Gigantomachia vs the Bogeyman

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Gigantomachia: "BOGEYMAN!!!" as Izuku swings to the next building he was grabbed and then smashed into the ground...then stomped grinding his foot on him...chains pop out of it and he stumbles away breaking the chains off 
as the chains lift him out and he was bent in an unnatural position...before everything snapped back into position as the others in the background see him readjust himself 
Jirou: "holy fuck" seeing how monstrous he looks now...the thermite pouring off him...but this time it was acting started to pool around pouring water on top of him...and then he released the white it now suddenly felt cold?...Jirou can see her breath and then...wind?! it now started to become very windy...looking down she realized...frost started to grow on her boot..
Jirou: "Shit we need to go!" as they see what's happening they understood what it means...
Izuku: "so you're the so called great weapon All For One seem like a nuisance than anything overrated giant from the old age...taste the power...of a true weapon of war!" useing all of his quirks he now releases more power....he detaches his arms and then reattached them...his first one creating to what seems to be a ball of thermite..and the other was covered in frost as he now brings up his hammer in hand...and now he wraps a chain around his hand...and then started to propel himself up towards the he looks right at him and he did the same...
Momo couldn't help but be in complete awe at the immense power he has...they had such a hard time to even make him stumble..and here he is...knocking him right off just using Kirishima then he attacked...wait..KIRISHIMA! desperately looking around to find her friend...she then hears another boom...
Eri: "papa!" she cried out to him 
Momo: "come on eri we need to go" 
Eri: "papa!" now picking her up she tries to find Kirishima...

(Just thought it would fit, again it's optional to play it)

as the red skies has dimmed...the ashes stopped falling...soon...
*drip* it has started to rain lightly...chaos has Izuku felt the rain pelting him and the giant in front of he grips his hammer tighter...letting the thermite surround his steam is coming off of bringing a chain out of his back..with one of the many arms he running to jump off the roof he uses the chains to grapple on and then swing off to then grapple on to the beast but he immediately rips the chain off he fires another to wrap around his arm as he tries to hit him..he hits another building and Izuku runs up along his arm...and then gets up to his reel back and swing his hammer to hit him back...but again it started to heal quickly as he then goes in for another attack..this time he uses the thermite to hit him with...soon Gigantomachia regains his stance and then managed to get a grip on him...
Gigantomachia: "now die" trying to go for Izukus head he then detaches both of the back arms and the thermite and frost mix together to create an explosion getting him to release his he again fires a chain and propels himself forward and then swing upward...bringing his pommel down to stab his lower jaw hearing him roar in he tried to get him off...Izuku fires more chains to wrap around him...but it was broken through easily...jumping back he rolls on the rooftop and he throws his hammer to hit him again...then pull the chain to pull it back into his Gigantomachia continues to rampage through the buildings he's on...and then the other places as well..ignoring all the observers in the area as he then now jumps off again and sees a car heading towards him...emitting thermite again he swings his hammer and breaks it in the giant starts throwing more debris at him and he hits them off...with each one he struggles to catch up with getting more agitated as he charges towards him...but then he was struck by a car and it slams him into another building...and to add to explodes as he jumps out of the flames he is pissed even more frost surrounded him and it became like spikes....protruding from both his arms and he emits more thermite...pooling around him as he lets his rage grow even more...then he screamed out in multiple chains came out in front of him and they squirm and twitch like it was trying to escape from his each one started to glow and others started to freeze over...Gigantomachia had enough and tried to cut of his focus and interrupt whatever he was doing...but that was his intentions all Gigantomachia stomps on him..he pointed the chains upward and two of them went through his foot...and once that happened...both chains came into contact...causing a massive reaction which blew a hole into his foot 
Gigantomachia: "GAHH!!!" then he kicks him Izuku goes into another building...he struggles to get back he uses a chain to help himself up...he started to gag...and then...he threw up blood...some even looking like sludge which was gross...
Izuku: "it's started....I...don't have a lot of time left...the cells are dying quicker than i thought" as he coughs up another black blob...looking back at the damn annoyance...the injury he gave him wasn't healing rapidly...
Gigantomachia: "NO one...could harm me." 
Izuku: "Until now hehehe" as he makes more of the chains...he as the two were about to face off again...he was he went through another wall he looks up to see 
Miruko: "times up more more hiding!" as followed with her were other the giant was being occupied by  Endeavor and then Izuku more of them gather up...
Izuku: "can't just have a normal battle as well..*gag*" then he throws up again 
Miruko: "kid come on...look at what's happening to you...stop it!" 
Izuku: "NO...not...not until i kill EVERYONE..Who's wronged me...their blood will be spilled on this goddamn piece of trash you call a have no other choice then" as he lets out another chain another wall broke as Nejire caught with him...with her lance of course no energy was emitted but that doesn't mean it hurted...knocking the hammer out of his hand...and Miruko caught it...she struggled with it a bit but it was nothing with how the situation is right now...
Aizawa: "it's over...the League of Villains have been destroyed..there is nothing left you to fight for" 
Momo: "all of them have been turned over in the police" seeing her enter...
Nejire: "mm" as she keeps her stance ready...looking over to see he was completely surrounded...while the heroes were fighting Gigantomachia...they then see Katsumi...Shoka...their idiot brothers...and then...
Izuku: "Izumi" not even looking behind him...he can feel the desire for revenge in her...which of course caused him to smile even more 
Izumi: "I...I will make will never hurt another innocent soul again..." 
Izuku: "how really think that once i'm dead everything will go back to normal? of that will ever happen...even if i die today...tomorrow is a new day for fear...I am the last survivor...and i will thrive in the chaos that is to come..." 
Mirio: "ENOUGH!!" as the building rumbles started to collapse...Gigantomachia was seen being knocked over into the the dust filled the area...the flames building up in the could it have lead into could such evil exist..even when good had the disadvantage the whole time...
Izumi: 'he's right' how will they continue to return things back to what it used to can they be so ignorant...
as the dust cleared
Nejire: "Is everyone...*cough*...okay!?" looking Gigantomachia remained motionless...
Miruko: "what the?...he shouldn't be could" 
Endeavor: "stay on guard...Midoriya is still around here" 
"Exactly" as they look up at the flames surrounding Gigantomachia Izuku crawls out of a giant hole in his chest and walked out of it like it didn't even exist
Izuku: "You know...i should've killed you years ago..Izumi...before i became this...thing...i should've just slit your throat that night" 
Izumi: "well too bad...everything and everyone is against really think your going to get out of this alive!?" 
Izuku: "hehehehehe....i'm already a dead father give me strength" as he pulled it his hands...Nejire gasped along with her friends 
Mirio: "NO!" as Miruko also sees it....the black vial..
Izumi: "DAMN IT!" as she tried to use her was too late...
Izuku: "GAH!!" as he injected the black vial...Izumi pulled out the vial but it was empty
Nejire: "no" she whimpered out...
Aizawa: "STOP HIM!!" as Izuku now started to gag and throw up...the white frost then blew them back...
Izuku: "GRRAHH!!!!!!!!!" as his scream echoed in the city..being the loudest it has ever been...the black veins grew he screams the thermite and white frost created a it grew larger they had to retreat...he was still screaming...even to a point as it cracks...then his skin started to crack and peel stopped...
Izumi: "*gasp*...oh no" as the storm cleared 
Nejire: "Izuku" now walking out of it...they see him still standing on top of the giants corpse
Izuku: "*growl*" hissing out as they now look in fear at his new power...his legs...arms...and the lower part of his jaw...was green scales...similar to that of a dragon...claws and sharp talons protruding out from each finger and foot...the jaw region that had sharp teeth that could rip through flesh like the scariest of all was his eyes...slit like a cats...his chest glowing a bright blue...and he just laughs 
Izuku: "HEROE, VILLAINS, ONE AND ALL...BEAR WITNESS!!!!!!!!!!!" screaming out as he breath out blue fire into the up the entire area

behold Izuku Midoriya..the fallen son of Firedrake

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