Dwindling past

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"Mommy mommy!" in the distance..on a nice cool autumn day in Mustafa...near the park a group of kids playing on the playground...of course it was active as you could imagine it...kids playing hide and seek, tag, or any other game they could think off...even the parents would take part in it...all except for one...and he was sitting alone on the swing set...and that was Izuku Midoriya...recently beaten again by his fellow 'friends'...saying once more that it was for his own good...why can't they just let him pursue his dreams? why treat him like he was some sort of animal trying to escape...as much as he tried to tell his parents about it...they would just shrug it off or just flat out ghost him as he never even existed to them...he tried to break through until one day he had enough and threw a plate at his father....to of course got him in trouble...saying he has no reason to act like that...that it's not heroic behavior..in which angered him even more...knowing what he said to him about his dreams...which made him nearly snapped...
he slowly swings...feeling the breeze of the wind hit him...which in turn made him wince feeling the wounds on him reacting to the wind...he tried his best to not cry...he tells himself that it's a waste of energy, that it's not needed at all...he needs to be stern and unbreakable...but even he knew he can't help it
"Mommy who is that boy?" hearing one of the kids there he looks up to see them pointing at him 
"don't bother him..he's just a quirkless boy" seeing that he was well known for being quirkless...due to...well never using his 'quirk'...since he had none...once again he was treated differently like everyone else...he wished he had one...wished that if it could one day awaken..then he wouldn't have to be alone anymore..his parents would acknowledge him...his sister and friends would stop bully him...he could pursue his dreams of being a hero...and most of all..be like All Might...be the best hero there is...
Izuku: "and yet it has come down to this" as the young Izuku then looks up to see...himself...looking as monstrous as ever...the chains flowing in the wind...the thermite and frost emitting from his body along with the black veins and glowing yellow eyes that peer into any soul...the hammer that has long bathed in the blood of the innocent and also his enemies...
Izuku: "how much we had hoped...we were too forgiving..something the world didn't deserve" as the young version of himself couldn't form words seeing him 
Izuku: "and how speechless you can become...no matter how much we cried...and screamed...and fought back..we always lost...but that's the cycle isn't it...just one sad quirkless boy who couldn't be like his idol...and that our sister who we as the older sibling was supposed to act like a role model...abused us" 
Young Izuku: "No..your wrong!" 
Izuku: "and her friends too joined in on the fun...left us laying there in nothing but a blanket of pain...and suffering...the man we lived in that house in wasn't just our step father...but our idol..not once...but twice he shattered our dreams..our last hope of being the best hero there is...our mother...lying about our dads death...the times she would talk to him...pretend he sent us gifts...was all her deceiving us...how pathetic" now his younger self started to cry 
Izuku: "and her...our little light of hope..or two...if you want to wish it..we 're just like them..we deceived them...lied to them...abandoned them like how we were...we wished it didn't happened but it did...we hurt her beyond to a point that even we stopped ourselves from continuing...that it was all too much for us to bear...even when we were with people that was like us...we still managed to get used up like a tool..and get cast aside like nothing...how much i wanted to kill them then and there...but now..we have one last push" 
Young Izuku: "we...we could still change!...we can change for the better!...we don't have to harm anymore...please...we can't keep doing this to ourselves" 
Izuku then slowly stands back up...as he was solemn about the whole thing...he slowly backs up by two steps 
Izuku: "as much as i would love to imagine it...it could never happen...not after all that we did...after...what i did...we can never change...it made us this way..and now we're paying the price for it...and now...it is my reason...my calling...to do it alone..." now quickly swinging his hammer overhead...hitting his younger version...everything around him now turned into a void...

then he woke up

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