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Nejire: "unh...Izu...Izuku!" jolting up...sitting up from the hospital bed...she's back at U.A 
Recovery girl walks in 
RG: "I see you awake now...thank goodness." 
Nejire: "wheres Izuku!?" worried for her boyfriend 
RG: "calm down...he's doing fact he should be considered lucky...besides the massive intake of smoke he had...otherwise he is fine"
Nejire looks beside her to see RG pull open a curtain...seeing Izuku asleep on the bed with an IV in his wrist 
RG: "But i have a question to ask you" 
Nejire: "hmm?" 
RG: "before we had taken him out of his you know anything about the scars all over his body?" 
Nejire: "what?" as she slightly lifts his arm pulling the sleeve back a little to see the starting point of his scars...
RG: "this one here...this is one of his skin has calloused and grown hard...some welts and bumps are present as well...cuts, massive pigmentation of the skin...all of them seem to be the cause from either him playing with fire...a some permanent scarring..." seeing another part of his torso...
Nejire: "my god" 
RG: "i tried to get him to tell me where he got them...but he refused to give me an answer" 
Izuku: "and i still won't...and don't ask her either..i didn't tell her anything" and she looks back at her and she stays quiet 
RG: "very well should be lucky your sister found you on time...if she didn', Miss Hado and Togata would've been stuck in that building" 
Izuku growled 
RG: "i know from your sister that you both aren't on good terms right now" 
Izuku: "quite an understatement" 
Nejire: "zuzu" and he looks at her...she was worried 
Izuku: "right...that is correct..." keeping his cool 
RG: "well..i'll let the others know you two are awake i'll be right back" and she exits the room...silence is what filled the room...except for the fan in the background...and the boring white dull room that needs some form of decorating 
Nejire: "how are you feeling?" 
Izuku: "like i just smoked a 30 foot long cigar" 
Nejire: "hehe...your boss made it out along with a lot of your co workers" 
Izuku: "mm" 
Nejire: "I saw the Bogeyman there" 
Izuku looks at her: "what" 
Nejire: "yeah...and it's as bad as i thought it would turn out...he'd figured out Mirios quirk so easily that he beat him in less than a minute...worse part was that he seemed to be unaffected by flames...from what i heard from the was scared me" 
Izuku just listens 
Nejire: "I have the Number two..and Number five...Miruko..who also joined in..we had him much as i don't like your sister...even when she was there...we barely did any damage...then...there's still a lot..but..i.. i don't want to remember it" 
Izuku didn't know what to say...of course from her point of view she has no idea that very person who scared ironically the one she is in love he has to choose his words carefully and has to make sure he doesn't appear suspicious at all so in this time he did what he can...and he reached out to grab her hand...of course there's a decently spaced area between them..but he doesn't care...he figured that's not going to work so he got up and he walked up to her 
Nejire: " need to stay in bed" 
Izuku: "no" and he just sits in the chair next to her bed...and he brings the IV with him...and he just holds on to her hand to comfort her 
Izuku: "...Nej i honestly don't know how i could be of any use on your situation..sure i could listen...i could tell you that it's going to be alright...but...even then i worry that one could be one miscalculated move..and you could get a full on hit from that thing...and...based on this guys strength..i'm sure he could give deatharms a run for his money...I'm not sure on what to do..." 
Nejire: "I could say the same thing...what frightened me was for one moment..we were having a great moment for your success...a celebration...where all of us was happy...and in a flash..just...turned into a disaster...when you tried to find more people...only to get trapped under that rubble..if we were just a second late...i...I would've lose the one person who means a lot to me...the one person..who understands me the most...who can tolerate me...and deal with my flaws...and i'm sure that's how you feel..right?" and he nods 
Izuku: "all the time...i still always wondered on why you choose me...even when you did explained it to still leaves me baffled on that...I still get glares from the guys's hilarious believe me...but i just...have a low opinion on myself...but even then...i just knew...that everything in that moment that for once..i could just enjoy something i earned...but then's like the world hates they send some fucking mutated birdman to ruin everything...i think the world of you Nejire...whenever i feel like i'm having a bad day...i just...think about one of our hangouts with everyone...or just me and you...doing things you like to drag me in...but i have to do keep me on my feet" 
Nejire: "i feel the same way...even though people may say your the complete polar opposite of help me concentrate...and when i'm out training..i think of the helpful hints and exercise sessions we sometimes have...that if i have a bad day i also a big hunk to lay on" teasing him 
Izuku: "big hunk" 
Nejire: "unless you want to be some other name" 
Izuku: "that's fine...but right now...i'm" and she pulls on his arm 
Nejire: "lay with me" 
Izuku: "You know Recover is going to hit me with the cane right?" 
Nejire: "aww...come on!" 
Izuku: "nej" 
Nejire: "here boy!" as she tries to pull him 
Izuku: "You and i both know we can't...i rather not have you get detention" 
Nejire: "aww poppycock" 
Izuku: "but hey...doesn't mean we can do this at your place" 
Nejire: "...true...alright...after we're done here" 
Izuku: "alright...and hey" 
Nejire: "hmm?" he leans down to kiss her 
Izuku: "I love you" and she blushes 
Nejire: "loveyoutoo!" she quickly said smiling wider now 
Izuku gets up and he heads back to his bed...just in time Recovery just entered with 
Mirio: "hey guys" seeing him having a brace on...and Tamaki was quiet as usual 
Nejire: "hey" 
Izuku: "yo" 
Tamaki: "well...seems we have a lot to talk about " 

TV: "tonight on the daily news...hero killer captured...tells that we live in a false society 
"good evening ladies and Gentlemen i am your host for the night and for the top story today is about the recent attack on Hosu city that had just occured at the destruction occured it was also followed along with the hero killer who seemed to have a one sided battle with the number two pro hero Endeavor..who sought him out and detained him at the scene of the crime...all the while the group that calls themselves the L.O.V or League Of Villains have release about five to seven of these creatures that have been causing the most damage to the city...from destroying buildings to attacking the civilians which resulted in a large loss of is undetermined if the hero killer is actually in league with the LOV or now..but one is certain is that he is also allied with the nightmare you call..the Bogeyman" showing a picture of Izuku in his villain outfit..from a CCTV camera...attacking the heroes 
"Witness say that he wasn't seen until he was right behind he was conjured up right could say on who is he?..and how is he tied to the hero killer?...what is his goal now...will he strike again? and if so are the heroes even prepared to fight a being like him?...only time will tell-" 
then it turns off 
Aizawa: "good..he took most of the credit" refering to Endeavor being the main topic...his students aren't mentioned anywhere...but it doesn't mean he's giving them the death stare 
Aizawa: "so from what i'm understanding is you decided to act recklessly and attack not only the hero killer...but also the Bogeyman" 
lida: "Sensei it is my fault that i have dragged Izumi into this...It was in my fit off rage..with what happened to my brother that i-" 
Aizawa: "that you wanted nothing but revenge for him...which is completely not the way of a hero...and i'm sure if your brother found out about what really happened..he would say that would be the stupidest thing you have done" 
Izumi: "it wasn't his fault...he was angry..he was grieving" 
Aizawa: "I want nothing from you i know you had helped Izumi rescue her brother...but it doesn't let you off the fact you abandoned the hero who was interning you and he had to face off a couple of NOMUs alone" 
Izumi: "if didn't intercept in time Stain would've killed lida!" 
Aizawa: "I heard the time you return to two will report directly to me...about your upcoming final exams...because your principal sees something in you both i cannot expel you both...if i had the choice i would've...but are on thin ice" and he leaves 
Izumi: "if i was late just a second...two inches would've been a huge difference...he could've killed you...i just don't understand why he doesn't see it!" 
lida: "it is best to leave it be to not add fuel to the fire" 
Izumi: "fine" 
lida: "good" as he readjusts his glasses 

Shigaraki: "well that seemed to have gone better" 
Kurogiri: "well as you was focused on them" 
Shigaraki: "seeing them cover up the fact that students were also caught up in the pathetic" 
Kurogiri: "anymore plans you like to set up?" 
Shigaraki: "for now i need to think it over...look over the schedule once more...see where this could lead us to...however we are one short of a be best to bring in more units to the party" 
Kurogiri: "i will have Giran look into it...shall i notify Midoriya?" 
Shigaraki: "eh let it be a surprised...want to get on his nerve for a bit" 
Kurogiri: "I see...very well then Young Tomura..i will conduct a search into your request" and he leaves now...
Ochako: "more members?" 
shigaraki: "yes..besides that..heard you did well on the assault" 
Ochako: "hmm?..oh..thank you" 
Shigaraki: "your becoming quite the and Dabi are the main MVPs currently" 
Ochako: "just don't let Midoriya hear you say that" 
Shigaraki: "he's a whole different story...he is getting our materials to turn him into something Sensei is striving for...and once everything falls in place...we shall reveal ourselves to the heroes once more...and thus..i will have my revenge on that bastard All Might" 
Ochako: "edgy" 
Shigaraki: "shut up" 

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