Undying Hatred

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Ochako: "come on..come on!" as she finally caught up with Izuku...he was no doubt in any way...sane...
Izuku: "no...no" as he growls out...he clenches his head...a fire was lit in the middle of the chamber that was there
Ochako: "izuku..come on..listen!" 
Izuku: "No..NO...NO!" 
Ochako: "it's okay!...you don't have to be afraid..i'm not going to leave you..not this time!" 
Izuku: "NO...hehehehehehe....you..you don't know..YoU.DoN'T kNoW...ANYTHING!!...NEVER!!...Never..heeheeheehee!" giggling out 
Ochako: "I know that you saved my life...and i will never betray your trust!" 
Izuku: "NEVER!! hehehehahaha" 
Ochako then slowly walks towards him...knowing his condition..he needs to be comforted right now
Ochako: "how long has it been like this?...the insanity" trying to take a simple approach 
Izuku: "months and months...through victory my chains can be broken..the Chains... the chains that was the easy part..it's...what goes on up here that's hard!" pointing at his head...as he started sobbing..to not transition to a full on laughter...
Ochako "we have been through a lot together Izuku...but your not alone anymore..I'm here to help you..we can get you out of this state..you just need to trust me...do you remember why you're doing this?" 
Izuku: "alwaysrememberiamfearalwaysrememberiamhunteralwaysrememberiamfilth...Always remember..I am nothing!" as he hisses and then sees he's holding a small locket...
Ochako: "what is that?" as he keeps it close to him..like it's the one thing keeping him alive...
Izuku: "youstayaway" 
Ochako: "shh...did...did eri give it to you?" 
Izuku: "NNgh!!" 
Ochako: "Izuku where's eri?" wrong question as he went back into his hysteria 
Ochako: "Who...who took her Izuku.." 
Izuku: "Heroes!" growling out with venom and disgust 
Izuku: "HeRoES!" as he still crawls around and clings on to his head muttering 
Ochako: "Your taking control!"   
Izuku: "I must ask for Mercy, Sensei...Mercy is a lie...AdelusionoftheweaktomakethemselvesstrongIaskfornomercy" then he continued to mutter again 
Ochako: "what is it!....Izuku what are you saying!?" trying to get through to him then suddenly
Izuku: "And through the filth...Through the grief...HEROES!!!" as he rushed towards her and grabbed her as he yelled out heroes loudly his eyes widened...and he slowly lets go...
Izuku: "Revenge...I must have revenge" gritting his teeth as his eyes glow much more intense...
Ochako didn't dare to say anything as he steadies his breathing for a bit 
Izuku: "where are they...Ochako: 
Ochako: "the plan...they're going to infiltrate Tartarus..."  
Izuku: "Tartarus!?" he hissed out...looking away for a moment....thinking about something...mumbling a couple of words that are too scrambled for her to understand...
Izuku: "no...they would be going there...butit'stheonlywayyoucouldmakethemregretbetrayingyou...they knew what i was going through...notoncebuttwiceyouhadbeenabandoned...yes...yes this will work...it will work..." then he turns back to Ochako 
Izuku: "You...will lead me there...but know i will kill you should you toy with me" and she nods...
Ochako: "noted" then he turns away 
Izuku: "when will it take place...when?" he whispered the last word out 
Ochako: "It's...it's going to be within the next week...after the festival subsided" 
Izuku: "yes yes...i know...i've seen her...i've seen her" 
Ochako: "her?...are you talking about Nejire?" 
Izuku: "DONT SAY HER NAME!!" shouting suddenly causing her to stagger back a bit...his angered expression softens 
Izuku: "I...I don't want to remember...what...what i did" slumping down looking at his hands...recalling that battle with her...
Ochako now regaining her bravery...slowly approaches him 
Izuku: "I used to have dreams once...but..I don't...remember what it was...just...a mess...but...seeing her...bloodied...battered beyond near recognition...and seeing her blood drip off my hands...I" his breathing became heavy as he slowly begins to descend into another episode now crying again...Ochako goes up to him..and embraces him in a hug...
Ochako: "I know...I know" having no one else in there...he gives in and returns the gesture...
Ochako: "we're going to help you Izuku...we're going to help you" 

Jirou: "so that's what happened" 
Momo: "apparently...she's...getting out of hand now...i worry for her and i hope it doesn't get worse" 
Kirishima: "I mean do you really blame her?" 
Momo: "i don't...but it keeps going..she's going to end up taking it out on all of us...and as her friend..we have to do something to keep her mind off it" 
Jirou: "well what do you propose we do?" 
"I say take her out to a movie" and the trio looks towards the doorway to see Mirio and Tamaki there 
Mirio: "take her out...go for a movie...eat...talk about things...it should help cool her down" 
Momo: "is that all?" 
Tamaki: "It may not seem much...but it used to be a daily routine when we hang out a lot..before all this started....if it goes alright then it should cool her nerve for a moment" 
Jirou: "and Eri?" 
Mirio: "we got her...me and Tamaki we'll take care of her" 
Jirou: "alright then....so that's a plan in set" 
Momo: "but we need to figure out how to get her to the mall without it being to obvious" 
Tamaki: "there's a new flavor out in the Bakery in the mall..she likes Macaroons..mention it and she'll eventually cave in to it...Yu will be there so your set" 
Momo: "alright...any objections?" looking at the others and they shook their heads 
Momo: "alright i'll see if anyone else would like to join in...maybe...hmm..." 
Jirou: "who did you have in mind?" 
Mirio: "I know that look...she knows what's she's doing" 
Tamaki: "we're counting on you..." and they take their leave 
Jirou: "so..now comes the hard part...who's going to ask her?" and they shuddered from the thought of it..especially her look after she talked with Izumis parents...they hope it won't botch like every other time they want to do something together....hopefully

Stain: "so...tell me...what did a kid like you do to get into a place like this" 
Mustard: "nothing much...just using chemical warefare as my means of offense..and a pistol..can't go wrong with a pistol" 
Stain: "Basically your a soldier from WWI...hmph" then the doors open to the warden entering 
"Place them in the cells next to them...make it easier for the rest of us" as the two cell door open came in 
Stain: "ah so they finally caught up with your stupid antics...Gentle" 
Gentle remain silent...and they lock it up as the warden looks back at them Stain gets down from his bed and walks right up to the glass
Stain: "So warden...when's the next batch of bodies coming in" 
"you keep your mouth shut hero killer..." and he walks off...as the guards now just keep the place occupied...leaving them in nothing but a boring cell...
La Brava: "Mister Gentle?" asking him...but he remains silent 
Stain: "hmph...so who did you drag along with your idiotic crimes...some kid" 
La Brava: "don't drag his name in the mud you fiend" 
Gentle: "La Brava" and she stops...
Stain: "now he speaks up" Mustard sits up having nothing better to do and he just wants to listen in on the conversation...Mr Compress...well he's asleep
Gentle walks right up to the glass 
Stain: "well then...so how did it feel to have your ass handed once more...this time your not in some regular prison...but in fact...the one prison that not even the strongest villains could escape from" 
Gentle: "and don't think i'm not aware of what you 'created' Stain...you and i both know you don't have a right to speak about justice or order when in fact you created the very thing you swore to destroy..." 
Stain: "what?" 
Gentle: "sorry a little monologue...but in any case I heard a very particular rumor..that he will strike again...and this time..it's certain that he will not just kill heroes..but all those who stand in his way...once more i rather not be caught up in the crossfire...but knowing him...i wouldn't stand a chance against him" 
Stain: "LOV is to blame for that...he used to be quirkless and just had brute strength he gained from training non-stop...now he's just some abomination...whatever it may be...nothing can change it now...
Mustard: "okay this is getting repetitive...i'm going back to sleep" 
Gentle: "such a vulgar room...as if you expect me to live in this enclosed space forever" 
Stain: "well have a seat..we're going to be here for a while" 
La Brava looks at gentle and he just smiles reassuring her regardless of the situation they are in now...she does the same 
Stain: 'i have to get out of here...' 

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