 
Mina: "ooh...who's this?!" seeing how cute they look together..
Aizawa: "emi..please get off" 
Emi: "aww that how you greet your loving wife" 
Izumi: "did she just say" 
Katsumi: "wife?" as they all look in disbelief...refusing to believe in what she just said 
Izumi: "wait a minute...Eraserhead...the most tired looking married to Ms Joke...the hero who makes everyone laugh!?"
Shoka: "the Irony of this set up" 
Aizawa: "right...Emi you know the rules of being here" 
Emi: "just give me this moment" 
Aizawa: "not in front of the students please" 
Emi: "partypooper" now getting off as he stands back up 
Aizawa: "and there goes my life force" seeing his coffee 
Emi: "oh i would get between you and your love for coffee" handing him another cup...this time it was bigger 
Aizawa: "I forgive you" 
Emi: "well you must be his class for this year am i right?" 
Momo: "'s a pleasure Ms Joke!" bowing 
Emi: "aww look how behaved they really are quite the teacher right?" 
Aizawa: "mm" drinking more 
Emi: "well best of luck to you all...have to make sure we win this!" kissing Aizawa cheek before running off 
Jirou: "You never mentioned your married" 
Aizawa: "Never asked...and i don't discuss my private life with students...or teachers" 
Sero: "i bet Present mic knows" 
Aizawa: "just head in" 
as the students now overhear from the representative of the Hero public Safety Commission that there are about 1540 of them in the first phase alone...and out of them only 100 will continue on...which is a big deal...
Mina: "so a largescale battle royale...seems familiar" 
Mineta: "stop" as the first challenge...each and every student must put these targets on their outfits...they need to hit these targets with balls that are provided to them...and those who get hit are out...oh boy
Izumi: "this'll seem like a piece of cake" even though she has one eye...she can still use her telekinesis...but it'll be harder to focus that normal 
Momo: "hmm...i wonder" trying to think of a good strategy against the students 
lida: "it would advisable if we stick together in betrayal..we all want to pass with flying colors if we strive to become pro heroes..." 
Jirou: "that is a good plan...but it could make us a big target for all the schools...maybe groups of five?" 
Kirishima: "i'm down with whatever your planning" 
Izumi: 'this should be good' now they prepare for the first round...and right of the bat already 200 of them are out
Kaminari: "this is going to be Chaotic" 
Izumi: "your telling me" 
Jirou just stumps on her foot 
Izumi: "OW!" 
Jirou: "whoops my bad" and she continues on 
Katsumi: "hell is your problem!" 
Jirou: "nothing" shrugging it off 
as they stay in their groups of five...Izumi was of course with the Bakugos and Todorokis...keeping watch as they the students running around 
Jirou: "TO YOUR LEFT!!" yelling out as Momo uses her shield to block the balls coming her way...making a sudden right to throw it back at them...scoring more points...there's a leader board apparently 
Jirou: "who's keeping score...oh shit" seeing the top student has about nearly 300 points
Momo: "must be a very powerful quirk" and with their luck they're gonna run into them...

Izuku was sitting in the middle of the he practiced the new White frost quirk...and if he has to be's quite destructive for both sides should he be with the he looks at the grass freezing over...then the rocks...and the bugs caught in it just stopped moving...worst of it was the bird that was caught up...and fell...frozed over...
Izuku: "very efficient" seeing the range of the quirk could be very troublesome for heroes trying to attack him from a close also produces wind...stopping now..he pours thermite on the ice and as made a rather decent explosion...he then starts thinking back to what Tomura said to him...when he barely joined the he's just a tool to them...a killing machine...he wonders if he still thinks of him that way...and that he's pretending to be his he could better himself...remembering the two other vials he had...the green one, some other color...and then the black vial...that's the one he's afraid off...the liquid was like a spot in reality that didn't render...dead pixels that has no reflection...absorbing light itself...he has no idea what type of quirk it could be...all he that it's a last resort in battle...who knows..he might turn into a complete NOMU should it be the case...
'he despises you, you are an embarrassment to are a freak...she never loved you'' hearing a voice he turns to see his villain outfit 
Izuku: "your just an illusion" 
Bogeyman: "how long are you gonna continue to live in a lie?" growling out to him 
Izuku: "Your not real" 
Bogeyman: "Your living a fake reality...what we wanted...when you should be embracing what you really are...when you look in a mirror..all you see is me...when i'm the figure in your shadows...the terror that haunts are no are a monster living in a mans skin...a wolf among sheep...she never loved you..." 
Izuku: "your wrong" then he was grabbed 
Bogeyman: "You really think that if you try to keep it hidden..she'll just brush it she sees what you really are...she'll cower...she'll be like the rest of them...she'll Revolt...Abandon us!...just like our family!...just like...her!" 
Izuku: "shut up" 
Bogeyman: "you are the terror that lingers in the dark" 
Izuku: "enough" 
Bogeyman: "You are the nightmare that leave children afraid" 
Izuku: "be quiet" 
Bogeyman: "You are a fear that lingers in the unknown" 
Izuku: "FUck!" 
Bogeyman: "You will always be one will ever love you for who you truly are" 
Izuku: "GAH!!!" swinging his hammer at him...he just disappears...and ends up breaking a tree...he looks around...
'They took everything from us...ripped our father away from us...murdered our dreams...they are using you as a weapon...then they will cast you aside...once you run out of usefulness...we will be nothing' 
Izuku: "nothing" as he just kneels down...seeing the thermite burning off the ambers fly off...the frost around him..seem like a monster from a horror movie...but..he is just Izuku...the same boy..who had everything to look twisted...and his own mind

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